Badminton Essays

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3 Pages 1521 Words
The characteristics of badminton, badminton is a racket sport played by two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), each person takes a position on the opposite halves of the badminton court, with a net separating the opponents. Players are to score points by hitting a shuttlecock with their racket so that it passes over the net and lands...
1 Page 593 Words
Unlike tennis, the shuttlecock and racket of badminton is lighter so the players don't get tired easily as when they play other sports. Despite the fact that badminton is not an endurance sport, it requires the understanding of how to control their speed and strength when using different techniques to defend yourself and attack the opponent. Here are some of...
2 Pages 725 Words
Introduction Badminton is a famous sport in the world. It is a sport depends on speed, power and skills. Although you didn’t play this sport before. However, you also will hear Lin Dan or Lee Chong Wei those top players in the world before. Before the badminton appear. They have another sport like badminton, it’s call cricket. The rules still...
5 Pages 2073 Words
Introduction Over the past five weeks I have been gathering data on my performance in badminton, determining which are my strongest and weakest shots and my shot trajectory, to see if I am moving the shuttle around the court make it harder for my opponents or if I am hitting it in the same spot. I have also been learning...
3 Pages 1550 Words
Introduction Task and Context Throughout this unit of physical education, various motor learning concepts have been explored and integrated within badminton performances. A personal motor learning strategy was developed, based on rate limiters, experience, practice, feedback and reflection. This strategy was then incorporated with a specialised movement sequence in order to advance and optimise personal performance in badminton. This task...
3 Pages 1480 Words
Introduction In this folio, I will devise a tactical strategy to modify my performance based on the selected task, learner and the environmental constraints and the principals of decision-making. My tactical strategy which is variation of pace from the rear court will focus on the outcome, limitation and the implications of the constraints of my movement. My tactical awareness allows...
5 Pages 2269 Words
Introduction In this folio, I will be devising one personal tactical strategy to enhance my personal performance in Badminton. Furthermore, I will be evaluating and justifying my performance in Badminton based on my chosen movement strategies and position which is setting up an attack in a rear court position. In my personal performance in Badminton when playing my objectives were...
2 Pages 862 Words
Introduction This essay will show that the Australian Sporting Culture affects the impact on funding, and this impacts the participation and access of Badminton. To prove this, I will be using stages of Figueroa’s Framework. The Australian Government has formed people’s attitudes and beliefs towards badminton? Through the funding and support they proved for badminton. Compared to Australia, China focuses...
2 Pages 758 Words
History of badminton The name Badminton originates from Badminton House of the Duke of Beaufort in the English district of Gloucestershire. The hereditary bequest is currently better known for chasing and steed preliminaries, it is credited as the formal origin of the racquet sport. Yet, badminton's underlying foundations go back 1000's of years. It was concocted in India by Britishers....
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