Brand Myself On LinkedIn

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On the journey of pursuing my career, I tend to think what would be the best way to brand myself on LinkedIn. My goal is to let professionals find me and land a job with related field that I am in. Moreover, I want to make people know who am I, what do I do, and why should they like me.

How I plan to achieve it

In order to achieve my goal, I am going to assume that I am a product in the competitive existing job search market with tons of talented people. How am I going to stand out from those competitors?

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First, I have to select target markets that fit me well because those companies are the ones I will be branding myself and talking about the value I am going to offer them. My target audiences will be technology companies and financial companies. Looking at what those customers have in common in the job qualifications can definitely make me improve myself.

Secondly, similar to the importance of showcasing a product on a nicely designed website or an advertisement in order to sell the product to prospective customers. I will optimize my profile on LinkedIn by having a nice and professional headshots, creating a dazzling short introduction telling my personal story, focusing on the right keywords which recruiters usually search to drive my LinkedIn visitor traffic. I will also add headline under my photo which will be “ Aspiring data analyst” to make my brand more attractive.

Next, I have to differentiate myself among those competitors. I will be posting valuable posts to share my knowledge, values and experiences to make myself stand out of the crowd. By posting contents regularly once a week will help me stay on the top of people’s mind. A high quality posting will also make more comments and interaction with people, therefore I will be able to reach more people.

Last but not the least, I will make connections with potential customers. Building connections is extremely important because connections allows me to sell myself to potential customers. Each connections gives me the opportunity to get a job recommendation, understand what people is doing in this field and what is their daily life like or even making more connections with their connections.


By applying the concepts I learned in marketing class, I am confident that I can effectively brand myself on LinkedIn which will ultimately lead me to a great data analyst position. Not only make more and more people see me, but also make an influence on them.

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Brand Myself On LinkedIn. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
“Brand Myself On LinkedIn.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022,
Brand Myself On LinkedIn. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Sept. 2024].
Brand Myself On LinkedIn [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 24 [cited 2024 Sept 10]. Available from:

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