Heal The Soul To Heal The Body

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Many people go to the doctor and seek medical help for a pain or ailment. You have a terrible migraine that makes you stop thinking. Or high blood pressure that makes her heart beat twice as fast as normal. Or any other suffering that overwhelms, leaches, and stops you from getting up in the morning.

Our whole body hurts. And that's why we get pills for every pain or suffering that affects our lives. But is that the right way? We can not blame our doctors for all this. They have very little time to serve and treat us, and it is commonplace to go home with a less than successful or less than adequate treatment. A few weeks later, this heartache or dizziness will keep us from leaving the house, and we'll feel again that this tachycardia gets worse every time we get back to work.

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Life hurts. Life has side effects that hurt our soul and make our body sick. What can we do? How can we deal with this harsh reality?

The most common problems in medical consultations

We will not begin any philosophical or religious discussion here about the actual existence or non-existence of the soul. But we all can understand the concept. We attribute to our soul who we are and what we feel. It contains our fear and fears. Our dreams. There are a few theories that go further. Theories, for example, that use a concept of regression and past lives in which we carry the burden of unsolved problems.

But we will not get to the bottom of these concepts. We will stick to the fundamental idea of ​​the soul, the representation of our true, authentic essence. A very fragile and vulnerable entity that feels hurt every day. How can we continue our everyday life when our inner life feels disappointed or crowded?

Emotional or psychic pain manifests in the body. An undiagnosed depression will remain hidden and clearly noticeable to the person who suffers from it. A muscle relaxant will not help with back or abdominal pain. The person will visit a specialist and complain about a condition, about those intestinal problems that make them hardly eat anything.

But what can you do? First of all, show responsibility. Be aware of the fact that the true root of your problems is in your mind and not in your body. And it may surprise you, but something like that is not easy for many of us to admit.

It is much easier to assume that we have migraines and not depression. How does the family react to one or the other diagnosis? How should you treat this family member now? We should treat her with him? What should a child do whose mother suffers from depression?

In a way, our society has supplanted this pain of the soul. In doing so, the family, the social environment in reality can be the best way to help and support.

But how can you heal the soul?

Be aware of everything that happens around you, as well as how certain things affect you. Sometimes we give in more than we should. We accept things that violate our values. We end up in toxic relationships and do not realize that until it's too late. Take care of yourself, analyze what is happening around you, and look inside to see how it affects you. Self-knowledge is a very important coping strategy.

If you come home with a headache, tense up, and with a deep-seated malaise, then take some 'I-time' before you reach for medication. Two hours break, be alone with you. It's a time to be in your own thoughts castle, where you can relax and be yourself.

If this relieves your physical discomfort, then perhaps it is time to make some small changes in your life. We know that finding time for yourself is not always easy. But keep in mind that you will slowly lose yourself if you do not take any further steps. You are completely watered down by commitments that keep you from maintaining an inner balance and true well-being.

Do not be afraid to say aloud what hurts you. Whatever bothers you and influences you gradually becomes physical pain if you keep it quietly for yourself. Accept it, express it, seek help and begin a process of change and transformation. Give your soul a deserved rest.

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Heal The Soul To Heal The Body. (2022, February 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/heal-the-soul-to-heal-the-body/
“Heal The Soul To Heal The Body.” Edubirdie, 18 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/heal-the-soul-to-heal-the-body/
Heal The Soul To Heal The Body. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/heal-the-soul-to-heal-the-body/> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Heal The Soul To Heal The Body [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 18 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/heal-the-soul-to-heal-the-body/

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