Online APA Newspaper Article Citation Generator for Free

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Tips to use the citation generator

Choose the citation style

Follow your professor's guidelines or consult your university's website.

Doublecheck the source

Ensure correct rules for different sources like websites, articles, books. Edit or manually create citations if required.

Check the citation fields

Verify the automatically filled fields with your source. Make edits as needed.

Generate your citation

Confirm style, source, and fields, then generate your citation. Don't forget to create and download your paper's reference list.

What is APA Newspaper Article Citation

APA, aka, American Psychological Association, is a style of documentation widely used in premier universities and colleges. This format also serves the purpose of formatting papers and scholarly journal articles by providing a comprehensive system of citations and references.

 You should remember that you have to know how to format your bibliography by hard, including APA newspaper article citation to succeed in your academic or scholarly writing. Once we made it clear why APA and its newspaper citations are relevant, let’s take a look at how these citations are formatted.

Process of Citing a Newspaper Article APA

All you need to know in the first place is that newspaper citation will remind you of other periodical sources formatted in this style of documentation. When it comes to the basic rules of APA newspaper article citation, don’t forget about the following requirements:

  • Include specific publication date if available
  • Write the name of a newspaper in Italic
  • If you have accessed an article online, include a URL instead of page numbers
  • Since not all elements may be found in particular newspapers, don’t forget to use the information that is only available from a reference itself
  • Be sure to distinguish between online newspapers and the ones published directly online, which are to be discussed below
  • Take a closer look at the number of authors of newspaper article, which is crucial for references in this style

APA Citation Newspaper Article: Sixth and Seventh Editions

What makes the seventh edition of APA to be distinct from the sixth one is the way it addresses an indication of pages. While it was more common to indicate page numbers in the format “p” and “pp,” the seventh edition focuses more on the references to newspapers’ sections in press (A1, B2, C4, etc.) Other notable changes that relate to APA newspaper article citation include:


6th edition

7th edition

Pages in the reference list in newspaper articles in the press “p” and “pp”  A1, B2, C4
Publisher location Always included in books Not needed
The in-text citation with three authors is always shortened to (Hanks, George, & Williams, 2012) (Hanks, et al., 2012)
URLs Retrieved from Not needed
Surnames in the reference lists Up to 7 Up to 20

Before we move on with all the nuances in formatting APA newspaper article citation of the seventh addition don’t forget to take a look at the basic citation rules:

Basic Format: Author (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Title of Newspaper, pages
Reference List: Hanks, B. (2012, July 12). What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? New York Times, p. 12

In-text citation: 

As indicated in the article regarding … (Hanks, 2012)
In an article, Hanks (2012) found out …

Before you start asking questions about this basic citation, be sure to remember that different newspaper articles depending on their publication source are referenced differently. It is quite common to distinguish four main categories, including articles in print, online pieces, database, and the ones published directly online. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Newspaper article in print

It often happens in print press that newspapers are divided into sections, such as A1, B2, C4. In that sense, always include letters when page numbers in print are formatted accordingly. If you’re wondering what a typical citation for an article in print looks like, let’s take an example of the article we cited for our basic formatting rules:

Hanks, B. (2012, July 12). What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? New York Times, A1, B2, B3

Cite online newspaper article in APA

Without a doubt, the online press is steadily replacing the printed one thanks to the development and popularization of the Internet. While the only difference in this style of formatting relates to the use of URL, one still has to know such a small detail to format a citation properly. A typical citation, based on our example, would look like:

Hanks, B. (2012, July 12). What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? New York Times. NYTimes.

How to cite a newspaper article APA from a database

When it comes to databases, some newspaper articles, especially the older ones, can only be accessed from specialized databases. You should be aware that these citations are not that different from the ones you would be asked to format in terms of online publications. Once again, if we return back to our example, a typical citation from a database would include the following:

Hanks, B. (2012, July 12). What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? New York Times. NYTimes.

Cite a newspaper article APA from the article published directly online

This might seem a bit confusing for people who are experimenting with newspaper citations for the first time. A distinctive feature of this style of formatting is that you are able to find an article you cite exclusively on the Web. Hence, a typical citation will look like this:

Hanks, B. (2012, July 12). What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? SomeWebsite. SomeWebsite.

Number of Authors in APA Newspaper Citation

One of the other relevant criteria relates to the number of authors of a specific newspaper article. The same applies to APA newspaper article citation, which is to be explained as follows.

One author

Referencing of only one author will be no different from the examples we mentioned above:

Hanks, B. (2012, July 12). What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? New York Times. NYTimes.

With regard to the in-text citation, (Hanks, 2012) is the right way to refer to the located above piece.

Two to Seven Authors

You should be aware that if citation has from two to seven authors, you are obliged to indicate all of them. The usual in-text citation for two authors will look, as follows: (Hanks & Bryan, 2012). When it comes to the indication in the reference page, be sure to aim for the following formatting:

Hanks, B., & Bryan, L. (2012, July 12). What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? New York Times. NYTimes.

In case you are working with a text that has from three to seven authors, indicate only the first one, followed by et al. abbreviation. In terms of the in-text referencing, your citation will look like this: (Hanks, et al., 2012). The indication in the reference page, in turn, will have to manually include all of the authors. For instance:

Hanks, B., Bryan, L., George, B., & Williams, C. (2012, July 12). What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? New York Times. NYTimes.

More than seven authors

Once you’re working with a text that has more than seven authors, you’ll have to do the same steps as you were doing in the previous section. The only major difference is that after the name of the sixth author in a reference list, write three ellipsis points, alongside the last author’s name.

No author

In case you have a text with no author at all, write down the title of the article. In the reference list, it will look like this:

“What Does It Mean to Be Vegan?” New York Times. NYTimes.

In turn, an in-text citation, you might refer to a text, for instance: In the research conducted by James, it was concluded that … (“What Does It Mean to Be Vegan?” ).

How to Complete News Article Citation

Even though we’ve already explained all nuances of completing newspaper citations in APA style, you might be wondering how to ease this process significantly. To complete virtually any reference you might want to do it either manually or via the use of a generator machine. To cite your sources correctly, don’t forget to take a look at what the best offers in machine citation are. Since we’ve already covered a way to cite your references manually, it might be a decent idea to review machine-based ones.

Using Our APA Newspaper Citation Format Generator

While you can complete all your APA newspaper citation tasks by yourself, it might be easier for you to consider using our citation generator. With its help, you’ll never have to get back to daunting re-readings of the latest edition of any style of documentation you’re asked to format your paper. The main merits of this generator are:

  • Just insert a link, the rest will be completed by a generator
  • Ads-free
  • Works in the blink of an eye
  • Free of charge
  • Options to choose an edition you prefer
  • Works 24/7

With those convincing reasons in mind, do you really want to come back to a process of completing citations by yourself?


Are newspaper citations in APA any different from journal articles?

Yes, you won’t have to write DOIs, nor the names of the academic journals where this article is published.

Do I have to mention all authors in the in-text citation; I have five of them in my article?

No, just indicate the first author, followed by et al. to complete a citation.

Are there major differences in the sixth and seventh edition of APA for news articles?

Not really. The only distinctions relate to the abbreviations in the printed press, URLs, and in-text citations.

Is APA newspaper article citation different depending on the source where it is posted?

Of course! Be sure to distinguish between the printed press and online sources from databases.

Are there any reasons to use your citation generator to cite sources?

Indubitably! Our generator has a range of competitive advantages that would allow you to cope with your APA citations in the blink of an eye.

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