Causes Of Drug Trafficking

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Point 1
  3. Point 2

What is drug trafficking? Drug trafficking is a black market that trades drugs within cross-border cooperation. Drug trafficking also working together with other sorts of crime. Ultimately fueled by the economic principle of supply and demand in a world where there is a high demand for illicit substances that cannot be obtained through any legal means. Hence, this essay will discuss the three causes of drug trafficking (UNODC, 2010).


One of the main reasons for drug trafficking is demand. This is because many developed countries have not been putting in the effort to stop the demand for drugs like cocaine. Coca leaf, that is a raw material for cocaine, can be authorized and manufactured for traditional and medicinal purposes. However, with the understanding that there is market demand for cocaine, the medicinal coca leaf will still be correlated with drug trafficking (Morales, 2014). At the end of the day, drug trafficking is driven by the economic principle of supply and demand, especially in a world with high demands for illegal substances (What are the causes of drug trafficking?, n.d.)

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Point 1

In the other hand, the most reason why people become a drug dealer is because of facing some financial issue. Therefore, selling drugs become a pipeline for the drugs dealer in order to earn money. This is because they will not waste their time and effort to get a decent job. Selling drugs is very easy and fast, they just need to buy the drugs from the second parties and sell it to the third parties. This will cause the drugs dealer willing to take the risk to carry out a transaction (Tessie Castillo, 2017). Who is the drug dealer's customer? The customer comes from different class, from the lower class to the upper class, every gender, race and age. For example, teenagers that feel stress and depression because of studies, they will buy Ketamine in order to relieve themselves. Therefore, drugs are very popular among teenagers (Elizabeth Hartney, 2018). Mainly, society often thinks that only men will take part in drugs trafficking, but women also often get caught because of it. Due to the lack of education for women, especially for married women, the education that educates them to comply with their husband whatever he said, even right or wrong. In conclusion, men will command their wife to transport the drugs whatever their wife get caught or not (Tessie Castillo, 2017).

Point 2

In conclusion, drug trafficking brings a lot of disadvantage to society. Drug dealers apply improper way to earn money without thinking about the consequences. Therefore, this essay already discusses what makes drug dealers commit drug trafficking. Drug trafficking is demand, drug dealer facing some financial issue.

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Causes Of Drug Trafficking. (2021, October 04). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Causes Of Drug Trafficking.” Edubirdie, 04 Oct. 2021,
Causes Of Drug Trafficking. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Causes Of Drug Trafficking [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Oct 04 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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