Essay About the Usefulness of Mobile Phones for Farmers in Agriculture

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Mobile phone usage in developing countries is taking part in a significant role for the improvement of farmers business towards agriculture. Recently, communication through mobile phones is considered vital in enhancing farmers’ access agricultural market. Farming communities appreciate mobile phone as straightforward, fast and convenient way to communicate and acquire prompt answers for various issues which have been faced in agriculture marketing. Nowadays, the mobile phone has generated a great opportunity for agriculture practitioners to get market information and credit facilities through this important technology; they directly keep in touch with market personals and supply their produce with reasonable prices. The uses of mobile phone additionally keep them aware for climate and weather which could be severely effect on harvesting, handling and transporting huge bulk of perishables.

Mobile phone has given new direction and approach to farmers to communicate directly and share about recent information among each other. The studies showed that mobile phones have saved energy and time of farmers and ultimately improved their net profit by reducing inputs and increasing the productivity. Mobile phones have provided an opportunity to the farmers to communicate directly with market brokers and customers for sell their product in reasonable price.

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The dissemination of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in developing countries provides much opportunity to transfer knowledge and information by private companies and government department. Last many years mobile phone coverage has been spread fast in Asian, African and Latin American countries. It was indicated that more than sixty percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America had access to mobile phone coverage in 2009. In the past the adoption of the mobile phones was primarily by rich people residing in urban areas. Nowadays mobile phones have been adopted by rural and urban populations in developing countries and getting a good benefit and latest information regarding weather, market and other related issues (Aker and Mbiti, 2010).

Mobile phones significantly have reduced communication and information costs for the rural people. This technology has provided new opportunities for rural farmers to obtain knowledge and information about agricultural issues, problems and its usage for the development of agriculture. Similarly, use of ICTs in agricultural extension services especially mobile phone services in the agricultural sector has provided information on market, weather, transport and agricultural techniques to contact with concern agencies and department (Aker, 2011).

Use of mobile phones leads to greater social cohesion and improved social relationships among farmers and business community. However, short message service SMS and voice record have given improvements in social relations. Mobile phone based social networking in the developing countries goes to show the growing importance of this aspect. Mobile phones are considered as important for agriculture development. This technology has provided connectivity and offer benefits such as mobility and security to owners (Bayes et al., 1999, Goodman, 2005, Kwaku & Kweku 2006, Donner, 2006).

The mobile phones have provided new approaches and thinking to the farmers for to get the information and sell their product in market with any bargaining to brokers. Before the mobile phones mostly farmers were depended on broadcasting media such as radio and television to get knowledge and information about crops. This time mobile phone technology has given quick communication and approach to community with their community. The educated farmers use short service message (SMS) to get latest update agricultural information such as marketing information that facilitate the farmer about making logical decisions (Murthy, 2009).

The use of mobile phones as providing agricultural related information and it was showed that how mobile phone has been able to connect the farmers to market information on the specific time and provide accurate information from brokers and customers. The effect of mobile phone could measure in the term of increased or decreased their sell productivity (Mittal & Tripathi, 2008).

The importance of market information for the farmers could not deny for the economic and efficiency development. It was observed that mobile phones have provided timely and accurate information and by these farmers has increased their performance knowledge (Helmberger, Campbell et al. 1981).

Mobile phone has provided new opportunities and access to farmers in different ways to communicate with market people and get latest information about commodities. It is no doubt that radio and television was also played an important role in diffusing information among different rural communities. Traditional media and new ICT have played a major role in diffusing information to rural communities (Munyua, 2000)

Mobile phones have now provided farmers with a new approach to making upfront decisions that is easier than before. Mobile phone technology has developed significantly in the past few years. Mobile phones are devices that can store, access and share information anytime anywhere. Mobile phone technology helps to create a good communication with rural and urban populations in developing countries and provides latest information about market, weather, natural disaster and other related issues (Aker and Mbiti, 2010).

Most of the farmers need easy access of information like element, availability, access and utilization. Mobile technology creates opportunities for rural farmers to obtain information and knowledge about market, agricultural issues, and problems and suggest how to develop the agricultural Market. Mobile services in agricultural sector provide more information on market, weather, transport service and agricultural techniques that helps to contact with the agencies and department (Aker, 2011).

Phone could be good device to make strong relationship with all agriculture business stakeholders by communication, SMS, email thus benefiting farmers by timely market information to increase the income and decrease the poverty. Modern mobile technologies are rapidly developing and spreading. A boundless deal of transformation in the life of society and nations is taking place as the information and communication technology constantly develops, predominantly the advancement of mobile phones and the Internet. Every organization that commits itself to invest in ICT has the benefits of gaining competitive edge, improving productivity and performance, facilitating new ways of managing and organizing, and of developing new businesses with the advent of mobile phones businesses and organizations have tapped into it due to the potential benefit mobile phones have to offer. To be part of the current wind blowing in the world farmers in both developed and developing countries have also been using mobile phone for their activities to their advantage. It has been found that farmers who use mobile phones make tentative decisions more easily on their farm management than those who do not.

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Essay About the Usefulness of Mobile Phones for Farmers in Agriculture. (2022, October 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
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