An Impact Of Honey On Diabetes

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Many people with diabetes wonder, rightly, if they can consume honey and enjoy this 'nectar of the Gods'. Honey is mostly composed of sugars and so it is important to control your consumption when you are diabetic. Among the sugars, however, honey is one of the most interesting. His qualities make him an ally to know .

What is diabetes ?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can have serious consequences if it is poorly managed (cardiovascular diseases,Apparatus that can measure blood sugar levels: people with diabetes must pay attention to the amount of honey they consume.ocular disorders, neuropathies, ...). It can not be cured, however, it can be treated and controlled . This is a lack or lack of use of insulin that regulates the level of sugar in our blood. There are several types of diabetes whose origins and treatments are different. As a rule, people with diabetes should be extremely vigilant about the carbohydrate intake of their diet .

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However, all honeys contain up to 82% of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, ...) . Generally, about 5% sucrose is found and the balance is half glucose and fructose. However, honey is not contraindicated! The problem is a question of quantity ...

Excessive consumption of honey is therefore not recommended for people with diabetes , just like all other sugars. Similarly, this recommendation can be applied to overweight people. It must be consumed with great care and included in the daily ration of carbohydrates and calories consumed . Nevertheless, in view of its nutritional qualities and its health benefits , it is a food not to be neglected. Honey is a complex and nutritionally interesting food

The glycemic index of honey

This is the ability of a food to raise blood sugar in the blood. The glycemic index of honey is lower than that of refined sugar . However, it varies according to its origin and the fructose / glucose ratio. Indeed, it is lower if the honey is high in fructose (overall, it is the case of liquid honeys such as acacia honey ). It is therefore important to choose your honey to enjoy this property.

In general, we all have an interest in sweetening our food with honey . In addition, it is possible to replace sugar with honey in cooking recipes to lower their glycemic index.

The qualities and virtues of honey

In addition, honey is a food consumed for at least 12000 years by men. It is appreciated for its taste as well as nutritional and therapeutic qualities .

It is a complex food that is far from containing only sugars. Indeed, it contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins in quantity, some fatty acids, enzymes and many other substances (flavonoids, esters, alcohols, pollen grains and pigments). Nutritionally speaking, it is an interesting food.

In addition, all honeys have therapeutic virtues used by individuals and doctors. They have potent antiseptic activity and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (read our article on the virtues of honey ).

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An Impact Of Honey On Diabetes. (2022, July 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“An Impact Of Honey On Diabetes.” Edubirdie, 08 Jul. 2022,
An Impact Of Honey On Diabetes. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
An Impact Of Honey On Diabetes [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 08 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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