A Technique Of Intellectual Wellness On English Language Learning

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According to WHO Wellness is state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The proper understanding of the value of education is way to bring desired effect and drastic change in the social life. The new challenges of this postmodern era with the advent of information technology can be coping up with respect to physical, emotional, psychological social, financial, intellectual development of an individual. Feeling well-being is fundamental for the social being. The awareness of well-being is acquired from education, but nowadays the ill approach towards education by forgetting quality and value of education is a problematic of the time. So it necessities a systematic change towards a model of holistic learning that is experiential and linked to real life situations, and make the students to realize the situations that enhances the students cooperate what they learned in their everyday life. This paper focuses on the awareness wellness through the integration of body, mind and soul and as it recommends the whole person development or totality of a person, suggestopedia, the super learning method, accelerate learning potential of the students would help to implement in full intellectual wellness in learning and imports learning attitude positively. In the field of language learning, Suggestopedia provide a platform to face the challenges of learning English as a second language and attaining full wellness in language learning and attitude

Good health is not just related with psyche alone, it is tremendously interconnected with body, mind and soul, so as to full wellness is not only free from body aches, it is the joyful unity of a Person’s physical, mental, and spiritual as well. For achieving wellness, one should have to achieve a lot of interrelated components like health, wealth, intellect, behavior, etc. According to World Health Organization, “Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

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But, According to the National Wellness Institute, “Wellness is a conscious self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential.” A person’s full wellness is totally consists of Emotional wellness, environmental wellness, financial wellness, intellectual wellness, occupational wellness, social and spiritual wellness. It is absolutely crucial for maintaining full wellness, in order to obtain a higher quality life. All the activities and every emotions that a person feels, related with the person’s well-being. Hence, our actions and emotions are depended on our well-being. So, wellness matters are important for achieving positive interaction in life. Subdue stress and reduce risk factors of illness.

The field of Education enriches with intellectual wellness. The financial, social and emotional well-being is the major factors related with the achievement in education and is directly intervened with body, mind and soul. A healthy body stimulates the sound thought, it recreates knowledge and it leads towards behavior and finally combined result of body and mind paved a way for spiritual well-being.

Balanced body mind and soul are the three important parts of life for achieving optimal brain health, the ultimate balance of the three regulate the systematic function and well-being of a person., any imbalance happened in one would cause malfunction in other two, if a person suffer in any body ailment or injury or loss this can lead to depression which affects the body as well as the mind. For maintaining physical health, healthy nutrition plays vital role, for example physical exercise is the good practice to boost up ones mood, decrease anxiety as well as to accelerate creation of new brain cells.

Recent researches on cognitive skills suggest that specially designed physical movement are more effective for maintaining or improving cognitive skills e.g. memory, attention, executive function. Yet in turn, if a person leaves high stress without care or not finding way to relieve, it creates body malfunction and it will be the major cause of illness. The third area of human life is soul or spiritual life. Healthy spiritual life doesn’t always have to be related with religion, though people may find great benefit through community activities. There are many scientifically proven spiritual practices common to the multiple religions to improve emotional and physical health. Apart from that spiritual practices can be done in isolation, but often enhanced it through community based i.e. Relationship based, including these, the practice of loving kindness, unconditioned love and practice of forgiveness is well known. Meditation is another scientifically proven way of balancing soul as well as spirits. It decreases stress, improve physical heath and enlarge the size of brain’s cerebrum, the hippocampus. Ancient traditional yoga among multimillenial old health care systems, use as its best that integrate mind, body and spirit.

When these three things are in balance, mind body and soul, brain will be healthier as well. Full wellness in education, how is it possible? How do teachers infect the students’ enthusiasm? The first and the foremost thing are to keep the students away from the educational stress, anxiety, and performance, etc. for these, creating joyful atmosphere in learning is necessary. The selection of or relevant strategies helps to realize such joyful situation.

The basic principle of Suggestopedia, the teaching method aptly adopted for language learning, which focuses on how to deal with relationships between mental potential and teaching efficacy. The aim of the method is to eradicate the psychological barriers and promote positive emotions in learners through stimulating the imaginations and to create optimum conditions for learning different techniques such as relaxation, visualizations, meditations, use of music and rhythm, use of poetry, artwork, song etc. The specialty of the method is learner centered. This method also comforts and sophisticates the students of learning difficulties and Suggestopedia, the method of learning represents,

1. Find the pleasure in learning

The teacher has to rethink how to charge with enthusiasm in students and make the students to understand learning is burden free, joyful and students friendly.

2. Encourage the students to create things

It enhances for peripheral learning. There are limitless choice for them to create things across the curriculum newspapers and magazine brochures, stories, picture books, posters, PowerPoint presentations, interview, oral histories, models , diagrams, blue prints and floor plants, plays and role plays, mock trails, Photographs, paintings, songs, surveys, graphs, documentary videos etc.

3. The student works should be show off

The walls of the classroom speak to the people; it shows that what the students have gone through the school days. The result of their understandings reflects through the wall posters in the classrooms.

