Essay on Oedipus Themes

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In life, countless lessons can be learned. Some of these are from mistakes and others victories, but these lessons may also be called themes. In almost every book ever written one of these lessons/themes may be found. In literature, some of the most known themes are love conquers all, the good will always prevail, or lying gets you nowhere, but one of my favorite themes is with great power, comes greater responsibility. This is one of my favorite themes because it is relevant in movies, shows, and Greek theater, can relate to life, and it is very true. This theme is also true for most people, because in most cases if someone gets a lot of money and power they will start to change and act differently, and may even go insane. For a lot, this experience could be humbling, but for most, it leads down a crippling lonely road.

This theme can be found in many pieces of literature throughout history. An example, in 'Lord of the Rings' is when Bilbo Baggins found Golum's ring that turned him invisible. The ring gave Bilbo a lot of power, and he was almost consumed by it and abandoned his friends. The theme, with great power, comes, greater responsibility can also be found in some Greek plays, by Sophocles. In 'Oedipus the King' Creon became the king after Oedipus was banished. Although Creon never wanted to be the king, when he became king he became consumed by power and was a corrupt leader. In many new movies, that involve superheroes, the theme is also relevant. The villain may have once been normal, then gained powers and became evil.

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This theme can also relate to real life in many large ways. It can date back to World War II when Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Germany. Many Germans thought that Hitler would be able to save Germany from debt, because of the previous war. When Hitler became the president of Germany, he became corrupt, and the worst dictator of all time. Also, the theme, with great, comes greater responsibility can relate to a lot of everyday scenarios. For example, if someone starts to make a lot of money they might become paranoid that people are trying to take from him unless he is prepared and knows how to handle it. This wouldn't happen to everyone though, because many people are responsible enough to handle these problems. This theme is very broad and if you look hard can probably see it in many places.

The average person could learn a lot from this theme because, for most people in some way, this theme will affect them. Many successful people are aware of the theme with great power, comes greater responsibility. I know this because in songs, speeches, and interviews they often state that money can change who someone is, and can affect how people around them feel. If one is responsible enough he/she will continue to be themselves, and won't let the money or power control them. When someone is taken over by money and power, they may become alone and separate from their friends and family. A person can know someone who has gained power and can try to steal from them because essay in Oedipus theme thought of having lots of money takes over their mind. This can happen to anyone, so one needs to always be aware of who they are around.

With great power, comes greater responsibility is one of the wisest themes ever drawn from writing. This theme can apply to almost everyone and has meaning in various real-life scenarios. From past events and stories, we can learn that this theme should be learned and studied by everyone.

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Essay on Oedipus Themes. (2024, May 16). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 13, 2025, from
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