Cyber Bullying: Social Media Surveillance

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Cyber bullying is a kind of bullying that is done through many places through which you are connected to the social world. It is done by the means of SMS, Online app, and by social media. Cyber bully is done by sharing, posting false content about someone who they want to bully. It can also include the sharing of personal information about a particular person causing them to be humiliated or to get embarrassed in front of everyone. Most teenagers are the targets of these criminals. Cyber bullying makes the child sad and sometimes even angry. A 2012 study from the University of Nottingham and the University of Sheffield found that eight out of ten of the 320 adults surveyed across three different universities had been victims of cyberbullying in the last six months. About a quarter reported feeling humiliated, ignored, or being the subject of online gossip at least once a week.

The place where cyber bullying can occur:

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  • Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, etc;
  • Сan occur through SMS;
  • Through emails.

What is social media surveillance?

Social media surveillance is also known as social media monitoring. It is used to track, monitor gather, or mine particular data about a particular person. It is done by particular companies or other organizations to know about their user’s opinions. This surveillance occurs in social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, YouTube, etc. The companies who provide these data create profiles to provide advertisements to the targeted users. Social media surveillance is very helpful for businessmen to grow up their businesses. For example, an app called the “TRUE CALLER “aims is to identify phone numbers by which the users are able to filter out calls, even if the number was even once called on your phone. The app uses your information through your phone and shows you details on the receiver's phone. This all happens with the help of social media surveillance.


There are many causes of social media surveillance but the main cause of social media surveillance is to know what does a specific person thinks. It is used to monitor the people and try to grab attention towards the brands or to a specific product. Social media monitoring/social medial surveillance is also dome to divert one attention towards the competition. Not only it is used by the businessmen it is also been used by the government to keep an eye on the criminal or on those people who are suspected to be a criminal. They use it to keep an eye on them and get to know about what they are been doing on social media or to see what criminal acts are they doing on it. By doing this government are able to do many things. Even due to social media surveillance the business market has reached higher. According to research that “At least 40 of the 65 countries covered by this report have instituted advanced social media monitoring programs.” For example, in the United States, agencies within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—including Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Citizenship and Immigration Services, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)—have used automated technology to collect and analyze personal information, with limited oversight and transparency.


There are a lot of consequences of social media surveillance. This could help the new businessman to get knowledge about their customers what they like and what they don’t and grab their attention towards their products. The governmental consequence would be that they could catch the criminals of the social media, and try to stop the social media crime like cyber bullying, hacking, and fraud. Social media surveillance can also affect your privacy because you usually post your pictures or some information on social media by the help of social media surveillance companies can leak your data to get information about you. But if this information is in the right hand till then it is ok but if this information gets a leak and get into the wrong hands then it could have many severe consequences in which the most common consequence is cyber bullying and these crimes have their own severe consequences like making a person mentally ill and if it continues so on then it can also make the person to commit suicide or something even more dangerous than no one can think. According to research that “ Children and young people under 25 who are victims of cyberbullying are more than twice as likely to self-harm and enact suicidal behavior, according to a new study.

Course of action

As discussed above, with the help of social media surveillance the government can help us in the reduction of cyber bullying. But it is not only the government's responsibility to help us out but it is also our responsibility to help ourselves. We can help ourselves by not posting any of your personal or private data or information on social media as these criminals are always there to take advantage of it. Government should only allow trusted and reliable people to survey the accounts of people. Businesses man’s allowances to survey the account should be restricted to the extent that they cannot be able to see all of their information that the users do won't make the others see. There should and are a high amount of fines on the people who are caught on the basis of cyber bullying and should also be giving a big punishment. The centerpiece of this legislation is the establishment of a Children’s e-Safety Commissioner who will have power to require large social networking sites to take down cyberbullying material or incur significant fines of up to $17,000 a day. Make more organizations that can easily survey and lessen the social media crime rate. Complaints to police about alleged crimes linked to the use of Facebook and Twitter have increased by 780% in four years, resulting in about 650 people being charged last year. But if the government gives their best and the people would support them then these numbers could end up at zero and social media surveillance would help them for sure.

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Cyber Bullying: Social Media Surveillance. (2021, August 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Cyber Bullying: Social Media Surveillance.” Edubirdie, 08 Aug. 2021,
Cyber Bullying: Social Media Surveillance. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Cyber Bullying: Social Media Surveillance [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Aug 08 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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