

EduBirdie team initiated a campaign with four bright murals to spotlight students' struggles with Academic Burnout. We are to raise problem awareness: the way out exists, and we want to show you the direction.

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Our Goal

Burnout is typically associated with workload, but it affects college students too. It is life-saving to seek help when experiencing academic burnout to eliminate or better prevent negative impacts on one's mental and physical health, thus, academic performance.

The EduBirdie team has initiated a campaign to address the growing problem of student Academic Burnout. We are dedicated to raising awareness about this real and pervasive issue. Our mission is both to attract attention to the problem and help students find solutions. Join us to find #wayoutofburnout and contribute to students' well-being!

Come To See Us


EduBirdie conducted a survey and gathered responses from 5,274 college students in the U.S., regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, or spoken languages. We aimed to understand college students' current mental health state comprehensively. You have to know the problem close to offering the best solutions, right?

The survey results were concerning: 83% of respondents reported feeling stressed due to academic demands at least once in the past year. Meanwhile, stress impacts everything from sleep and appetite to time management and relationships.

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  • 89%

    lack quality time for studies and feel overwhelmed.

  • 48%

    missed classes or pretended to be sick because of academic stress.

  • 31%

    said academic stress hurt their relationships with friends and family.

  • 61%

    had experienced anxiety and sleep problems because of academic stress.

  • 14%

    felt “being on edge,” and 9% intentionally injured themselves.

How Was

The EduBirdie team is committed to helping you follow your passions and motivations by prioritizing things that truly matter to you. Together with Lady Pink team, graffiti artists who delivers important messages using the language of art, we initiated a project to address Academic Burnout and support students facing this widespread challenge.

How to avoid burnout

Share your story to join #wayoutofburnout movement

Share your story to join #wayoutofburnout movement

You're not alone! Check mates' experiences

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Raise awareness and contribute to wellbeing

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About us

EduBirdie, all-in-one website for all student needs.

We believe that education is fueled by passion, and students should have the freedom to prioritize what truly matters to them. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the opportunity to pursue what motivates you.

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