Benefits of Using Body Cameras by Police Officers

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It seems that every time we watch the news, we hear about another officer involved in a shooting. The topic I intend to discuss today is that police officers should use body cameras. I want to start off by stating that throughout years and still today, many victims have fallen under belligerent injustice from officers. Victims such as Michael brown, Trayvon Martin, and Freddie Gray have all been fatally shot and unfairly killed by officers. Officers abuse of their title and commit erroneous actions such as using their gun at the wrong time, using racial slurs, using violence, using wrong tactics, etc. which only provoke the victims. They do this because they think that just because they have a so called ‘title’ they can do whatever they feel like doing with the protection of the law, but that is not the case. There have been times where officers are not convicted as guilty due to ‘insufficient evidence’. Isn’t this alarming and enraging? Where’s the justice for those victims? Where’s their rights? However, this all could be prevented had there been body cameras worn by the officers. Sure, there are some lucky cases where there’s an actual video to show, however that's mostly because bystanders are there to record. Police officers need to wear body cameras to increase the safety of the public and the officer, and to use the video surveillance for learning/training, and to improve accountability to prevent false accusations.

A major concern is public safety and officer safety. A solution to help with this problem are body cameras. Police body cameras need to be in for the reason that they can have the effect in an increase for safety of the public and officer. It is most commonly seen that when presented in front of a camera, a person changes his or her actions for the camera. For example, whenever you’re being recorded by your friends some of you might stop doing whatever you’re doing to not get posted… this is self control. In terms of a officer, he or she will straighten themselves in a situation during they’re on duty. This will prevent any forsaken actions taken by any cop. That reminds me of a personal example. A few months ago a young cousin of mines got into a fight with someone else, and a cop aggressively and forcefully pinned her down to a car two times, leaving her with bruises. She showed no resistance to the arresting and yet she still got dragged by a cop. He did this because to his luck, there was no one to record what he was doing. If he had a camera on him, he probably would’ve not touched her in that way. These body cameras can encourage good behaviour and calm down actions from police officers. This is an example of how body cameras can increase safety of the public. Actually, a study taken in CA (which was one of the first states to enforce body cameras) showed a 50% reduction in storming mistreatment made by an officer. Moving on, a way that the cameras can secure the safety of the officer is that it would make any criminal hesitant due to being recorded directly.

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Body cameras can also serve as a tool for training/ learning for future officers. The video surveillances can be used in training to train officers in what to do in a presented situation. If the surveillance video shows an incorrect action taken, the training can help stop that action from happening again. Basically, they can be served as a prevention source. Future cops can learn from mistakes taken by other cops that way wrongful actions can be lessened and prevented.

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Benefits of Using Body Cameras by Police Officers. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Benefits of Using Body Cameras by Police Officers.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
Benefits of Using Body Cameras by Police Officers. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Benefits of Using Body Cameras by Police Officers [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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