Abortion and Religion Essay

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Abortion is not a religious issue, you do not need to believe in God to believe in human rights. However, there is always a prevailing disposition between religious tendencies and abortion views. The impact a person’s religious belief can have on them is significant and it can be permanent. A person who associates themselves with a religious group and is raised as a religious person comes to be more opposed to abortion. On the other hand, people who do not identify with a religious background are more open and willing to discard traditional values with their views on abortion.

All religion has a strong position on abortion, abortion surrounds a profound issue of life and death, right and wrong, and the nature of society and human relationships make it a major religious concern. People involved in an abortion are usually affected very deeply not just emotionally, but also spiritually. This individual often seeks atonement and a way to deal with the guilt they feel. For these people it is not a matter of human and their conscience, but something that is a matter of human and their God. “Unsure of what the balance held I touched my belly overwhelmed by what I had been chosen to perform” Lauryn Hill sings in “To Zion” Lauryn Hill is a perfect representation of someone who was concerned with her God After being pregnant with her first son Zion. Not only was she unwedded but rumors were saying that the father of her child was a married man. Instead of seeing this child as a mistake, sin, or taboo she found a balance and came to terms with the situation. “But then an angel came one day told me to kneel and pray for unto me a man-child would be born Woe this crazy circumstance” Lauryn Hill sings in “To Zion.” When Mary gave birth to Jesus in the bible, we realized how it was a “good” thing that he/she was born. The angel Gabriel appears before Mary and says that she will be the mother of Jesus. In the scriptures, an angel appeared before Sarah and Elizabeth, and the children they gave birth to all ended up special. Lauryn Hill also said that she felt that having her son would also be good in some way, the child was destined and meant to be, and he would also end up being special, meaning her decision to keep him was divine.

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People who do not support abortion like to point out the religious traditions that condemn or prohibit abortion, but no matter how strong the disapproval of abortion is, that has not stopped women from getting it. Raising and giving birth to a child is a very demanding and dangerous prospect for women, so as long as women have to carry the children, women will have the mindset where they believe that ending their pregnancy is the best of all possible options. Some women have been “programmed” to believe that they cannot bring a child into this world without a partner. There is a possibility that it could hinder their career. “But everyone told me to be smart “Look at your career,” they said “Lauryn, baby use your head” But instead I chose to use my heart” Lauryn Hill sings in “To Zion” People told Lauryn that she should have an abortion, it wasn’t that they didn’t want her to have a kids, but not while she was still establishing herself as the new queen of hip pop. Some would have let this negativity get to them “But instead I chose to use my heart” Lauryn Hill sings in “To Zion” Faced with the dilemma of choosing between getting an abortion so that her career would not be hindered by having a child, or keeping the child. They urged Lauryn to get an abortion and use her head because having a child would make it difficult for her to tour and focus solely on her musical career. Ultimately deciding to keep the child who ended up being the joy of her world.

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Abortion and Religion Essay. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-and-religion-essay/
“Abortion and Religion Essay.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-and-religion-essay/
Abortion and Religion Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-and-religion-essay/> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Abortion and Religion Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-and-religion-essay/

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