Essay on Books and the Internet

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In the modern world, technology has an essential impact on our lives. If some time ago, when technology devices had not been invented yet, people would see as the sole source of information the printed word, mainly the book in terms of more in-depth and academic information and to some extent magazines and newspapers. Today with the development of technology and especially of the Internet, an amount of previously unthinkable information can be accessed very easily and in a very short time. But lately there seems to be some sort of rivalry between the book and the Internet as to the quality and authenticity of the information these two sources provide.

The book is one of the oldest sources of information in the history of mankind, with its beginnings about five thousand years ago by Sumerians. An old man said, “A room without books, like a body without a soul”. The book is a lifelong companion who accompanies you at every step of your activity, when you have a desire and love for it. To love the book, is to love life, is to love the truth. Writing a book is a daunting endeavor, a long ‘illness’ that requires you to resist with great confidence and to win over it. The book is a reflection of social reality, for a given era. The book is culture, knowledge, information, feeling, emotion and fantasy. Theoretically, the mere fact of the longevity and trial that the book has passed in the face of human history make you think about its advantages over the latest technologies and developments. Being part of humanity for such a long time, it has gone through almost every stage of testing, and those problems that it may have had originally been set aside from time itself. Moreover, given that despite all the new technological developments and inventions, the book continues to be an important part of academic life and not only, it makes you think that its significance has in fact not faded. Anyone who has a rich library of publications has a life. A book is like wine, as time passes, the value rises.

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But if we take the time to come to the modern book, or as we may have known in the last two centuries, despite the changes, the book offers even more advantages. A book is not simply composed of a few words bound together in the will of readers or researchers to interpret them. It goes through a process of publishing, editing and correcting as well as facing the facts. The book also has an author and a group of people who have worked for his publication, who are responsible for everything printed on the inside of his pages. Moreover, the word printed on paper is many times more difficult, not to say impossible to alienate. These aspects make the book more credible, longer lasting, and more responsive to the public, or in other words the recipient of information compared to newer technologies, such as the Internet.

The Internet is an invention of the last two decades, which by its nature and the needs of users, is constantly changing over very short periods of time. This technology has not been able to pass a similar time trial to the book yet. Furthermore, given the frequency of further changes and developments, persistent problems arise without leaving time for fixing the previous ones. By its nature, the Internet is an open technology, perceived as such since its inception. It enables everyone to be a receiver and information provider at the same time. So, to say the same author and public simultaneously. On the one hand this removes the former monopoly of the book and the printed word, but it also gives every user the right to be the author of everything, without going through a process of checking the accuracy and truth of what is being said. On the other hand, it is the same technology that enables the exchange of information in a very short time. The Internet enables us to connect with people around the world and to be informed of things that the book couldn’t help us with. The Internet is an endless ocean of information useful or not to people. If for an academic research or even a simpler topic or question you once had to browse several books, one after the other, always if you had access to them, nowadays everything is very through searching the Internet, while in at the same time the main burden of proving the truthfulness of this information already falls almost entirely on the user, or the researcher. People are aiming for the betterment of life, and this is not left to the book, but to technology, which has undoubtedly played a major role in the future of every human being.

In the end, both of these technologies represent different ways of obtaining and delivering information as well as academic research. On the one hand, the book stands on the shoulders of a story and have a long time being experimenting with showing its importance and reliability while the Internet comes along as the result of some very rapid technological developments, which seem to probably belong to one another time system and thinking quite different from the book. In a world that strives to reach the speed of thought, it would be impossible and perhaps even a step backwards if communication, scientific research and the academic would continue to rely solely on the slowness of browsing the printed sheets. But besides the benefits associated with the development of technology, the problems that the Internet brings to people are also evolving. People have become very addicted to the Internet and use it as the easiest way, and they leave books out of their lives. People view the Internet as their greatest help and do not tire of remembering information themselves but use the Internet for this function.

However, despite the differences it can be said that these two technologies have a lot in common. Both were born out of a need for communication and information exchange between humans in different times. Both are the result of each other. If it wasn't for the book, it would hardly be possible to talk about the existence of the Internet today if it were not for the Internet, many books would have been forgotten or it would be extremely difficult to access in their original formats.

Moreover, the book and the Internet are two complementary technologies. If the Internet offers too much information, without assuring their authenticity, accuracy or authorship, the book in turn manages to throw this step due to its own nature and the processes it goes through before reaching the public. Whereas, the book itself is liberated from the monopoly of the printed word and reaches a public many times wider thanks to Internet technologies.

In conclusion, despite different times and not similar technological nature, whether books or the Internet both have come about for the needs of humanity to share information.

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