Eileen Egan and Mother Teresa: Discursive Essay

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Eileen Egan

Eileen Egan is not very well known and a lot of people have no idea who she is or have never heard of her before. She was friends with Mother Teresa, and she even received her own award for writers every year. Eileen Egan was a Catholic journalist who ministered refugees and changed the idea of peace for Catholics by marching with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, helping refugees, and addressing the second Vatican Council on issues of war and peace.

Eileen Egan was born in Wales in 1912. She lived with her mom, Mary Egan, and her dad, Jeremiah Egan. She immigrated to New York in 1926. She was only fourteen years old.

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In New York, she went to the Cathedral High School. She graduated from there and went to the Hunter College. She was such a good student at Hunter, that she made it to the “Hunter Hall of Fame.”

Eileen Egan was a friend and coworker of Mother Teresa. She met Mother Teresa in her mid 40s in the streets of Kolkata. They both experienced a calling to aid those hurt by poverty, disease, and conflict. Eileen Egan brought Mother Teresa to the United States to address the 1960 National Council of Catholic Women Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. She spoke out about pacifism for the rest of her life.

Eileen Egan ministered many refugees in her career. Some of the refugees that she helped were victims of the Holocaust, people with nowhere to live in Gaza, Pakistan, Hong Kong, and India, and refugees from World War II. She also helped lead the march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma. Eileen Egan was also addressed the second Vatican Council on war & peace along with several others.

Eileen Egan received her own award called the Eileen Egan Award. This award is presented to a Catholic writer every year who promotes people with his writing to make suffering less severe, removing the causes of suffering and promoting social justice.

In the summer of 1992, she was mugged on her way to mass by a man named Richard Raimonde. Eileen was eighty years old. She broke her hip and fractured several of her ribs. She forgave her attacker and sent him letters and magazines while he was in prison. She tried to convince him that violence is “not the way to go in life.” She met with Richard’s mom, and she brought good out of that, but she failed to impact Richard’s life. She died eight years later at the age of 88.

Eileen Egan was known for being a religious educator. She always used the metaphors “prophet,” “advocate,” and “exemplar.” She changed the idea of peace for Catholics.

Eileen Egan fought for peace for her entire life. She was a very brave woman who was ready to take risks like flying to other countries during wars just to help refugees and people hurt by the war. She helped the world recognize the greatness of peace by befriending or meeting other famous peace activists like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa. She was attacked and broke her hip and several ribs, and she forgave her attacker and sent him magazines and books when he was in prison. Eileen Egan fought for peace and for God with all of her heart for her entire life.

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Eileen Egan and Mother Teresa: Discursive Essay. (2022, August 12). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/eileen-egan-and-mother-teresa-discursive-essay/
“Eileen Egan and Mother Teresa: Discursive Essay.” Edubirdie, 12 Aug. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/eileen-egan-and-mother-teresa-discursive-essay/
Eileen Egan and Mother Teresa: Discursive Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/eileen-egan-and-mother-teresa-discursive-essay/> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Eileen Egan and Mother Teresa: Discursive Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 12 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/eileen-egan-and-mother-teresa-discursive-essay/

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