Cyber Security Statement of Purpose

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In 2006, I graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) with a Bachelor`s degree in ElectronicElectrical Engineering. My interest in Cyber security was ignited in my third year at the University when we were introduced to TCPIP networking. In this course module, I learned how to use an Access control list and encrypted passwords to prevent intruders from accessing networks. This was where my curiosity and interest in network security started. For the past 15 years, I have worked as a TCPIP networking engineer and a telecommunication Radio Access Network (RAN) engineer. I have been involved with various projects that have deployed mobile telephony networks across Africa. The question I keep asking myself over the years as a RAN engineer has been, how are these Mobile Telephony networks protected and secured from both internal and external intruders? In the short to medium term, I would want to work as a very skillful cybersecurity engineer. In the long term, I would want to become the director general of the newly instituted Cyber Security Authority to among other things help regulate the cyber security space in my country Ghana.

The mobile telephony network has been the main driver of digitization and the IT revolution that is sweeping across the continent of Africa. Financial organizations, government institutions, hospitals, and the military all depend on Mobile Network Operators for connectivity to the internet and also for the transfer of sensitive information. This information needs to be protected and secured. The need to protect these networks cannot be overemphasized. In Ghana and Africa today, mobile telephony services are becoming the bedrock on which life-changing services run. One of the key services running on Mobile telephony networks is financial services. Mobile network subscribers are now able to pay for goods and services via their mobile phones. This service is popularly known as mobile money. This is actually driving the government agenda of achieving a cashless economy. It is also possible to buy insurance policies with your mobile phone and also pay for school fees and other services. The mobile money interoperability infrastructure which was put in place by the central bank (Bank of Ghana) has made it possible for mobile money wallets to be connected to traditional bank accounts. According to the Governor of the Bank of Ghana, total transaction value and volume increased from GH¢8.3 million and 96,907 respectively in May 2018 to GH¢32.6 million and 319,094 respectively in September 2018, representing 292.8 percent. It has become imperative for the Mobile network operators which in this case act as the Digital Financial Service Providers to adequately secure their networks against the threats of fraud and cyber-attacks. This has been my major reason for applying to read this course at this prestigious university. I would want to equip myself with the requisite skill set and also research how Mobile Networks in Africa could be adequately protected and secured from potential threats of cyber criminals.

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When I started out my career as a Network Operations Centre (NOC) networking engineer at a TCPIP network service provider, I actually came to appreciate cyber security and eventually fell in love with the subject. In this company, we provided TCPIP connectivity services for organizations such as banks, hospitals, and government institutions. We employed some cyber security tools such as Arbor DDoS and solar winds to combat threats such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on our network and that of our customers.

My extensive work in the mobile telephony sector also made me more curious and motivated to go into cyber security. I have a good understanding of Python programming language. I also have good knowledge of Linux bash scripting. This has prepared me to take this course at this level. I am actually looking forward to starting my career as a cybersecurity engineer. My interest in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency gives me added inspiration to embark on this beautiful journey of becoming one of the trusted hands in the area of cyber security in Africa and the world at large.

To achieve my dreams and aspirations of leading the cyber security industry in my country in the near future, it is my conviction that this highly ranked university with a very strong faculty and highly knowledgeable professors is highly placed to nurture me and bring the best out of me. Upon a closer look at the University website, I am convinced that Manchester Metropolitan University provides excellent research activities and a balanced academic program which is conducive to my study. In conclusion, I would be glad if I am offered a place to read MSc Cyber Security at your University. I am confident that with my passion, motivation, and positive attitude, and with the aid of your graduate program, I will be able to acquire the skills set needed to make a significant contribution to the research and development of cyber security in my country Ghana.

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Cyber Security Statement of Purpose. (2023, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Cyber Security Statement of Purpose.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2023,
Cyber Security Statement of Purpose. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Cyber Security Statement of Purpose [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Feb 24 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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