Abortion Issue In Religion

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Discussions around abortions in religion give a bold however deep variety of opinions, they all contribute the surrounding issues of life and death, the rights and wrongs and nature of society that cause it to be a major religious concern. sufferers of abortion are found to be in a very emotional environment and sometimes face spiritual issues. The victims frequently turn to faith for comfort and to seek compensation to deal with their feelings of guilt. Now that abortion impacts people both physically and mentally, as it involves life and death, arguments about it are find disturbing and unsatisfying. To get a clear understanding of the issue being discussed, to religious perspectives will be looked at.

Abortion in Christian society has a long history, there are a many many different opinions depending on contemporary Christian views and older ones. While there is no prevention of abortion in both old and new testaments it is still looked upon. Some Christians do say that early believers held different beliefs at different times about abortion whereas others say that in spite of silence the new testament condemned abortion at any point to be a significant sun. It is difficult to pin the exact view that the religion holds as it is extremely broad amongst the religion which it brings it down to where the morals and ethics lie between each individual.

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The other religion being discussed is Buddhism. Buddhism is a perfect example because it looks at abortion differently. Buddhists are expected to take full responsibility for everything they do and for the repercussions that follow. The choice to abort is therefore a highly personal one, and requires an sensitive exploration of the issues involved, and a prepared to carry the hardship of whatever happens as a result of the decision. The consequences of the choice made will depend on the motive and intention behind the decision, and the level of mindfulness with which it was taken. However depending on the intent on the abortion is what classes it between breaking the law of the religion or not, for example it is permissible if the mother decides to abort if she knows that the child will be suffering and disadvantaged, on the other hand it would be considered murder if they aborted the baby solely because they didn’t want it.

Personally, I do agree with some aspects that Buddhism provide around abortion. As I do believe abortion should be accepted, I still believe that it should not be abused upon, for example I think if someone is getting an abortion because it was an accident the responsibility should be on them as it is their own fault. On the other hand, however, say a woman was raped and impregnated I think she has every right to get an abortion as it was not intended. Overall, I find abortion a very sensitive subject as there are many different perspectives surrounding it however personally I think it should only be utilized in very extreme conditions.

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Abortion Issue In Religion. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-issue-in-religion/
“Abortion Issue In Religion.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-issue-in-religion/
Abortion Issue In Religion. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-issue-in-religion/> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Abortion Issue In Religion [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-issue-in-religion/

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