“Doctor Faustus” as an Embodiment of the Spirit of the Renaissance

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Dr. Faust portrays the spirit of the Renaissance in various ways. First, the author of Dr. Faustus Christopher Marlowe was himself a hallmark of the Renaissance period. He was inundated with the essence of the Renaissance through his immense thirst for vast knowledge, his desire for sensual enjoyment of natural life, his extreme determination and his ultimate desire for supremacy or power and wealth, and finally with his soul . rebel. against the elders: old-fashioned living, your conventional faith, and conservative moral principles and values. We can wholeheartedly call Marlowe the main advocate of the Renaissance, as he leaned far more towards the Italian Renaissance than anyone else.

Therefore, it was only fitting that his extraordinary works exhibit the central characteristics of the Renaissance. And then, unlike Shakespeare, Marlowe couldn't help but predict his temper in the large and massive figures in his plays, especially in his four masterpieces: Tamerlan, Doctor Faust, The Maltese Jew and Edward II. . Thus, we find out that not only Doctor Faust, but all the giant heroes of Marlowe's masterpieces reveal the most important characteristics of the Renaissance and the Machiavellian code of wide autonomy to come to an end by all average, fair or dirty. With their essence of individualism, each is governed by an overwhelming desire to achieve an ideal or to achieve the realization of an uncontrolled motivation.

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They all seem motivated by the Machiavellian principles of human behavior and human desires, and now mutual ethical agreements and recognized spiritual agreements can in no way prevent them from striving to achieve their goal. Seu Tamerlan, the cruelest tyrant, with his obsession for unlimited authority, rebels against all established orders both on earth and in heaven. In his Maltese Jew, the cruel Barabbas ruled by an irrational desire for gold throws out all collective ethical regulations and does not shy away from forcing the coldest misconduct to reach its monstrous end. And his Edward II and Mortimer pay the most terrible price, the first for their thirst for his vile sycophants and the second for their extreme desire to rule.

Doctor Faustus: Soul of Revolt Of all the heroes of Marlowe, Doctor Faustus seems to be the absolute embodiment of the brilliance and essence of the Renaissance, as his charisma reveals a great desire for unlimited consciousness, for domination and wealth, a passion for the physical pleasure of life, a rebellious soul of skepticism and also the essence of insurrection contrary to the so-called holy doctrines of conservatives and Christian mysticism.

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“Doctor Faustus” as an Embodiment of the Spirit of the Renaissance. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/doctor-faustus-as-an-embodiment-of-the-spirit-of-the-renaissance/
““Doctor Faustus” as an Embodiment of the Spirit of the Renaissance.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/doctor-faustus-as-an-embodiment-of-the-spirit-of-the-renaissance/
“Doctor Faustus” as an Embodiment of the Spirit of the Renaissance. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/doctor-faustus-as-an-embodiment-of-the-spirit-of-the-renaissance/> [Accessed 15 Jan. 2025].
“Doctor Faustus” as an Embodiment of the Spirit of the Renaissance [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2025 Jan 15]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/doctor-faustus-as-an-embodiment-of-the-spirit-of-the-renaissance/

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