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To What Extent was Stalin Responsible for the Korean War?

The US Sectary of State, Dean Acheson, considered the events of 1949 to have changed everything, forcing the Truman Administration to review both the goals and tactics of American policy towards the Soviet Union. The NSC 68 exemplified the consistent objectives of US diplomacy, from contrasting Communism with Democracy in areas that were viewed as swing nations, the gradual erosion of Soviet influence and power within the Soviet sphere, to, ultimately, the collapse of the Soviet system itself. Ernest R....
3 Pages 1412 Words

The Origins of the Cold War

The Cold War was a state of political hostility between the West and the USSR which was formed through a number of economical tensions, geographical tensions and propaganda between the two nations. Over the years, the concept of the origins of The Cold War have been heavily debated amongst historians thus resulting in different schools of thoughts gradually emerging. The post-revisionist school of thought, although drifts slightly to one side of the argument, mostly offers a balanced view and opinion...
2 Pages 866 Words

Pros and Cons of the Cold War

Have you ever wondered how we live in the world that we live in today? What made it become what it is now. Sadly war played a large effect on how America is today and the Cold War is one of them. It had many causes and also many long and short-term effects. Let's start with what the Cold War was and then move on to the causes and effects. Well, the Cold War is the result of the end...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Is Democracy In Decline? Essay

There is not any more fulfilling portrayal of democracy than Winston Churchill's assertion that it 'is the most noticeably awful type of government aside from every one of those different structures that have been attempted now and again.' Among compliments, underhanded ones are the loveliest, first making a demonstration of withdrawing and afterward, similar to a boomerang, coming back to hand. One can't deny that popularity based electorates every so often reel into sad choices, however Churchill supports us that...
5 Pages 2270 Words

Evaluate the Causes of the Beginning of the Cold War

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr, an Orthodox historian, predominantly holds Russia responsible for the cause of The Cold War. When measuring the causes, he argues that it is vital to highlight Russia's sense of insecurity which led to an aggressive adherence to Leninist ideology and a troublesome view of world order that involved sharp contradictions. The Russian leaders stubbornly held the sphere of influence view, in which each great power would be assured by the other powers of an acknowledged predominance...
5 Pages 2461 Words

5 Paragraph Essay on the Crucible

The Crucible and Today's Society We are in the 21st century but the crucible is still relevant to today’s society after 50 years ago with writing but it includes many issues such as justice, reputation, hysteria, intolerance, empowerment, also revenge, pre- juices, jealousy, love, and hate was and still is behind all of that. The main lesson and reputation after the crucible is a reputation which for example in the crucible show John Proctor who fears that his affairs with...
1 Page 712 Words

Hamilton vs Jefferson Essay

During the late 1700s, there was a heated debate between the Federalists and the Republicans. While both political parties had different ideas of what the government should become, it was ultimately Alexander Hamilton’s that eventually bested Thomas Jefferson’s vision. Hamilton was the first treasury secretary and had a great influence on President Washington over Thomas Jefferson. Alexander Hamilton was one of the most important founding father figures in the late 1700s. Thomas Jefferson believed in decentralized government, freedom of religion...
2 Pages 688 Words

Stalin or Castro: Compare and Contrast Essay

Reflection essay on corrupting power. This warning from Acton, a politician, and moralist, is as applicable today as it was in 1887 (Acton Institute, 2019), and can apply to individuals, organizations, and governments. According to Merriam Webster (2019), power is defined as the “possession of control, authority, or influence over others”. Power is that which leadership inevitably results in the absence of the ability to contain and communicate sense both internally and externally. Frequently, when given power, individuals revert to...
1 Page 460 Words

The Contemporary Relevance of Gandhism: Non-Violence and Satyagraha

1. Introduction Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi popularly known as Bapu or the father of the nation was not only a great political leader but also a radical social reformer Gandhism is a set of ideas that depicts the inspiration, vision, and the life work of M.K. Gandhi. It is especially connected with his contributions to the notion of non-violent resistance. Mahatma Gandhi is one of those great and exemplary people in history whose work has not only proved to be extraordinary...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Response of Early Modern Literature to the Ideas of Authority and Power: Role of Anne Boleyn

The early modern period roughly encompasses the time period from 1500 to 1800. This period gave rise to many acclaimed authors, playwrights, and poets including Sir Thomas Wyatt and William Shakespeare, both of whom I will be discussing in this essay. The literature I will be exploring are Wyatt’s poems “Whoso List to Hunt” and “They Flee from Me”, and Shakespeare’s sonnet 66 “Tired with all these, for restful death I cry”. The purpose of this discourse is to discuss...
4 Pages 1763 Words

