Effects of Photoshop on Youth

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In today's world photoshopping has become a normal practice. It has become so normal that you can no longer tell if photos are real or fake. Growing up thinking that it is normal to have such a perfect body is not healthy. Due to the many consequences, it can bring. Science has proven it can have physical and mental health consequences, that can have a long-lasting impact.

Changes made by Photoshop create unrealistic body expectations for young girls. By trying to achieve this image of perfection they could be physically harming themselves. Going on extreme diets that can later cause eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa, a well-known eating disorders, causes muscle loss, weakness, dry hair and skin, and severe dehydration which are a few effects. Wanting to obtain the perfect body can also lead to plastic surgery. Plastic surgery can have many risks, one of them being death. Not only is plastic surgery and eating disorders dangerous to our physical health, it can also affect us mentally.

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Photoshopping can have a major negative effect on our mental health, by giving us unrealistic body images. Erin Cunningham writes in ‘Our Photoshopping Disorder’ that “53 % of 13-year-old girls are dissatisfied with their appearance and body image” (217). When people photoshop an image it's usually because they do not like what they see. The problem with that is that what they see is real while on the other hand photoshopped images are fake. Photoshop is used to completely change a person's body into something that isn't them anymore. Not being happy with oneself can lead to decreased self-esteem, anxiety and, in some cases, depression. Young girls are growing up thinking they must look a certain way, thanks to unrealistic photoshopped images. This makes them doubt themselves and the way they look. Mental health is very important especially for young growing girls.

Both physical and mental health can have a long-lasting impact. Not only do they affect young girls now it can also affect them in their future. Conditions can worsen with time. Eating disorders can develop and lead to bigger health risk. It can later on affect the heart and vital organs, which in extreme cases can lead to death. The same issue is found in plastic surgery. Some common plastic surgery complications include; infections, blood clots, organ damage, scaring, and blood loss. Anxiety and depression can have major effects in a young girl’s future. It can affect them in the school environment, as well as in their social life and future careers.

Many young girls' lives are being affected by living in this photoshopping society. They are thinking that such a perfect body is normal, when in reality it is all fake. It has been causing many negative consequences. It affects the physical health of many young girls. Photoshop causes eating disorder as well as the belief to change one's physical body in normal to obtain the perfect figure. Girls who do not have this so-called perfect body can fall into depression and anxiety. All this can affect both the girls now and in the future. Instead of making ourselves beautiful, we are only photoshopping ourselves sick.


  1. Erin, Cunningham. ‘Our Photoshopping Disorder’. Perspective on Contemporary Issues: Reading across the Disciples. 8th ed., edited by Katherine Anne Ackly, Cengage, 2018, pp.215-219.
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Effects of Photoshop on Youth. (2022, October 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/effects-of-photoshop-on-youth/
“Effects of Photoshop on Youth.” Edubirdie, 28 Oct. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/effects-of-photoshop-on-youth/
Effects of Photoshop on Youth. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/effects-of-photoshop-on-youth/> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
Effects of Photoshop on Youth [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Oct 28 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/effects-of-photoshop-on-youth/

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