Heavy Metals: Do They Have Detrimental Effects On Our Life?

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“All substances are poisons; it is the dose that makes the poison.”, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim stated. Heavy metals are commonly characterized as metals with a high toxicity level in high concentrations generally with high atomic numbers, atomic masses, or densities, and those metals are located on the 3rd-15th groups and through the 4th-6th periods. Moreover, heavy metals and the ions formed of them are utilized by our kind heavily in each day, and it is a need for many aspects of health, industry, agriculture, defence and even for us to continue living! A simple example of heavy metals we consume every day is (iron) that makes up of about 37% - 47% of our blood, and we need iron to continue on living with healthy blood levels preventing diseases like Anaemia. Anyhow, Heavy metals has its beneficial uses and detrimental effects on our daily lives. But why are those elements toxic in the first place? In this essay, we will discuss how heavy metals’ toxicity is formed, and how these metals are impacting different fields of our lives, and the benefits and disadvantages of heavy metals utilization in the modern days.

The explanation behind the toxicity of heavy metals

Heavy metals as we said earlier are toxic at high concentrations, but what makes them so? Heavy metals as of our daily activities increase in concentration resulting in the toxicity of the element in air, water, or land. Moreover, the general toxicity of a certain substance is determined by 3 main characteristics, which are: the degree to which the substance is absorbed by the human body , the body's ability to detoxify the substance and eradicate it from the body, and its chemical composition. An example of heavy metals that are harmful at high concentrations are: (lead, mercury, cadmium, and iron), which could cause serious health complications when they are given in high dosages. So, how heavy metals effect aspects and fields in our life?

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Medical Field Usage

Heavy metals has a variety of usages in the medical field, and the most common and known usage of them is in the treatment of iron deficiency in our bodies, as iron is an important element in the composition of our blood that should be at between 37% - 47% and the increase or decrease in the concentration of it in the body would result in unpredictable cases of intoxication, anemia, and probably death. Today, about 1000+ U.S citizens are receiving mental treatments using Lithium ion (Li+), which improves the neurotransmission system in the body breaking and reducing inositol-containing phospholipids which restrict these transmissions from reaching the brain and preforming in its full functionality. Moreover, Heavy metal compounds are also used in anti-cancer and anti-tumor medicine and treatment through the usage of such heavy metal compounds like (platinum ammine halides) which is tested scientifically to be an efficient substance in chemotherapy including the treatment of human neck tumors , and the 90% chance of survival of individuals whom are effected by (TC) testicular cancer for more than 5 years longer in common circumstances. Lastly, gold is in addition to other heavy metals is a well-known element in its outstanding results in medical treatment for centuries, and today gold is used to treat many diseases and disorders like: rheumatoid arthritis (RA), joint stiffness, swelling, and bone damage using simple injections of (gold sodium thiomalate) that affects the process of inflammation in the human body reducing its severeness and progression.

Industrial Field Usage

There is a variety of applications of heavy metals in the industrial field from batteries powering our devices to chemicals that are used in many aspects of manufacturing. Moreover, one of the most significant uses of heavy metals in industrial applications is lithium-ion batteries, which are used in a variety of devices ranging from laptops to small smoke detectors in our houses and pharmaceuticals. Adding to that, other heavy metals that are utilized in the industrial sector is mercury (Hg), which is applied on thermometers, barometers, streetlights/ florescent lights, and paper manufacturing (with the combination of other chemical elements). Zinc is also a major heavy metal that is used in a variety of sectors of manufacturing including: (building materials, cosmetics, inks/paints, and rubber), and data show that production of zinc around the world had risen in 2017 to be 13,8 metric tons.

Heavy metals Usage Implications

Heavy metals have many obstacles restricting them from solving everyday problems many modern-day problems; like in the environmental effects that these metals pose to our environment and species living in them not just only affecting us but affecting other aspects of life too. Moreover, heavy metals also pose a great danger on our health when using them in pharmaceuticals, as they solve a bit of the problem but develops a new implication of dosages and etc… restricting our medical usage to these elements. In addition to that, a study conducted in 2018 shows that construction workers are more likely to be intoxicated by paint today than from falling, which poses a new implication of cancerous substances that our community is using about every day.

Disadvantages of Heavy Metals

On the other hand, heavy metals ions have disadvantages and negative impacts on our environment and societies. Heavy metals and their toxicity that is produced has its demolishing effects on life surrounding it, as pollution of the air we breathe resulting in 4% chance of strokes and a 6% chance of lung cancer. On the same note, the increase in our usage of heavy metals proposes a rising number of health problems that results in a rising cost of treatment for patients in affected areas like industrial cities. Heavy metal also raise a concerning number of acidities in ocean waters contributing to the rise of water acidity levels in 2020 by 26% and that decrease of the water’s PH levels. Heavy metals also pose a major and a big problem a disadvantage of effecting crop growth in farmlands and the elimination of aquatic and land life forms resulting in a disastrous unbalance and dysfunctionality of the eco system as a whole.

To sum up, heavy metals benefits us in a great number of sides in life that we are developing to help us ensure high standards of life for each human being, and it also impacts us severely in such environmental areas. Moreover, heavy metals, in general, have their uses in different aspects of life as we mentioned previously; like medicine, agriculture, industry, and military which are being used within efficiently. In my opinion, I propose that heavy metals has an unpredictable and dangerous future ahead of it, and we need to develop new methods to utilize these elements in a more efficient way that we can all benefit from without effecting our communities negatively by any means possible. But for now, what does this discovery hold for us soon in the near future?

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Heavy Metals: Do They Have Detrimental Effects On Our Life? (2022, February 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/heavy-metals-do-they-have-detrimental-effects-on-our-life/
“Heavy Metals: Do They Have Detrimental Effects On Our Life?” Edubirdie, 18 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/heavy-metals-do-they-have-detrimental-effects-on-our-life/
Heavy Metals: Do They Have Detrimental Effects On Our Life? [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/heavy-metals-do-they-have-detrimental-effects-on-our-life/> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
Heavy Metals: Do They Have Detrimental Effects On Our Life? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 18 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/heavy-metals-do-they-have-detrimental-effects-on-our-life/

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