Comparison of Unofficial Anthems

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In this essay, ’Flower of Scotland’, ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, ‘A Soldier’s Song’ and ‘Land of my Fathers’ anthems will be object of comparison and analysis. After a deep reflection, will be decided which anthem is more adequate to be a national anthem.

‘Flower of Scotland’ was written by Roy Williamson in honor of the Bannockburn Battle in 1314. This battle occurred in the first stage of the Wars of Scottish Independence, during the 13th and 14th centuries. Against all the odds, Scotland won this battle and changed the entire course of the Wars, winning its independence.

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The title of this anthem is an allusion to the Battle of Largs in 1263, where the Vikings planned to attack the Scottish during the night, so that they were not expecting the Vikings and were unable to defend themselves. This plan failed miserably due to the ‘Flower of Scotland’ , the Thistle. The Vikings took off their shoes and socks to avoid making noise and advanced in bare foot. One of them stood on a thistle and his screams woke up the scottish army. The Scottish defeated the Vikings and this victory was so importante that the Thistle became the symbol of Scotland.

The lyrics of ‘Flower of Scotland’, however, recall the reality during the Bannockburn Battle, mentioned before. At the time, Scotland and England were in constant conflicts for Scotland’s Independence. The conflicts started when the heir of Scotland’s throne, Margaret the Maid of Norway, died. There were thirteen contenders for the throne but the two leaders for this succession were John Balliol and Robert Bruce. Edward I, King of England, was requested to select the new king in order to prevent a civil war but he wanted to have power over Scotland so he was recognised as Lord Paramount after threatening Scotland. John Balliol was crowned King of Scotland and Edward I and him were in good terms. Without Edwards’ I knowledge, Auld Alliance, which consisted in mutual support between Scotland and France, was signed. England had the disire to expand its territory, including the conquer of France. When Edward I knew about the Auld Alliance he invaded Scotland and in 1296 the Battle of Dunbar marked the begining of the Wars of Scottish Independence.

In every stanza of this anthem, the last four verses are equals and there is a reason for it, By repeating ‘And stood against him/ Proud Edward's Army/ And sent him homeward/ Tae think again.’ , the courage and persistence of the Scottish is reminded. Besides that, the pride that the Scottish Army brought to the nation is also mentioned.

After ‘Flower of Scotland’, there is ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, an unofficial anthem of England that was written by Edward Elgar in 1902.

This anthem is the finale of the Coronation Ode, that was prepared to the King’s coronation. In 1902 King Edward VII was crowned and the Ode, that includes the anthem, was played. During this event, the almost blind Archbishop of Canterbury misplaced the crown on the King’s head.

‘Land of Hope and Glory’ is a symbol of patriotism and pride. Over the time, new meanings were given to this anthem. It started as a reminder of England’s greatness and its History and later gave hope to the soldiers, to the nation and to everyone during both World Wars and many other occasions. It is sung in important occasions and out loud. Everyone who sings this anthem is proud of it, is proud of the country’s History and of every person who contributed for it. Besides that, the anthem as also a religious part, where aid and guidance are requested to a superior identity in order to lead the nation into greater glory.

As previously referred, several connotations were given to this anthem including the name of a patriotic show. Neil Sands, a well-known theatrical producer, organised this show. In this year (2020), the show was supposed to be performed on the 8th of May, celebrating the Victory in Europe Day (VE Day[footnoteRef:1]) but had to be prostponed. This production is a compilation of several memorable songs and has the intention to recall the days of glory of the nation. [1: On this day , Nazy Germany surrended to Allies, ceassing the World War II.]

In addition to the new meaning as a show, in 1987 it was produced a movie called ‘Hope and Glory’ , a veracious experience of growing up during the Blitz[footnoteRef:2], so as explained, the anthem inspired people in various occasions and gave them strength to overcome obstacles. [2: Bombing raids against Great Britain between 1940 and 1944.]

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Comparison of Unofficial Anthems. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from
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