Impact of Religion on Crown Policy from 1509-1603: Fate of Anne Boleyn

Many factors can be argued to be the most influential and political ones regarding crown policy. These factors may contradict each other or even complement each other, however, the most influential one is still debated. In my opinion, I think that religion was the most influential political factor, however other factors such as Successorship, Foreign policy, Rebellions, and Public opinion could also be pivotal contributing factors that influence crown policy. I believe that Religion was the most important factor due...
6 Pages 2890 Words

Role of Kings in English Reformation: Example of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

Was the Kings a great matter cause for the English reformation? Albert Frederick Pollard was the chair of the history at the London University College for 28 years and written over 500 entries on the Tudor period. His many years of knowledge of the Tudor period make this source more reliable. However because this book was written so long after the matter, some of the information could be inaccurate, which could make it less reliable. Also, some of his work...
6 Pages 2879 Words

Admiral Zheng He’s Voyages to the West Oceans: Analytical Review

Unseen glory and history: uncovering the historical significance of the Qinghai Temple in Nanjing, China Most Asian temples are built for religious purposes, often for worship and ritual practices. This is not surprising since the Asian civilizations are largely influenced by their rich spiritual beliefs, which are usually associated with the divinity of natural entities, thus their polytheistic tendencies. Aside from religious practices, temples also became a center for ancestral worship. Chinese officials also used community institutions such as temples...
4 Pages 1659 Words

Descriptive Essay on China’s Exploration: Voyages of Naval Admiral Zheng He

With the goal to establish that China was the first to discover and map the ‘New World,’ Gavin Menzies beings to “trace the voyages of [Admiral Zheng He's] great [Chinese] treasure fleets in the ‘missing years’ from 1421 to 1423” in his book 1421.[footnoteRef:1] With the introduction of two “artifacts” of carved stone, which were erected in the Chinese cities of Chiang-us and Liu-Chia-Chang and carried inscriptions of the achievements of the Chinese naval admiral Zheng He, Menzies describes the...
3 Pages 1243 Words

Brief History about Taiwan: Analytical Essay on Ming Dynasty’s Famous Explorer Zheng He

A brief history about Taiwan During the Yuan dynasty (1206–1368), when the Mongols ruled China, the P’eng-hu (Penghu) Islands within the Taiwan Strait were brought under China’s control. In 1430 the Ming dynasty’s famous explorer Zheng He (Cheng Ho) landed on Taiwan and obtained from the aboriginal people herbal medicines that were said to possess “miracle powers.” Meanwhile, perhaps as early as the 7th century, Chinese fishermen visited the P’eng-hu Islands, and doubtless, some farmers settled there and on Taiwan...
5 Pages 2307 Words

John Winthrop's Sermon: Discursive Essay

During the 1600s things were not going so well in England. This was a period of an ongoing crisis of people landless and without a job looking for labor service. Most English immigrants sought economic opportunities in London and various other cities but were quickly disappointed. This was only one of many other various reasons, another being that disease (bubonic plague) ran rampant throughout England killing lots of people another reason people were leaving was the low success rate on...
2 Pages 803 Words

A Persona of Renaissance Poet Thomas Wyatt

Sir Thomas Wyatt, born in 1503 in at Allington Castle, was fated to become one of English literature’s most important Renaissance period poets. Wyatt’s father, Henry Wyatt, was a Lancastrian who followed a similar life as his son in that he was arrested under the reign of Richard III and was released by Henry VII and rewarded with multiple grants and titles. Wyatt’s father was an executor of Henry VII’s will and a Privy councilor in 1509 and continued to...
3 Pages 1385 Words

Kristin Romey’s Depiction of The Exploration Period as Illustrated by Wreckage from Vasco Da Gama's Convoy

The mid 15th and 17th centuries are known as The Age of Exploration. European countries such as England, Portugal, and Spain, contained a massive desire for exploration and trade. At this point in time, spices were in high demand, particularly the spices that are originally from India and Asia. Such demands fueled the needs to drop anchor at the spice markets of the Indian subcontinent. The spice markets in the time period of the 15th century, were controlled by the...
2 Pages 940 Words

Analysis of John Winthrop’s Speech a Model of Christian Charity

At the start of the 17th century, an unprecedented amount of Puritan migrants begin moving to the New England colonial region because, in England, the reigning King Charles pushes Anglican religious practices onto Puritans. This, therefore, results in them experiencing intense religious persecution, which leads to the eventual desire of these individuals to escape to the new world and start anew. One important aspect of this new beginning with the intention of shaping the Massachusetts Bay was John Winthrop’s speech/sermon...
1 Page 457 Words

