Dogs Vs Cats Battle

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It’s the age-old battle, cats versus dogs, everyone’s heard it, most of us have argued about it, but no one seems to change their mind. Both sides have valid arguments and criticism but no one can decide what outweighs what. Maybe the reason is that everything is subjective, it is fruitless to argue what’s better because people value different things. A better thing to do is ask yourself what you want, what are you looking for, what do you value? Armed with that knowledge you are guaranteed to find the right pet for you. Understanding the needs of the animal and yourself is necessary for finding a pet to cherish forever and be happy.

Dogs are above all else friends, they want to do things with you, and will always be there to support you. They will always be excited when with you, from the moment you wake up to the second you go back to sleep. Dogs are social animals; they need as much attention as they give you. They like to play and benefit from being with other dogs. They have lots of needs that have to be attended to. Dogs don’t take well to being ignored and will often complain until they get what they are seeking. A dog owner has to be prepared to sacrifice time and energy to keep up with their dog. Dogs will struggle if left to their vices for more than a day.

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Loyalty, someone who will always be by your side: cats offer companionship, they just want to be with you. They don’t need to play or interact with you in the same way dogs do. Cats show love differently, they will gentle nuzzle you or nod off on your lap, it’s a much quieter relationship. Cats are low maintenance but are also reclusive. If they don’t want to cuddle or play the won’t, they enjoy alone time. This can be both a pro and a con, if you need them, they may not be there for you but if you need some time to yourself to work on something you can have it. They are largely independent; they will do well as long as they have food and water and a clean litterbox. This freedom lets you leave for the weekends without having to arrange a sitter

When I was young my family had a golden retriever named DOG (dee-oh-gee), I loved that dog but struggled to help take care of him. We were roughly the same size and I was always a little scared of him. I didn’t enjoy playing with him all that much and despised taking him for walks. I didn't have the energy to keep up with him all day and would quickly tire both physically and emotionally. After a couple of years, my dad was offered a job overseas, we realized it would be too expensive and difficult to take DOG with us. Although disappointed I was not devastated like many people would have been.

Once we had settled into our new house my parents decide to surprise us with a kitten. I knew right away this was a better fit. I could easily take care of her and enjoyed spending time with her. We ended up adopted to more cats, they were strays and desperately needed help. After a few weeks of butting heads, the three got along with each other. I have developed a nice routine for taking care of them and often wake up to two or more cats in my bed. Their independence allows me to do stuff I want to do without having to worry about them. It's easy for my family to travel as the cats only need someone to refill their food and water every once in a while. I can tend to their needs while still caring for myself.

All pets have their benefits and their drawbacks, so it is important to find the one that best suits you. For me it was balancing effort I put into rewards I got out. My lifestyle and personality are best fitted for cats, owning cats has brought things to my attention things about myself I didn't know before. I feel like I understand myself better, I understand why I make certain choices and why I avoid certain things. I've come to understand that it's not a question of cats versus dogs, it's about you.

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Dogs Vs Cats Battle. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 13, 2025, from
“Dogs Vs Cats Battle.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
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Dogs Vs Cats Battle [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2025 Jan 13]. Available from:

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