Comparison And Contrast Of Hinduism And Buddhism

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Similarities
  3. SELF
  4. No Self
  5. Conclusion


There are two religions in the East, they are Hinduism and Buddhism. This Religion originated from India they both have many similarities and differences. In India, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the second president of India and a famous religious teacher and a philosopher, who united the east, and the west to understand India and the Hindu Religion. Radhakrishnan beliefs were 'Buddhism, in its origin at least is an offshoot of Hinduism'. (Jangubhai, 2013). This idea is an example of religions such as Christianity and Islam that can be seen as an offshoot of Judaism and although they are perceived differently. This paper will show the comparison and contrast of both religions and its view on Self/No Self. This paper will discuss the similarities of both religions and differences of Hinduism and Buddhism.


In Hinduism and Buddhism are one and the same, they share the same roots and as well have similar uniqueness. For example, the Hindu and Buddha religion has its belief of Karma, Dharma, Moksha and Reincarnation. The two religions shared a view about Karma. Karma is a term that means ' Karma resonates from the ideology of cause and effect. Hinduism and Buddhism have a main belief that every action a person takes will manifest its effect someday. (Mitchell, 2011). in the spiritual realm, one's future is a mirror of its intentions or actions. Therefore, if one is wicked the likelihood of suffering and experiencing bad things will manifest and if one's life is ruled by being kind and doing good to others, happiness, and nothing but good tidings will result. This fact is the foundation of their shared belief of Karma. Hinduism and Buddhism shares similar attributes in the way they approach spiritual exercises; examples would be spiritual exercise by cultivating the mind by performing exercise to increase concentration and meditation (Jayaren, 2013). 'The Beliefs of these two religions may have a lot to do with Buddha himself actually studied the Hindu teaching before he came up with a separate methodology (Uri, 2019). There are lots of scholars who would agree that Buddhism originated in India over 2,500 years ago. The teachings of Buddha focused on concepts related to end suffering (Dukkha), sentiments, achievement of Nirvana, rebirth (Sandhu, 2017). As we discuss both religion there are areas where both religions don't agree, example is Buddhism believes in formal rituals, caste systems, priests, and Brahma. Hinduism identifies enlighten Moksha and Buddhism calls it Nirvana (Molly, 2013).

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In the Hindu religion they believe in one single creator, they believe that the ultimate creator is Brahma. Hindu believes in the spirit of Brahma that lives inside all living things, this is the individual soul, Atman. Atman is the idea where there being an unchanging eternal soul or identity inside each of us. (O'Brien, 2018), meaning the Atman lives in all of us, concerning the Atman, it means 'self and or 'soul', and also can be said to be ' the deepest self'. (Molly, 2013). In the Hindu religion there said to be the cycle of reincarnation , which is the core part of one's self will not disappear but remains when one dies, this response is when it said to be the Atman. The Foundation of the Hindu Religion is extended and it's connected and most importantly all is one and all is Brahma. To fully understand the meaning of Brahma and Atman one can only gain through exercising the mind through meditation and through meditating one can find his or her true self. The Atman is thought of a view of one's self in a spiritual way and not a materialistic approach and most importantly is to separate one's self from the material world.

No Self

In distinction to the Hindu belief system of the self, the Buddhist believes the idea of no self or the lack of existence of the eternal soul. In Buddhism, one of the aspects of the religion is the focus on finding the Anatman which means 'no soul' and no self'. Anatman is defined from the Sanskrit term and anatta is the pali term (Molly, 2013). Buddhist believes that the self is constantly changing, it is constant changing due to our thoughts and experiences, so therefore there will be no self. The crucial part of the Buddhism is to get rid of self desires, even though there is no self , there will be no reason to be selfish that is where Anatta comes into play, leads to stop being selfish. Another concept in the Buddhist religion is the three marks of reality, which is the groundwork of the four truths. The lack of permanent identity, existence of suffering and constant change is the concept of the three marks of reality. The Buddhist believes in constant change and the lack of permanent identity that is always being indifference with the Hindu beliefs concerning the Atman. The Four Noble truth derived from Buddhism is one live to suffer, suffering comes from our desires, the end of desire will end suffering and to liberate from suffering is the start of a new self. (Molly, 2013). In Hinduism the basic principles of life is Karma, Artha, Dharma and Moksha, the goal isn't to end all desires but to manage it, not to let it take hold of our well being. The goal of our desire is that one may achieve reincarnation but the highest goal finally achieveing the Moksha.


Hinduism and Buddhism originated from India. There are similarities and differences in the Hindu and Buddhist religion, we see how they interchangeable of each other, both Buddhism and Hinduism believe in reincarnation and both strive to reach the state where they can no longer be reborn. The Hindu religion was originally introduced and then Buddhism involved from the Hindu religion that is why they both share similar teachings. The strong belief of the Hindu teaching is the unchanging self is on a spiritual journey and with reincarnation they are gearing towards or far from uniting with their soul with Brahma. To the Buddhist belief the idea of no self is ever changing. Some people might disagree or agree, but everyone can come to some resolution with themselves. As one goes through life, change is constant, meaning ones weight fluctuate, one ages yearly, things about life changes over time. We can conclude that if one gives themselves, a goal or span of 5 years there are things that will change and can't be recognized to their former selves, and even with that being said we cannot argue that some things in life can't be constant such as time. The distinctiveness of both religions makes them importantly unique. The Hindu has a very strong belief of the self or Atman which is the bigger part of Brahman, with Buddhism their belief doesn't recognize the self instead it recognizes the no self (anatman). These two religions have similar foundations and a little small difference in teachings and they are tied to each other due to their shared history of the religions.

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Comparison And Contrast Of Hinduism And Buddhism. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
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