Adolf Hitler's Use of the Power of Words

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Adolf Hitler is deemed perhaps the modern era's most wicked man. His vile and cruel acts are understanding known to all. Likewise, Hitler's name has become a symbol of evil. However, what many often forget is that Hitler was not only a cold-blooded tyrant, but also a great man-made persuader. He personally saw to the deaths of millions, including the Near extermination of the Jewish race while maintaining the German people's full backing.

Hitler began to unleash his propaganda on all of Germany. He had previously used his persuasiveness to establish himself in the Nazi Party and gain supporters, but his persuasive style was not fully manifested until he was a dictator. The persuasive approach of Adolf Hitler was designed on the principle of treating the German people as a collective and not as individuals

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As a dictator Hitler started to systematically remove and deny human and civil rights. He created public measures that he left to his subordinates to carry out primarily. To ensure that none of them were to try a coup, he gave them authority to fight with one another, so that none would ever achieve sufficient power to dethrone him. Hitler left his consultants with a comprehensive domestic policy, Hitler began focusing primarily on foreign policy. He used his amazing capacity to understand others ' moods and his capacity to use these observations to manipulate individuals to his own advantage. Without firing a single shot, he was able to negotiate Rhineland and Czechoslovakia's annexation to Germany.

The constant use of trigger words by Hitler helped him retain his audience's backing and attention and caused them to be extremely enthusiastic about his speeches. These words added to Hitler's tactics of persuasion by generating word association. He used terms that carried power when referring to Germany. When he spoke of enemy countries or Jews and Marxists, he used phrases that alluded to weakness, his favourite being pacifist; he used this word to refer to anything he disagreed with. To Hitler, the ultimate show of weakness was pacifism.

The 'either-or' fallacy was another device that Hitler used during his speeches. He was able to convince the German population by generating a false dilemma in his audience's mind that while something was unethical, it was the only choice. The group's shallow nature has not been ready to understand that a declaration like 'either the German people will annihilate the Jews or the Jews will enslave them' is factually not true. These statements gave the public a message of urgency; they were an invitation for action.

Through his speeches, Hitler's final method used to convince the people; was to tell his audience that the rest of the globe considered Germany to be inferior, second-class citizens. This outraged the crowd, who was thoroughly propagandized to think they were the master race. Hitler proposed the Versailles Treaty as proof, which he thought described the Germans as subhuman. In addition, Hitler blamed Germany's relegation to second-class status on the Jews, both of whom he claimed led Germany to lose the First World War and stole riches that rightly belonged to German descent. The irrationality of the crowd led the Germans to accept this concept very much and to blame those who thought they had something they did not deserve.

Adolf Hitler was a spectacular wordsmith and persuader of men; the fact that he retained the assistance of German mainstream view, no matter how vile his actions became, bears witness to this. He used this gift to deceive and ruin millions of lives, not to benefit humanity. The name of Hitler will remain forever in history's registers, but it's not regarded as he imagined it would be. He is not remembered as the man from all impurities to cleanse the superior race, nor is he regarded as the patriarch of a new empire. Instead, he is recognized as a pitiless monster who slaughtered millions on the premise of their ethnicity, political opinions, or sexuality alone. He is remembered as the person who inspired millions to march purposely to their deaths in support of this horrific cause, and he will be remembered forever as the coward who committed suicide rather than doing the same thing

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Adolf Hitler’s Use of the Power of Words. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Adolf Hitler’s Use of the Power of Words.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
Adolf Hitler’s Use of the Power of Words. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Adolf Hitler’s Use of the Power of Words [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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