Anti-semitic Beliefs And Judaism

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Theological anti-semitism is a dislike or intolerence of Jewish people based on their religious thought and beliefs. That is today's definition of anti-Sematism. If you look at the Ancient Origins power point it gives a list of semetic speaking languages. Anti-Sematism actually means a dislike of the semetic speaking languages, including: Arabic, Maltese, and Hebrew (Morisson-Santana, 14). When the word was first created it meant disliking people that speak semetic languages but the connotations it gives today is a dislike towards only jewish people. The term has turned to only disliking Jewish people as the religion grew bigger and bigger. The ideology has been around since the religion of Judaism was created around 1812 B.C.. Anti-semitism has spread around the entire world since it’s creation and everywhere that there are Jewish people, there is antisemitism.

From the beginning of the religion to today there are instances of anti-semitism throughout all of history after the religion was created. A major instance on anit-Semitism can be seen in the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the imprisionment and killing of around six million Jewish people based only of the fact that they were jewish. It didn’t matter who you were or what you did, if you were a jewish person you would be taking to a camp to either work or be killed. People of any race or creed were taken to the camps if they were jewish. Even if someone was suspected to be Jewish they were taken to a camp. It is the biggest form of anti-Semititsm seen in the entire history of the world. It is also the biggest genocide to happen in all of histroy. This event has brought anti-semitism to a larger scale and it has spread the ideology like a wildfire throughout the world.

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Judaism was created when God came to a nomad named Abraham and promised him people and land as long as he did what God wanted. God wanted him to: obey him, be merciful to everyone no matter who they are, and he and his people cannot fight. Abraham agreed to do what God wanted him to and in return he gave him the people and land that he was promised. That was the creation of judaism. After they were created, they became a nomadic people that traveled around the world trying to find somewhere to settle. This was difficult for them due to them having different beliefs than the rest of the world. They were monotheistic while the rest of the world was polytheistic. They separated themselves and they didn't fight in wars. They took the “smart jobs” from the people such as doctors. They also established Israel in an already occupied area of Palestine. These differences and choices led people around the world to dislike the jewish population. This was how Anti-semitism was created. No one wanted the Jewish people to be around because they help the people that gave them land and they were different.

The land that was given to them by God was also occupied by people. The area known today as palestine was promised to Abraham by God if he did what God commanded him to do. This made the people that were already there angry because these people were coming to settle on their land without their permission. This added the the anti-Sematism that was spreading throughout the world because the people that were already there disliked the Jewish people for taking the land that wasn't theirs. After some time Israel became too barren for them to stay and they had to leave. This is when they became nomadic and the idea of anti-Sematism really took off. This was a big factor for the spread of anti-Sematism.

Anti-semitism has evolved from the past to be a more hateful thing. Due to the holocaust anti-semititsm has become a very hateful word. It went from disliking jewish people based on their ideas and religion, to hating them just because they are jewish. It became a word to degrade the people of the judaism religion. An article called “How anti-Semitic beliefs have taken hold among some evangelical Christians” talks about how American Christians are blaming the Jewish population for a lot of Americas problems. The article talks about how the president of the united states is blaming the Jewish people for the problems that America faces. The article says that many people are becoming anti-Semetic because they are following Donald Trump, who is saying anti-Semetic things (Zauzmer, august 22nd,2019, 5). He is unknowingly advocating for anti-Semetic ideas by different means. He is tweeting things that are anti-Semetic without him even knowing. For example he tweeted an image of Hilary Clinton over money with a Star of David (Zauzmer, august 22nd,2019, 19). His tweeting is making people believe that he is anti-Semetic and people are starting to follow his beliefs. People are becoming anti-Semetic because of what he is doing.

Just as the people of the past blamed the Jewish people for the problems of the world, The people today also blame the Jews for causing many problems. This article is related to the past because they both show a distaste for the Jewish population based on untrue things said about them. In the past people didn't like them because they thought that they took the “smart” jobs and they were blamed for killing Jesus. Nowadays they are hated because they are seen as “running the world” (Laitman, 1) Many people today thinik that jewish people run the world and that's the reason why they are disliked today.

They think that Jewish people run everything. For example, many people think that the Jewish people run the banks, which isn't true. These are untrue statements and they only reiterate the stereotypes of jewish people. People from the past and people from today both base their opinions of jewish people on nothing but unproven statements. They hear something about them and they instantly believe it as fact without checking it. They don't check to see if what they hear is right and it makes the Jewish people look worse. This has lead to anti-Sematism to increase throughout the world. Many people hear these false things and they spread it and it gets bigger and bigger.

The article also differs from the things that have been said about Jweish people in the past. In the past people thought of Jewish people as people who didn’t fight in wars and were monotheistic. Today people see Jewish people as people who own everything and have a lot of money. These stereotypes are untrue from the past and the present differ but they are both untrue. In the past anti-Sematism was not as hateful as it is today. Today the word comes from darker places such as the Holocaust and it is now even darker then it used to be. The idea of anti-Sematism has evolved throughout history. In the beginning it was only created because the Jewish population was different, now the idea has taken a much darker turn and it is about hating them for other reasons.

The article also talks about how the ideas are coming from a couple of well known people while in the past it was spread throughout the entire world by the people that would allow the Jewish people to settle. When Judaism first started to spread they would go to different places and try to settle. It wouldn't work out for them because the people they tried to settle with wouldn't agree with their ideology so they forced them to leave. When they left the dislike of them was left in the place they settled. So every time they left somewhere because they were forced out they would be disliked by the people that were living their. This spred the idea of anti-Semitism throughout the ancient world. Today anti-Sematism is spread by high profile politicians or famous people while in the past it was spread by everyone. These politicians and famous people have large following so they can easily influence the people that follow them. If they have these ideas of anti-Sematism then the people that follow them will also have those ideas. This would then cause it to spread throughout the world and many people start to believe what they hear.

In conclusion, People of the past and people of the present both have very anti-Semetic beliefs. People in the past didn’t like jewish people because they were monotheistic, did not help in wars, and they were blamed for killing jesus. People today don’t like Jewish people because they are perceived as people who own everything. Both the past and the article have similarities and they differ from each other. Anti-Sematism is spread throughout the world just as it was in the past but it is spread differently and the meaning of anit-Sematism has become much more dark. Judaism came from being a harmless group of people started by one man named Abraham who was visited by god, to becoming one of the biggest and most hated groups of people on the entire planet.

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Anti-semitic Beliefs And Judaism. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from
“Anti-semitic Beliefs And Judaism.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
Anti-semitic Beliefs And Judaism. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 14 Sept. 2024].
Anti-semitic Beliefs And Judaism [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Sept 14]. Available from:

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