Effects of Flood and Risk Management Measures

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Globally , flooding is one of the major natural disaster has been increasing as the frequency of flooding which causes from the combination natural hazards, human settlement induced factors and is held responsible for a huge number of damaging events than any other type of natural event have increased . in a minimum flood losses of one third of all due to nature's that can be to the flooding , Flood harm has been very severe in current decades and it is clear that both the frequency and intensity of floods are increasing.. there are many countries like china , India , Bangladesh, flooding is a frequent, in a minimum annual Events and other's like South Arabia, where some place flood is rare , but its effects is sometimes also severe. population of the world no one is free to be save from the being flooded. but still, the risk of flood is very wide vulnerable to the communities. According(Sadiq et al, 2011) Different countries worldwide such as Europe , America , Asia , Oceania , Australia , in Africa having Experience in heavy rains heavy rains, river overflows, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis and un expected floods seen which destroy completely or some party localities in all over the world. Floods are among the most recurring and devastating natural hazards, effecting human lives and causing severe economic socially and Environmental damage throughout the world.

The effects of drought and flood coupled with poverty and high population growth let many people become victims for various disasters (ERCS, 2012). different scholar's forward that that the magnitude and frequency of flooding increased speedily in recent years in the country. It is evident indicated by the dramatically increased number of people and areas affected; number of deaths; and infrastructure and property loss. according 2014 , Gizachew and Shimelis, Manifestation of climate change in the form of erratic rainfall, frequent and severe floods; and droughts have grave consequences on the livelihood, security of smallholder farming communities, and making them more vulnerable in countries like Ethiopia haw ever , flooding has been remaining one of the severe natural catastrophic in the country. flooding affects many parts of the country , for example120,000 people have been displaced by flooding in Ethiopia. the country vulnerable to floods and resulting destruction of life, economy, this month infrastructure, services and health of the people ( federal Disater preparedness in somali regionsl state. )

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Dolo Ado is one towns of Somali regional state , Ethiopia has faced flooding caused to displacing thousands from their home , death of four year old child and loss of property and livelihoods. for example The woreda has two rivers named Ganale and Dawa, which normally flooded out during Gu and Deyr rain season and affect the asset of the communities, Thus, due to the rain raining in the highland part of the country caused the two rivers of Genale and Dawa to become full of water while the rivers flooded out .

Dolo Ado is facing a unique set of socioeconomic, environmental, and urbanization conditions that combine as a vulnerability profile to make particular populations and city systems suffer harm from flood events. Therefore, the study area is one of the greatest flood prone areas and the severity of the flood is variable between years especially in Deyr season. However, still there is unclear cause and unclear real effects of the flood. Meanwhile, the changes and severity of flood has been profound effects on the majority of the people in Dolo Ado town and surrounding area in general. Therefore, identification of such system may be regarded as more important than a similar system in an isolated area. Moreover, even though flood accounts the greatest proportion of livelihood loss in the country as a whole and in Dolo Ado town in particular, the coping mechanisms are still traditional and there is an acute shortage of studies conducted with a specific objective at local resolution analyzing the real causes and effects of flood.

Thus, this study is essential to understand whether the likely real effects are high and increasing or not and whether the causes of flood are natural or man-made. Therefore, the study in Generally will fill the gap by focusing on the investigation of real effects and its causes.

Dolo Ado Woreda is located and bounded between 516,493m, to 435,460 m North and 842,492m to 695,529 East. The woreda is found in Liibaan zone of the Somali Regional State covering a total area of 7,330 square Km. Dolo Ado woreda is bordered on the North Filtu, Jarati Woreda, West Mubarak Woreda, onthe West Direction Kenya Country, South Somalia Country and East Direction Dolo BayWoreda. Dolo Ado town, which is the woreda capital, is at a distance from the regional capital Jijiga towards the South direction.

This research will adopt mixed research approach. The mixed methods approach will help the researcher to triangulate among various and diverse research methods:

4.1. Sample Design : One of the central objectives of this study is to assess the effects of flood, and the existing risk management measures in Dolo Ado. To conduct such a research, there is a need to collect primary data through field survey. However, due to financial and time constraints, the researcher focused on households from three purposively selected Kebeles that are mainly affected by the flood.

4.2.Study population: The total population of the study is nine thousand household heads from community within three kebeles. It is from this population that sampling frame for the final sample size calculation could be obtained.

4.3. Sampling Frame: Sampling frame is a list that consists of all the categories of sampling units or units of analysis. So for this specific study, the sampling frame for the survey was the total households of the three Kebeles that are mainly affected by which add up to 2985 households

4.4. Sampling Techniques: To select sample respondents from the total population, probability and non- probability sampling techniques will be used. Probability sampling helps to give equal chance for all HHs, which increases the chance of every household being selected.

4.5. Sample Size and sampling Technique .

Finally, after the data collection the data was edited, coded, decoded, tabulated and analyzed by using suitable statistical tools such as SPSS package.

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Effects of Flood and Risk Management Measures. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/effects-of-flood-and-risk-management-measures/
“Effects of Flood and Risk Management Measures.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/effects-of-flood-and-risk-management-measures/
Effects of Flood and Risk Management Measures. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/effects-of-flood-and-risk-management-measures/> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Effects of Flood and Risk Management Measures [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/effects-of-flood-and-risk-management-measures/

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