Analysis of Restaurant Quality and Customer Satisfaction

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Restaurant quality and customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry are very important because the happier the customer the more likely they are to visit the restaurant again which means more money for the restaurant and the customer will therefore recommend the restaurant to other people bring more customers to the restaurant.

According to Navaraj Budhathoki (2018), customer satisfaction is the keyway of running a business successfully and the customers being satisfied will be the base of the business for more profit. If the restaurant meets the demand of a customer through the product and service, it will bring positivity for the business. For years customer satisfaction has been considered the core element for every type of business.

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Studies that have been conducted to investigate and restaurant quality and customer satisfaction has three main aspects of service quality which would be food quality, the environment which the restaurant is in, and the employee service this helps with the customer satisfaction, according to Ahmad Adnan Al-Tit (2015).

However, Bader Almohaimeed (2017) found that there four aspects of restaurant quality and customer satisfaction which are food quality, service quality, the physical environment and the price fairness on the food that is being serviced to the customers. They did a study which shows a way to measure the customer satisfaction using the following dimensions, menu price, the waiting time, staff services, hygiene quality and internal and external environment.

Customer satisfaction is calculated through the productivity and profitability level of the restaurant according to Huma Sarwar (2016). Having high service quality will improve customer satisfaction which will attract profit and the market share. The restaurant should be reliable, it shows that the restaurant is able to perform services in a dependable and accurate manner (Safwan et al., 2010).

Restaurant quality and customer satisfaction are the leading component in the system of the organization in today’s world they large determine the restaurants competitiveness. According to Asya Archakova (2013), maintaining relationships with the customers will help the company listen and accept the customers feedback and improve service and goods if the customer says so in their feedback.

In conclusion, restaurant quality and customer satisfaction are the main criteria to the business as it is the way the business gets their clients therefore the profit of the business. There are ways that the customer service can be measured which is a good way for the business to know how to keep their customers’ happy.


  1. ResearchGate. 2021. (PDF) Restaurant Quality and Customer Satisfaction. [online] Accessed 19 March 2021.
  2. ResearchGate. 2021. (PDF) The Effect of Service and Food Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Hence Customer Retention. [online] Accessed 19 March 2021.
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Analysis of Restaurant Quality and Customer Satisfaction. (2023, January 31). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
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