Benefits and Harm of Alcohol for Humans

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Alcohol is an organic substance that is chemically formed when the hydroxyl group is replaced with the hydrogen seed in the hydrocarbon compound, as indicated above. In addition to fermentation of sugars found in many varieties of potatoes and legumes such as corn, ethyl alcohol acts as a depressant of the central nervous system. It should also be noted that ethyl alcohol is used in the production of solutions that are used in medicine as antiseptics or preservatives, or in some medicines.

It has been proven that the majority of chronic diseases caused by drinking alcohol result from consuming it frequently and for long periods. Also, eating small quantities at intervals that lead to many risks also, and just as drinking alcohol results in many damages such as, Infection with any type of malignant cancer. Regular alcohol consumption increases the level of triglycerides in the blood, can contribute to a sudden increase in blood pressure, increased risk of sudden death for people with certain diseases of the heart vessels, infection with one of all types of stroke. People who drink alcohol feel chronic depression, and feel uncomfortable because they are used to those substances that go to the mind.

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And after mentioning the harmful effects of alcohol, we will inquire about its benefits. Alcohol causes feelings of euphoria, warmth and heat when you consume quantities of it, due to the effect of these alcohols on the blood, reducing the incidence of heart disease, reducing the incidence of diabetes. And alcohol is used in medical matters to benefit human treatment.

There are some people who can control the consumption of alcoholic beverages by adhering to certain quantities that are considered few in addition to linking drinking alcohol to certain events such as celebrations or special gatherings. But on the other side, there are a lot of alcohol users who do not have the effective ability to control their drinking, and here the tragedy of alcoholism begins. Where the addict loses the ability to determine the amount of alcoholic drink he will drink and often drinks until he loses the ability to move and raise the cup to his mouth. The alcoholic drink for the addict is a daily or almost daily ritual, and he will feel a lot of turmoil if he refuses from it for compelling reasons, and he may end up giving up essential obligations in his life to obtain his daily share of alcohol.

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Benefits and Harm of Alcohol for Humans. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
“Benefits and Harm of Alcohol for Humans.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
Benefits and Harm of Alcohol for Humans. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
Benefits and Harm of Alcohol for Humans [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from:

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