Detailed Google's Business Overview

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Google is a multinational technology company which specializes in Internet-related products and services, which include search engine, software and hardware, cloud computing and online commercials. It is one of Big Four technology companies. Google has dominated the search engine market, maintaining at least 80 percent market for many years.

For sure Google can provide the best searching experience for customers, so that they don’t have strong competitors. Google also expanded its services to mail in the past years. The result is Gmail is now the most widely used email around the world. Besides, Google also holds the world’s largest video websites YouTube and the most popular system of mobile phones. However, the main profit the company makes is from the advertisement.

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SWOT Analysis

On the one hand, the strengths of this company are very obvious. First it is a market leader in search engines. Second, it has the ability to generate user traffic. Third, it has a good revenue from advertising. Fourth, it holds the most popular operating system Android. Fifth, Google is probably the best-known company for pioneering the search engine revolution in the world. On the other hand, some people complain about weaknesses such as falling ad rates, lack of compatibility with next generation devices, excessive reliance on secrecy, privacy disclosure or overdependence on advertising. Furthermore, there are some opportunities for Google, it can have a great development on Android operating system, cloud computing, Google play software market, pixel phones and other diversified non-ads business model. Also, the company are facing some threats from mobile phone manufactories like Apple or Huawei, advising provider like Facebook or other social media, other search engines like Bing or some in-app search engines, video website like Netflix or online shopping website like Amazon.

Planning Tools

Google are using strategic plan which means high-level managers will design and execute strategic plans to paint a picture of the future and long-term goals for the company. That is to say, strategic plans look ahead to where the organization wants to be in three, five, even ten years. They use a strategy for organizing and coordinating technology management across the entire enterprise. It is a set of management practices, tools, organizational structures and technology governance designed to ensure that the use of technology is optimized across the enterprise with the overarching aim of satisfying customer needs and expectations. They understand that they need to challenge not only their competitors but also themselves in order to constantly improve their customers view and their ability to meet market demand.

Policy & Procedures

Google ‘s purpose is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Its creed is ‘Don’t be evil’. To keep things under control, Google makes sure they have control environment, because the control environment is the foundation for the other internal control components and sets the overall tone of the organization. Then they need to do risk assessment, which should be performed at a high level of the organization as a whole, as well as at each individual division and department. An internal control evaluation could also unveil fraudulent activity or misappropriation of income or assets that is occurring within your organization. Finally you should do some control activities to reduce the risk.

Some useful tools that can be used are calendar management and communication. They write down everything that they have to do so that they won’t forget or miss. In addition, communicating with others can absolutely improve productivity.

Organization Structure

Google has a cross-functional organizational structure, which means a matrix corporate structure with a considerable degree of flatness. It is a structural feature that supports the company’s competitiveness. Google’s corporate structure uses function for grouping employees. For instance, the company has a Sales Operations group, an Engineering & Design group, and a Product Management group, and so on. The business also uses products for grouping employees. Another example is the company groups employees for developing Pixel devices. In addition, the company’s corporate structure has considerable flatness. A flat organizational structure shows that Google’s employees, teams or groups can pass by low management and communicate directly with higher management. Based on the flatness of the corporate structure, staffs can meet and share information across teams.

Application Process

The Google Hiring Process can be divided into 5 steps, the application, the interviews, the review, the background check, employee onboarding. Google has turned its hiring process into a machine - no surprise for a company that built the ultimate search engine. The process presents a general rubric business can use to establish their own hiring, screening, and onboarding processes. While Google is much bigger than the average employer, the benefits of the company’s strategies - from its multi-faceted background check to its nurturing onboarding process - can be applied at virtually any level.


Larry Page is a democratic leader. He urges employees to believe in crazy ideas that seem to be impossible when people first hear. He also strives to work quickly and encourages decisions to be made. Besides, he is an introvert, which means he is always willing to hear creative ideas from others. Furthermore, Larry tries to avoid an autocratic way of leading by building his team to gather more insight and ideas to help Google grow. He uses a transformational leadership theory. He tries to change something in his business and he often encourage people to have crazy ideas. He does’t want to follow the old way to manage his employees. The advantages about his behaviors are staff in Google can feel respectful and contribute more ideas to their company. On the other hand, too much meetings or discussion may waste a lot of time.

Communication Tools

Social intranet software can be one of the communication tools. Each organization goes through or transition where it becomes clear its internal communications are failing. Too often with your department, the approach is to press forward with technology without asking why it's being done. However, after looking out for a few symptoms within your organization, you may have a pretty good idea about what you need to do. Private, group messaging, and chat tools can be also considered. Staffs and project teams need collaboration tools to help them work together more efficiently. Without a platform to collaborate, it becomes difficult for members to share ideas and keep tabs on group progress. Emails often get lost, unread, or threads become frustratingly long. Providing an easy way for your teams to communicate brings members together and helps them be more productive.

Conflict Resolution Techniques

We can always solve problems through following steps, Listen, then speak out, gather the group, being impartial, do not postpone conflict resolution, promote teamwork and broadcast praise. Using conflict resolution strategies in the workplace will help maintain a healthy work environment. Conflict resolution requires specific leadership skills, problem solving abilities and decision making skills.

Compensation Tools

Labor market analysis is a good compensation tool. The results of market survey analysis, recruitment and retention indicators, availability of funds, and internal equity/alignment issues are all considered in establishing or adjusting salary ranges. These factors are of equal importance when used by managers in making pay adjustments. In response to proposals to improve our classification and pay systems, refinement of our survey methods, identification of appropriate labor markets and market trends, and solicitation of feedback from managers will be an on-going process at the University of California, Merced.

Financial Analysis

As of 2018, Google is expanding its core business and has several ambitious projects in the works. Potential future business segments for the company include smart devices, human longevity research and urban infrastructure. These projects, however, remain in various phases of research and development and do not generate significant revenue. Financial ratios represent an effective method for analyzing a company's core business. The following financial ratios indicate how Google's core business is performing as of Q2 2018. (this paragraph is copied) So basically, we can say that Google is a potential company.

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Detailed Google’s Business Overview. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“Detailed Google’s Business Overview.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
Detailed Google’s Business Overview. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Detailed Google’s Business Overview [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from:

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