Essay about My Life During Pandemic

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The world has slowed down, but tensions are starting to rise. In my early forties, when the world slowed down, I was finally able to take some time to relax, watch a few shows, learn to be a better chef and baker, and be more active in my activities. in foreign languages.

I have something to be thankful for. I especially appreciate being able to live in a comfortable house and having the opportunity to spend more time with my family. It really is the first time in years that we can all even have a meal together every day. Even when I and my brother were young, my parents went to work and sometimes came home late, so we didn't always have meals together. In my early forties, I remember my family saying it was great to finally have a meal together, and my brother joking, 'Only a pandemic will bring us all together.' '. That made me laugh at the time (but it's true). Soon we will all be back in different places and we will be apart again. So I'm very grateful for my life situation right now. As for my friends, even though we are far apart, I still feel like I can communicate with them through video chat, maybe even more than before. I think a lot of people now have a little more time to spend with other people. Although there is still a lot to be grateful for, the stress has passed and the work is in full swing.

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I've always been someone who generally likes to go to class, work more than necessary, and generally stay active. But lately, I've been feeling so overwhelmed with my workload, that my days have been filled with online homework, Zoom classes, and countless meetings, with baking and research. No purpose on Youtube. The pass-fail option for classes continues to stare at me, but I always look beyond to use the term as an opportunity to improve my grades. I was trying to understand the kind of overwhelming feeling I had never really felt before. Is it because I work harder and put more effort into my homework with all my free time? Is it because I don't have as much interaction with other people as I do at school? Or is it because my classes this term are supposed to be a lot harder? I really do not know; it might not even be one of those. What I do know is that I have to keep working and get over this feeling.

This quarter I have two synchronous classes and two asynchronous classes, each with advantages and disadvantages. Initially, I thought I wanted all of my lessons to be in sync, as the daily interaction with my teacher and classmates was very valuable to me. However, by taking these asynchronous classes, I realized that watching the lecture at my own pace is a good thing as it even allows me to pause the video for more recording time. It made me pay more attention during lectures and take note of little details that I might have otherwise missed. Additionally, I realize that synchronous classes can also be a burden for people overseas who have to wake up in the middle of the night just to take a class. I think it is unfortunate that professors want students to attend but are not required to attend for this reason; I find that most international students attend because they are worried that they are missing out on something. Even so, I still find synchronous lessons to be great, especially for discussion-based lessons.

I feel in touch with other students in my classes who I don't want to talk to or with whom I have frequent contact. Since the University of Santa Clara is a small school, interacting with each other in lessons on Zoom is particularly easy, and I even find it less intimidating at times to participate in lessons via Zoom than in person. . Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of classes, but this term I found myself taking some classes more than usual. The breakout rooms also created more interaction, as we were assigned random classmates, rather than the one we sat with closest in a live classroom - although I admit that breakout rooms can sometimes be awkward. Something I find beneficial about synchronous and asynchronous lessons is that teachers post a lesson transcript that I can always refer to when I want. I find this especially useful as I study for my semesters this term; Nice to have an audio recording to review in case I miss something in the conference.

Overall, life during these times is fundamentally different from anything most of us have experienced, and it can be extremely overwhelming and stressful at times - especially when it comes to going to school with it. me. Online classes do not provide the same environment and interaction as face-to-face classes and are by far not as enjoyable. But at the end of the day, I know that in any situation, there is always something to be thankful for, and I appreciate my situation right now. As the world slows down and my stress increases, I'm slowly starting to adapt to it.

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Essay about My Life During Pandemic. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 17, 2025, from
“Essay about My Life During Pandemic.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2022,
Essay about My Life During Pandemic. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 17 Jan. 2025].
Essay about My Life During Pandemic [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 27 [cited 2025 Jan 17]. Available from:

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