Breast Cancer Persuasive Essay

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To begin with, cancer cells remain within the body tissue from whence they originated. This type of cancer growth is referred to as carcinoma in situ by doctors (CIS). The cancer cells multiply and divide to make additional cells, eventually forming a tumor. Millions of cancer cells can be found in a tumor. Everybody tissue has a covering (a membrane) that keeps the tissue's cells inside. The basement membrane is what you're looking at. This membrane is permeable to cancer cells. If the cancer penetrates this membrane, it is referred to as invasive cancer.

Benign tumors are slow-growing tumors that do not spread to other regions of the body. They have a proper cell covering in most cases.

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The cells that make up benign tumors are quite similar to those found in the body. They only become a problem if they get very large, inconvenient or painful, conspicuous and ugly, or press on other body parts.

occupy space within the skull (for example, a brain tumor) and produce chemicals that affect how the body operates. Malignant tumors are made up of cancerous cells. They: Proliferate faster than benign tumors, spread to neighboring tissues, and cause harm. Secondary tumors can spread to other parts of the body via the bloodstream or lymphatic system. The medical word for this is metastasis.

If you detect any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor:

    • a rash, crusting, scaly, or itchy skin on or around your nipple, or redness (similar to eczema)
    • a change in your nipple's appearance (such as it sinking into your breast)
    • a new lump or thicker tissue region in one or both breasts that was not previously there;
    • a change in the size or contour of one or both breasts.
    • nipples releasing fluid
    • swelling in one or both of your breasts.
    • a change in the texture or look of your skin

The most frequent treatments for cancer include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Hormone therapy is a sort of focused treatment. One or more of these therapies may be given to you. The sort of treatment you receive is determined by how your cancer was detected and where it is in its course. Breast cancer identified after symptoms arise may be in a later stage and require a different therapy than breast cancer discovered early through routine screening.

Depending on the stage of your illness and the therapy you're taking, breast cancer can have a variety of effects on your daily life. You could do the following:

    • Talk to your friends and family, they could be a great source of support.
    • converse with others who are in a similar circumstance.
    • educate yourself on your situation.
    • Don't overwork yourself or do too much.
    • Take care of yourself.

To prevent breast cancer all men and women should engage in regular exercise and eat a healthy, balanced diet because they can help avoid a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Although research on the link between breast cancer and food has yielded no conclusive results, there are benefits for women who maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat a low-saturated-fat diet, and avoid alcohol.

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Breast Cancer Persuasive Essay. (2024, July 12). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Breast Cancer Persuasive Essay.” Edubirdie, 12 Jul. 2024,
Breast Cancer Persuasive Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Breast Cancer Persuasive Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jul 12 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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