4. Comfortable seating and get outside

The seating arrangements should make the students to feel comforts. For e.g. using easy chairs airy and favaourable light etc. fresh air trees and sunny day can do miracles for human spirit, learning in outside the classroom can rejuvenate the learner.. It is delightful for the students to sit under a tree and read or write or have a class meeting or sit in circle for group discussion as ecofriendly way.

5. Read good books and some valuable speech

Everyone likes to read good stories and books, allow them read beyond their texts for their enjoyments.

Principles of suggestopedia

Being one of the humanistic approaches, Suggestopedia is a specific learning method derived from, which Lozanov describes as a “...science...concerned with the systematic study of the non-rational and/or no conscious influences” that human beings are constantly responding to (Stevick, 1976). Concerning the effect of Suggestopedia, Lozanov declares that memorisation in learning through Suggestopedia would be accelerated by up to 25 times over that in conventional learning methods. In Lozanov’s view, the reason for pupil’s inefficiency is due to some psychological barriers of learning such as the fear of being unable to perform, the feeling of in adequacy, or stress should be removed, or it would be the reason for the student’s failure, as a result of the fact that the students do not use the full mental power that they have and the amount of capacity that they are using is not more than five to ten percent of their full capacity. In order to make better use of our mental reserves, the limitations are needed to be “desuggested” (Lasen, 1986).

According to Krashen, in second language acquisition, the only way to acquire is to provide comprehensible input. However, “language acquirers may have a mental block that prevents input from reaching the Language Acquisition Device. An important part of language teaching involves lowering or weakening this block, termed the” (Krashen, 1989s). In this sense, Suggestopedia is just such a teaching method that intends to lower Affective Filter to help learners obtain comprehensible input. Psychologically speaking, Suggestopedia relates a range of theories that intend to describe how attentiveness is manipulated to optimise learning and recall. Within different mental states from sleeping state to anxious state of mind, Lozanov believes that most learning takes place in a relaxed but focused state. This state might be called aware-alert state, and it is claimed that this will lead to “super learning” (Brown 1994). Lozanov acknowledges ties in tradition to yoga and Soviet psychology. From raja-yoga, Lozanov has borrowed and modified techniques for altering stages of consciousness and concentration, and the use of rhythmic breathing. From Soviet psychology, he has taken the notion that all students can be taught a given subject matter at the same level of skill (Richards & Rogers, 1998).

How does suggestopedia classroom differ more from the traditional classroom?

As a particular teaching method, Suggestopedia provides some valuable insights in teaching practice, which are also the advantages of it:

  • Suggestopedia classes take place in an informal setting with the students sitting in easy chairs around their teacher.
  • On the walls of the classroom are travel posters, and list of vocabulary items or grammatical structures.
  • It intended to promote positive feeling towards the students and to encourage peripheral or (unconscious) learning.
  • For the new students one of the first activities will be assume a new identity for the duration of the course. The intension here is for students to forget their own persona (and the negative emotions which may accompany it) and become someone else. This may make them feel less in habited.

Students are then introduced to a lengthy dialogue which is presented in both written and spoken form. Students typically follow the dialogue in the target language with the translation, while learning to their teacher. She/ he modules his /her voice according to the rhythm and pitch of the back ground music. This first reading flowed by the second concert, where it listens again to the eyes closed and the classical music played again in the background. Students are encouraged to become positive and relaxed. Later in the evening and early next day, learner will re-read the dialogue to themselves in preparation for the follow-up activities. These take the form of dramatic reading, role play and reputation work. Students are encouraged to use the new language creatively by games and songs.


Wellness requires primarily positive prospective and values of which to live. It also requires a strong sense of purpose and conscious, deliberate action. Suggestopedia is a pedagogical learning system that combines knowledge of medicine, psychology and pedagogy. Suggestopedia is a system for efficient learning that stimulates simultaneously intellectual activity emotions and physical activity emotions and physical conditions of the person in a positive and spontaneous way, without stress, strain or fatigue, through mental relaxation and by using art. The law of harmony in the universe, which every suggestopedia process must be subjected to harmony, is a major in teaching and learning this is great tutorial for short period of time. The relationship between parts and the whole are in the golden proportion, in the suggestopedia communication process. Learning ability is improved when process of learning cleverly finds the right balance between rhythms, intonations and emotional stimuli etc. Classical art and aesthetics are used in suggestopedia as particularly effective mediators of non-manipulative communicative suggestion; the reason lies in their ability to limit countless non-specific stimuli that nature the abundance of peripheral perceptions, imperceptible to consciousness. Thus suggestopedia paved the way for joyful learning atmosphere by integrating body mind and soul through which we attain the betterment or intellectual wellbeing in our life. The wellness slogan “one day can change your whole life” reminds the hope towards the desired effects of full wellness.

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A Technique Of Intellectual Wellness On English Language Learning. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-technique-of-intellectual-wellness-on-english-language-learning/
“A Technique Of Intellectual Wellness On English Language Learning.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/a-technique-of-intellectual-wellness-on-english-language-learning/
A Technique Of Intellectual Wellness On English Language Learning. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-technique-of-intellectual-wellness-on-english-language-learning/> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
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