Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Transport

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Table of contents

  1. Trams
  2. Trains
  3. Subway
  4. Buses

There are many different transportation methods found in cities around the world ranging from cars to trains to trams, all using different energy sources with different routes and limits. The choice of transport for people depends heavily on the circumstances that you are in, that is why it’s important to have a wide variety of different options when it comes to transport in cities. Transportation is important in our everyday life as it allows us to get from place to place, for example from home to work or from home to school. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization everywhere however most transportation devices/vehicles cause air pollution as they burn gasoline as a fuel source which in turn emits pollutants. The transportation devices/vehicles I will be discussing are trams, trains, subways, buses, and taxis/cabs.


Trams are bus-like vehicles that travel along steel indents in the ground like a track, whilst using cables that are a layer above as their energy source. Some of the advantages of the tram include its high energy efficiency as it uses a rechargeable battery which is charged at each station and the wires supply power throughout its journey, trams are a fast way of traveling as they are given priority when it comes to going by cars in traffic jams and at the signals. Trams are also predictable, when a table says that there will be a tram in 5 minutes, there’ll be a tram in 5 minutes, no wait. Some disadvantages include the fact that they are bound to their rails, if there is an obstacle on the track or if the track is blocked the tram just can’t move. Another disadvantage is very situational but if there is a power outage the tram cannot operate as it runs on electricity, electricity, they also need the wire above them so if any damage is done to them like a cut or it is torn, the tram cannot operate.

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Trains are very similar to trams in the fact that they run on rails but they are not found on city roads, more often than not they are found along the outskirts of the city, and some pass through roads. Some advantages of the training include, you get to observe the countryside as you steam through it, this is an ideal way to get a feel for an area's landscape and surroundings. Train transport is also often cheaper and more efficient than driving around in your car and filling up petrol. Train travel is also very healthy for the environment around us as by using it, you may be lowering the carbon emission. Trains are also very safe when it comes to security and protection, it also won’t take too long in security lines. On the other hand, some disadvantages of using a train include the lack of flexibility, the time for a train to leave and come cannot be altered due to one person, if you aren’t there on time, you will miss your ride. Trains are also limited to where their tracks can take them, you may have to wait longer to get somewhere depending on the route of the train you are riding. Also, the fact that the train will not take you from door to door, you must drive to the station and when you have arrived you may need to take a bus or a taxi.


Subways are also very similar to trains as they run on tracks but they run underground which allows them to cover areas and go through areas trams and trains cannot go or reach. Some of the advantages of subways include, that subways are very cheap, and great for someone just starting out as a student or having their first job. Since subways operate underground they are free from any type of traffic and they are very silent which can allow for quick trips from place to place. Subways are also eco-friendly and safe for traveling. However, some disadvantages include, subways are not always available, and they don’t operate for 24 hours. They have to take stops and breaks for cleaning and other services. They also usually won’t have good temperature control so in most cases it may be hot and stuffy. Also, the fact that you are so far underground that your ears can pop due to the pressure around you could discourage some people.


The bus is a similar place vehicle to the tram except for the fact that it is not stuck in one land or area due to tracks, it can move like a car and has many stops across the many roads that it travels on. Some advantages of the bus include rather than having to drive in the traffic, you can use the time that you spend moving from one place to another by bus to do other things, such as reading, advancing some work, taking a nap, listening to music, doing important phone calls, etc. Plus it reduces the pollution caused by cars like the more people that travel by bus, the fewer cars there will be. Traveling by bus is also cheaper than owning and operating a car. Some disadvantages of the bus include the bus being time-bound, being too late for a bus means you must wait for another one, and being too early means you must wait extra time for the bus. Another disadvantage is the extra weight added to arrive at your destination when the bus driver has to stop at many points throughout the journey to make sure he is getting more people on the bus and catering to as many people as he can.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Transport. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Transport.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2022,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Transport. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Transport [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 27 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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