Children's Social Work As My Future Career

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In the future I see myself working as a children’s social worker because it is very rewarding career which can help individuals or society as a whole, undoubtedly it is very stressful job with a massive workload, very time consuming and has incredibly unsociable hours, it is not one of those nine to five jobs. Fortunately, I am that kind of person who loves challenges and being under stressful situations, figuring out ways to make someone’s life better is something that would make me work even harder.

According to BASW The Professional Association for Social work and Social workers (2014) have defined social work as a “Practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledge, social work engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing.”

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There are plenty of requirements you must tick before you can become a practising social worker. These requirements include eligibility to work in the United Kingdom, be qualified with HCPC license which you can only obtain after completing a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work or obtaining your Master in Social Work , then you either have to have significant post qualified work experience or complete your ASYE which is one year paid work experience in either private or public sectors which aims to develop the best social workers with great skills and full understanding of the job role. There are plenty of opportunities after graduation starting from working in different sectors of social work, such as children, youth or adults. Other than that, according to Prospectus (2019) “there are different career paths which include high intensity therapist, careers adviser, counsellor, life coach, mediator and great deal of other jobs that involve sociology, society and discipline” which each of the role will require different experiences. Newly qualified social worker can earn from £28 000 to £32 000 a year, with the wage growing annually, after that they can try to get promoted into management or working in different sectors such as kids with disabilities where pay starts at £35 000 a year. Once a person graduates from university, they start applying for a Newly Qualified Social Worker roles online. First steps include application form, following by telephone or video interview and then final interview. These interview steps could vary from company to company especially during coronavirus pandemic.

Throughout my students at University of Northampton I have created LinkedIn account which has helped to make a friend who has graduated Anglia Ruskin University in August and is already working as a fully qualified social worker as well we spoke about how challenging this career is and how much time consuming this degree choice is therefore he has advised me to put my whole heart in this degree if I really want to achieve this qualification because if I do not work my hardest I will not achieve the standards needed to be a successful social worker. As well another thing that I have done is found and emailed one of the social work lecturers and found out what kind of laws do I need to know as a Social worker therefore I can start learning and spending my free time usefully.

Although there are plenty of jobs in the United Kingdom, some people choose to work abroad for example Australia, according to ASM Your Pathway to Australia (2020) Social Worker is still on Australia’s skilled ­occupations shortages list. Visa and qualification requirements are as follows “Social workers often enter Australia on sponsored working or long-stay business sponsorship visas, known as “457” visas. In these cases, employers nominate a person to fill a vacancy for a highly skilled worker. The visas take six to12 weeks to process.” Those applying for a job in Australia need to have gained at least a bachelor’s diploma in Social work and have minimum of two years’ experience in the field of application. Some companies might require employee to register with Australian Association of Social Workers which they would be accredited through Community Care The heart of your social care career (2010).

The main issue of being a social worker is the stress levels that one can experience in the workplace such as burnout which presence as a social problem in many human services professions was the impetus for the research that is now taking place in many countries Christina Maslach (2003). In January 2020 Social work England has published a massive study which explains that over eighty percent of social workers are very or stressed, only two percent are not stressed .Even though fair amount of social workers are proud of their job, only quarter would recommend this profession to someone else. The stress levels come from a massive caseload, targets, inability to refer users which can lead to bigger issues such as depression or suicide which has happened before such as Annie Peel who took her own life due to a depression Community Care The heart of your social care career (2018).

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Children’s Social Work As My Future Career. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Children’s Social Work As My Future Career.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
Children’s Social Work As My Future Career. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Children’s Social Work As My Future Career [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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