Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles among Management Employees

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Leadership styles may be of relevance to in a variety of situations where there is a requirement to manage others. The main objectives of the study is to analyse the relationship between Emotional Intelligence factors and leadership of Employees. Convenience sampling was also used to determine the sample size for the Employees. A total of 60 employees are taken as sample for this study. The study makes use of statistical techniques such as Percentage analysis, Chi Square test, T-test, Anova and Correlation in analyzing the data for finding the result. The study revealed that delegating leadership is adopted by a very few respondents. Leadership is very much important in every organisation. When there is a good leadership then the performance of the employees will also be good.


Today’s industries in India are carried in an excellent manner. Under the previous five year plans, the industrial organizations have achieved greater success both in private sectors.’ Leadership style’ plays an important role in shaping the behavior and attitudes of the members of an organization. In recent years, the study of leadership has drawn more attention to its role in the failure or success of an organization. Many studies have focused on investigating the role of leadership in developed countries. However, little is known about the leadership styles in developing world organization. This research will attempts to enhance the understanding of the different emerging leadership styles in organization of a developing economy.

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The successful leaders of any organisation perform tasks and act in a way that provides followers with satisfaction and fulfillment in performing the work required and reaching the objectives. A leader triggers “Will to do” shows the way and guides group members towards goal accomplishment. As a writer astute only observed “where there is no vision, the people perish leaders give vision, he people perish” Leaders give vision to their followers and leading is a necessary ingredient of successful management.

Leadership style plays an important role in shaping the behavior and attitudes of the members of an organization. In recent years, the study of leadership has drawn more attention to its role in the failure or success of an organization. Many studies have focused on investigating the role of leadership in developing countries. However, little is known about the leadership styles in developing world organization. This research will attempt to enhance the understanding of the different emerging leadership styles in organization of a developing economy.


Having a satisfied work force is very much essential for smooth working of every organization. Hence this study is conducted to know whether the workers are satisfied with the leadership qualities, communication, decision making, goal setting, training, motivation of the company. Industrial world today offers many unprecedented and yet challenging opportunities for growth. Leaders are therefore called to rethink traditional ways and play a greater and innovative role to face them with foresight and courage. There is also an urgent need to focus on the personality of leaders so that their skills and talents are robust enough to keep pace with modern times. Effective leaders can anticipate problems and quickly respond to new realities. Leadership roles today are challenging particularly because we live in a knowledge economy and operate in the era of knowledge workers. Leadership success in this context will depend on how the leader mobilizes his people to achieve extraordinary results. While other resources such as machine, material, etc.

The study will help the management to recognize the importance of Emotional Intelligence to develop effective leaders to lead the organization. The research study will benefit the executives to enhance the Emotional Intelligence competencies where they are at low levels and enable them to become effective leaders.


Leadership is one of the main springs of efficient human activity. The study of leadership has drawn more attention due to its role in the failure or success of an organization. It is essential to maintain and improve the efficiency, quality of output and involvement among the workers. The present study on leadership style undertaken is to analyse and understand the various aspects connected with managing an organisation. As such it is one of the small contributions to the field of industrial psychology. Leadership style is derived by many inter-related factors. Although these factors can never be isolated from one another for analysis they can be made use for statistical techniques and be separated enough to give an indication of their relative importance of leadership.


Ali Amur AL Marhoobi and Tarik Attan (2017), “The Effects of Perceived Leadership Style on Employee Motivation: A Comparative study between Public and Private Sectors in Oman”, explores the relationship between leadership style and employee motivation in the public and private sectors in Oman. The reqired data for the study have been collected through issue of questionnaire. A sample of 661 employees has been collected by adopting random sampling technique. Tools like Descriptive statistics, means and standard deviations have been used to analyze the data. The find that they participants were aware of the need for an effective leadership style that harmonises with the employees motivation dimensions. Kashif Rathore, Chaudhry Abdul Khaliq and Nauman Aslam (2017), “The Influence of Leadership Styles on Employees Performance under Perceptions of Organizational Politics: A Study of Telecom Sector in Pakistan”, to investigate the relationship of leadership styles and employee performance. The data for the study have been collected through issue of questionnaire. A sample of 249 employees have selected by convenience and incidental sampling method. Tools like Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis and Mediation Analysis have been used to analyse the data. They find that there is no significant relationship between the transformational leadership and employee performance. Muskan Khan and Dr. D.S Yadav (2015), “Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Engagement in Context of Education Sector, Specifically Business Management Institutes”, to analyze Leadership as a major factor of Employee engagement. The data required for the study have been collected through issue of questionnaire. A sample of 200 members have been contacted by adopting Convenience Sampling technique. Descriptive Statistics have been used to analyze the data. They find that the leader in the business institution makes or breaks the employee motivation level that leads to employee engagement.


All Employees and supervisor may be administered the Emotional Intelligence tool and given feedback on their level of Emotional Intelligence.

  • Based on the levels of Emotional Intelligence specific interventions can be planned depending on their area of improvement.
  • The management may also think of using an appropriate instrument for selection of employees with required Emotional Intelligence.
  • Emotional Intelligence descriptors / events may be used in interviews for selection of candidates to elicit demonstration of specific competencies by HR professionals.
  • The organisation may review its HR systems and practices in the light the findings from current investigation with regard to leadership interventions and practices.
  • The study revealed that delegating leadership is adopted by a very few respondents. The management may further discuss and explore, analyse the implications.


Leadership plays an important role in shaping the behavior and attitudes of the members of an organization. It also determines how people would interact with each other in order to solve problems and take decisions. The field of leadership not only focuses on interpersonal relations but also appreciates the role of a leader as a motivator and energizer. The objective of this research was to enhance the understanding of emerging leadership styles in selected organization in a developing economy. Leadership is very much important in every organisation. When there is a good leadership then the performance of the employees will also be good. Through these team problems are solved, conflicts are avoided, employees gets great support from the superiors in solving the problems as well as in team building. This motivates the employees in the organization to contribute more and feel the atmosphere in a relaxed manner.


  1. Ali Amur AL Marhoobi and Tarik Attan (2017), “The Effects of Perceived Leadership Style on Employee Motivation: A Comparative study between Public and Private Sectors in Oman”, nternational Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, Vol. V, Issue 11, pp.27-67.
  2. Kashif Rathore, Chaudhry Abdul Khaliq and Nauman Aslam (2017), “The Influence of Leadership Styles on Employees Performance under Perceptions of Organizational Politics: A Study of Telecom Sector in Pakistan”, International Journal of Management Research and Emerging, Volume 7 Issue 1, pp. 106-140.
  3. Muskan Khan and Dr. D.S Yadav (2015), “Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Engagement in Context of Education Sector, Specifically Business Management Institutes”, Journal of Education and Practice, Volume 5, No.18, pp.12-24.
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Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles among Management Employees. (2022, Jun 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 17, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/emotional-intelligence-and-leadership-styles-among-management-employees/
“Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles among Management Employees.” Edubirdie, 29 Jun. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/emotional-intelligence-and-leadership-styles-among-management-employees/
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles among Management Employees. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/emotional-intelligence-and-leadership-styles-among-management-employees/> [Accessed 17 Jan. 2025].
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles among Management Employees [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 29 [cited 2025 Jan 17]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/emotional-intelligence-and-leadership-styles-among-management-employees/

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