Essay on ‘Zootopia’: Judy Character Analysis

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The personality of Judy at the beginning is identified in the Zootopia script as a cowardly animal, especially to the predator. It is described when Judy and her friends doing a show in Bunyburrow, it’s called Carrot Days Talent Show.

“A Bunny nervously walks through the dark, foreboding forest, frightened by every shadow and moving leaf. The timpani crescendos. A Jaguar leaps out of the shadows, and attacks the bunny”.

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[SCENE 1 – Carrot Days Talent Show].

Judy conveys that thousands of years ago, there were forces that ruled their world. The world was divided in two, they were vicious predators and meek prey. That was a world where prey was scared of predators, and predators had an uncontrollable biological urge to hurt and persecute.

So, Judy describes herself as the coward figure there. She runs when a predator comes closer to kill her and her friend, a sheep. They are meek prey and also afraid of predators.

The deconstruction analysis of Judy Hopps shows the opposition of the hierarchy, that is opposition to Judy’s character as the coward figure. It shows that Judy is a brave figure. It can be proved in table 4.1.2. a, there are some quotations that show Judy is a brave figure in some different scenes.

Judy charges toward the danger. Judy kicks Gideon in the face with her hind legs. He stumbles back, then checks his lip for blood.

[SCENE 2: Judy Confronts Gideon].

I'm not leaving. This is a crime scene. [SCENE 19 – Tundratown Limo Service].

Judy jumps to a lamp post and spins on it to escape, but the slippery floor makes her slip over the edge and she grabs on. Judy has handcuffed the leg of Manchas to a post. [SCENE 22 – The Chase in the Rainforest District]

Firstly when Judy fights Gideon Grey, she charges toward the danger. Although Judy is defeated by Gideon, but Judy smiles and then whips the tickets as she gets up. Then, in the Bullpen, when Judy attends the first meeting in the ZPD office, she is not afraid to see all of the hippos, elephants, etc. In the other case, Judy finds evidence in Mr. Big's car, the most feared crime boss in Tundratown. And Judy does not want to leave, she wants to interview the boss and also the lion, as the driver.

Underestimate >< Reliable

Judy Hopps is a rabbit that is well-known as a species that is small, funny, smooth, and adorable, so it is not related to an occupation that has a high risk like an officer. Consequently, Judy always gets doubted and underestimated by others around her, because her dream seemed impossible Bunny cop. That is the stupidest thing I ever heard.[SCENE 1 – Carrot Days Talent Show]

What your father means, hun is that it's gonna be difficult, impossible even, for you to become a police officer [SCENE 2– Judy Confronts Gideon]

Scorching sandstorm! You're dead, bunny bumpkin. [SCENE 3 – The Zootopia Police Academy].

You'll never be a real cop. You’re a cute meter maid, though. Maybe a supervisor one day. Hang in there! [SCENE 10 – Judy Attempts to Arrest Nick]

In Judy’s childhood, she is a meek prey who is always underestimated and unappreciated because of her small body and she is known as a weak animal. So, when she conveys her dream to be a police officer, nobody believes it, even her parents. She is underestimated by a fox and said that Judy’s dream is the stupidest thing that he heard. While her parents, try to persuade Judy to give up on her dream. As the tradition of the Hopps family, there’s never been a bunny cop. Then, Judy goes to the police academy of Zootopia to find out how the way to be an officer. But, in some tests, she always failed, such as scorching sandstorms, and swings but she falls off in the mud, sprinted and dig into the ice wall, and failed while fighting with big bison. Then, when Judy moves to Zootopia, Chief Bogo, as the police chief still does not believe in Judy’s ability. So, he puts Judy on parking duty. And a fox named Nick also said that Judy will never be a real cop, but she has to be a meter maid.

Nevertheless, Judy uses her opposers as a means to increase her determination and became progressively more insistent on reaching her goals. The more others underestimated her, the more strong her desire to make her dream come true. And Judy can prove that she can be relied on and a proud figure. She can break the words of others who doubt and underestimate her through an achievement.

I popped the weasel! [SCENE 12 – The Case in Little Rodentia]

Ladies and gentle mammals, fourteen mammals went missing, and all fourteen have been found by our newest recruit, who will speak to you in a moment. [SCENE 28 – Judy’s Interview]

As the quotations above, it shows Judy is a reliable figure. Judy managed to catch a weasel thief and bring it directly to the police station. Although she is not assigned to arrest the thief, she did it well. Judy can be relied on to catch the thief when all of the members of ZPD could not. Then, Judy finally solves the case of missing animals and finds out all of them in the hospital in Cliffside Asylum. She is the only officer which is more successful than others who have not cracked a case in two weeks.

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Essay on ‘Zootopia’: Judy Character Analysis. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
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