Extremely Loud and Extremely Written by Jonathan Safran Foer: Critical Analysis

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Extremely Loud and Extremely Close​ is a powerful novel written by Jonathan Safran Foer. Oskar Schell is the main character in the book and he cannot accept the loss of his father, throughout the book he is searching for a key. Foer uses an extreme amount of limitation of language and uses the “ key” to describe Oskar’s feelings. The key is something Thomas Schell left behind for Oskar, he uses it to unlock places and people he did not get to see with his dad.

Throughout the book, Oskar goes on a journey to find the key. Unexpectedly, Thomas Schell suddenly died on one of the worst days in history 9-11, 2001. Throughout the book, Oskar is questioning his dad's death. Jonathan Safran Foer uses stylistic elements to depict the loss of Thomas Schell. In ​Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close​ Jonathan Safran Foer uses a “ key '' to recreate his father's past and to unlock what Oskar never got to see. Four also uses “ letters” as a remembrance from Thomas Schell. Oskar Schell buries the envelopes in Thomas Schell’s coffin. The letters are symbolic because Oskar never got to see them from his father and they were left behind, now he is finally finding them.

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Throughout, the book Oskar questions the meaning of life and why humans are supposed to be alive. When Oskar is looking for the key he unlocks a plethora of people and places to see and meet throughout his journey of finding the key. Each person Oskar Schell meets helps him to get closer to the “ key “ he is wanting to find. Foer effectively uses stylistic moves to describe mortality affecting Oskar Schell and his life. Oskar Schell cannot come to terms with death, especially Thomas Schell’s death. He says “ ​I’d have said “Dad?” backwards, which would have sounded the same as “Dad” forward. He would have told me the story of the Sixth Borough, from the voice in the can at the end to the beginning, from “I love you” to “Once upon a time…” We would have been safe ( 326).

Foer brings back Thomas Schell to bring back memories as if Thomas Schell were still alive. ​In Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, ​Foer uses t​rauma and guilt​ to describe Oskar’s anger. Oskar says ​'How come you didn't die in the accident?' Mom said, 'That's enough, Oskar.' Ron said, 'I wasn't in the car.' 'Why weren't you in the car?' Mom looked out the window. Ron ran his finger around his plate and said 'I don't know.' (315 ) This is another example of how the randomness of death confuses Oskar, and he cannot come to terms with the death. ​Oskar feels guilty that he could not prevent the death of his father, the death was unexpected. To connect, 9-11 was an extremely and incredibly sad tragedy to America, it was completely unexpected as to Thomas Schell's death.

Foer depicts how Oskar is recreating his past when he visits Thomas Schell’s gravesite. Foer uses a technique when his dad is falling through the building, but instead of falling downward he is rising up. Foer uses this technique to portray how instead of when he is falling to his death he rises up to heaven. Finally, at the end of the book he comes to terms with his dad’s death. Foer uses mortality and the purpose of life as Oskar is trying to recreate his dad’s past. He uses mortality to explain how death is an important part of the novel.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is an important book to read because it demonstrates how loss can affect personal well being. ​Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close​ teaches compassion for one another. Foer uses stylistic elements to explain Oskar’s feeling about Thomas Schell being gone.

Throughout the book, there are many symbols and pictures to decode the meaning of ​Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.​ Foer uses the stylistic element “ the key” to decode the meaning of why his father is lost and how he can find him.​ Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close ​addresses communication throughout the book because Oskar is trying to find the key from various people and locations. The power of the “key” is significant because it reveals Oskar and Thomas Schell life and future. The key has a symbolic meaning behind it. Foer uses stylistic elements such as mortality to depict the meaning of ELIC and the reason why Thomas Schell unexpectedly died​. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close ​is an extremely powerful book through the limitation of language. ​Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close​ is powerful because it shows a 9-11 tragedy and how it can affect adolescents throughout their life. The “ key” becomes very symbolic because this was something that was left behind and Oskar tries to find it to discover his dad's past. The key is searched throughout the whole book. Oskar’s mission is to find the key going from house to house and person to person.

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Extremely Loud and Extremely Written by Jonathan Safran Foer: Critical Analysis. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/extremely-loud-and-extremely-written-by-jonathan-safran-foer-critical-analysis/
“Extremely Loud and Extremely Written by Jonathan Safran Foer: Critical Analysis.” Edubirdie, 14 Jul. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/extremely-loud-and-extremely-written-by-jonathan-safran-foer-critical-analysis/
Extremely Loud and Extremely Written by Jonathan Safran Foer: Critical Analysis. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/extremely-loud-and-extremely-written-by-jonathan-safran-foer-critical-analysis/> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Extremely Loud and Extremely Written by Jonathan Safran Foer: Critical Analysis [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 14 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/extremely-loud-and-extremely-written-by-jonathan-safran-foer-critical-analysis/

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