Frederick Douglass As American Social Reformer, And Abolitionist, Orator, Writer, And Statesman

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Did you know that we have been wrong all along? We Celebrate Douglass during Black History month but an interesting fact that I learned while doing this project, is that Douglass is African American but, we can’t stop there! He actually is made of mixed blood yes, I said it both African American, and half Caucasian. Don’t worry there is more to his story. Come along with me as I tell you a little bit more about who and what Frederick Douglass was and a few of his many accomplishments in life. Who was Frederick Douglass? Frederick Douglass's birthday was unknown but, the books say that he chose his birthday to be celebrated on February 14, 1818.

How interesting is it that you are able to choose what day you want to celebrate your birthday because you don’t know what day you were actually born? Frederick Douglass was born into slavery. His mom’s name was Harriet Douglass and she was also born into slavery as well. He was 1 of 6 kids, their names were (Kitty Bailey, Eliza Bailey, Arianna Bailey, Sarah Bailey, and Perry Douglass). He was excellent at writing and he wrote several works during his lifetime which included three autobiographies. These biographies are still considered to still have a historical narrative of our country today. He also was a publisher, and an editor.

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In addition to being a speaker and author of books Douglass owned his own printing press, started publication of the north star and even published a paper for more than 16 years, lets not forget he achieved these things and many more by teaching his own self to read and write. Frederick Douglass advocated on behalf of the soldiers during the Civil War, where he met with President Abraham Lincoln. During this time Douglass along with many others spoke and fought to have slaves freed. After the war he fought for the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment which granted voting rights to men of all color. This fight later led women to the right to vote during the 19th Amendment in 1920. Frederick Douglass was not a quitter, and he never gave up. He promoted and advocated for equal rights of African American Citizens. Even up until his death.

A few Famous quotes that Frederick Douglass wrote were: Man’s Greatness Consists In His Ability To Do, Not A Gentleman can Insult Me, One And God Make A Majority, and Man’s greatness Consist In His Ability To Do, and The Proper Application Of His Powers To Things Needed To Be Done. Upon Completing my project, I learned many things about Frederick Douglass. However, one thing that really stood out about his many accomplishments that I would like to leave you with today is, it can never be said that we as Americans can never say that we can’t accomplish anything in life. Frederick Douglass proved to us by his actions and knowledge, that if he went from a slave to a presidential advisor anything and everything in life is possible. Sometimes we tend to look to others or wait for someone else to give us things in life. Frederick Douglass showed us to never give up, and always push to fight for what you feel is right and never give up on your dreams!

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Frederick Douglass As American Social Reformer, And Abolitionist, Orator, Writer, And Statesman. (2022, Jun 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
“Frederick Douglass As American Social Reformer, And Abolitionist, Orator, Writer, And Statesman.” Edubirdie, 09 Jun. 2022,
Frederick Douglass As American Social Reformer, And Abolitionist, Orator, Writer, And Statesman. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Sept. 2024].
Frederick Douglass As American Social Reformer, And Abolitionist, Orator, Writer, And Statesman [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 09 [cited 2024 Sept 10]. Available from:

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