Classical Music and Visual Bias

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Music is everywhere. It is heard, it creates music everywhere. Everyone listens to and produces music, no matter what their job or status in life. The inclinations or the type of music we like are different. Sometimes the music we listen to depends on our mood. Sometimes jazz, sometimes classical, and who knows what else. We are united by music, giving each other the opportunity to be with each other, to express feelings or emotions using music. Sometimes we describe things with music, and sometimes music alleviates the situation experienced at any given time.

I like classical music. Big aspects of our lives are composed and revolve around music. We know its value, we know that it plays a role in the lives of all of us. Music can change or transform a person’s life, or it can affect our moods or emotions. Music calms me down; it's my go-to when things are bothering my mind, and it's also what I rely on when I have things to do or are doing. The classical music I choose, or I like, because the messages of the song are beautiful, it brings back the past conditions of life and time. It describes each person’s passion. It seems to take us back to the past, making us feel how fun and full of value it is. There are many things we want to refresh and want to experience when we listen to classical music. The emotions that hit us are different. The emotions that form in every mind and heart are different when we listen to classical music, and we seem to live in a time when only fun and romance are around. Classical music or music in general must be revived. Young people must be made aware of how beautiful and full of value it is. Because young people today no longer know that classical music is a work, there is art in every song, there are emotions, there are feelings, and it feels real. We need to revive the value of classical music. We need to experience again the people who dream of going back in time, going back to the past.

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People and young people would wish they were alive then so that they would have experienced the emotions provided by classical music. Let's go back to the past, like the songs we hear on the radio every week. Let's listen to them again. Listening to music helps us in all aspects of his life. Those doubts are sometimes fixed or affected by music.

The influence on the listener is undeniable because it attracts attention. I can see in what I said how much I love music, classical music. I like to listen to it, especially on Sundays. It's good for the ears, and it's good to listen to the old songs, they say. It’s not old, it’s classical for me. Furthermore, it is full of images and meaning. We just need to listen to them properly to understand and comprehend their value. Surely, not only am I a lover of classical music, but you too, if you listen to it.

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Classical Music and Visual Bias. (2023, January 31). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Classical Music and Visual Bias.” Edubirdie, 31 Jan. 2023,
Classical Music and Visual Bias. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Classical Music and Visual Bias [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jan 31 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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