The Puritan Freedom Notion as Per Governor John Winthrop Speech on July 3, 1645

On July 3, 1645 Governor John Winthrop gave a speech to the Massachusetts Legislature. This speech explained the Puritans conception of freedom. This primary source expressed the ideas of John Winthrop between the two kinds of liberty. John Winthrop strongly believed there was two kinds of liberty which he explains within his speech. John Winthrop’s speech intended to clarify the questions about liberty which had troubled the country. In New England the early settlers were mostly Puritans. Puritans also known...
1 Page 474 Words

Vasco Da Gama’s Memoir

Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal in 1469. Da Gama also served as a navel officer, and in 1492 he commanded a defence of Portuguese colonies from the French on the coast of Guinea. Da Gama was then given the mission to the take command of the first Portuguese expedition around Africa to India. When Vasco da Gama set out on July 8, 1497 he and his crew planned and equipped four ships. Paulo, da Gama’s brother, commanded...
1 Page 535 Words

Thomas Jefferson vs Alexander Hamilton: Whose Economic Vision was Better? Essay Sample

When we learn about the early history of the United States, the issues considered important then might seem largely irrelevant now. Sure, the framers of the Constitution debated the fundamental purpose and scope of government, but they agreed upon a framework that's been used ever since. Are their concerns over matters of economics relevant in our modern, technological society? They certainly are. Consider the disagreements between founding fathers Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton and Jefferson were famous rivals, disagreeing...
2 Pages 1018 Words

A Study of How Anne Bradstreet and John Winthrop Are Similar

Both John Winthrop and Anne Bradstreet were both writers and settlers in the first colonies of America. While they both wrote about their lives in America, as well as basic principles of Protestantism, their writing differs in purpose specifically on the topic of death. John Winthrop’s speech to the first settlers aboard the Arbella is modeled after how they cannot die in the New World despite any obstacles that could be thrown at them. Anne Bradstreet who wrote many years...
2 Pages 746 Words

Different Representations of The Story of Anne Boleyn

On May 19th, 1536, a woman’s fate was sealed. Clad in a loose, dark gray gown and a gable headdress, she slowly approached her ineluctable demise. A unanimous conviction by a court of peers brought Anne Boleyn from the pedestal to the scaffold. Accused of adultery, incest, and high treason, she received one last act of mercy from the King: a swift blow from a razor-sharp blade of a French swordsman. That was the end of the story of the...
2 Pages 959 Words

Impact of Religion on The Royal Supremacy

Although the desire to reform religion played some role in the creation of the legislation for Royal Supremacy, it was not a primary motivation – instead this was focused on Henry’s need to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. This would permit him to marry Anne Boleyn, as he believed he could acquire his male heir through this new mistress of his. While MPs passing the legislation may have used their influence in order to reform religion and Henry...
2 Pages 880 Words

Review on Joseph K. Ellis' Book 'Founding Brothers'

Joseph K. Ellis addresses the various number of obstacles that the revolutionary generation faced at home and abroad, as well as how the founding brothers' relationship influenced the new nation after the fight for independence from Britain in 1776, in his book ‘Founding Brothers’. Joseph Ellis is an expert writer and American historian who focuses his works mainly on the early stages and development of the American nation. Of which, ‘Founding Fathers’ is one of his most successful works of...
3 Pages 1254 Words

Inspirational Personality Florence Nightingale

The film about Florence Nightingale 'The Lady with a Lamp' is excellent, with a gripping tale and expert technicalities that captivated the audience’s minds and hearts. It did a great job of highlighting Nightingale’s legacy, concentrating on the theory of the environment. It simplified Florence’s life narrative and her essential contributions that laid the road for the nursing profession’s progress. As an aspiring nurse. After watching the movie about Florence Nightingale, I have a better understanding of the history of...
2 Pages 765 Words

Reflecting on Whether Florence Nightingale's Work Was the Most Important Achievement in Hospital Care and Treatment in the Years 1700-1900

I agree with this statement due to Nightingale setting up the Nightingale School for Nurses at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London. Nurses were trained mainly in sanitary matters (cleaning a wound). This meant that nurses throughout the United Kingdom could come to the Hospital and learn proper sanitary care, therefore resulting in better treatment in hospitals. Due to this training nursing became a recognized profession not just an unqualified job, this caused more women to sign up to be a...
1 Page 511 Words

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams: Two Enemies Who Were Friends and Died on the Same Day

During the constructive cycles of the US, two men from two different commonwealths (one from Massachusetts and another one from Virginia) jointly played a critical business in establishing the country that came to be, came 'amigos', turned into 'bitter adversaries', either 'amigos' again and together broke on the same day. Thomas Jefferson of Virginia and John Adams of Massachusetts are the men we' re talking about and their lives were like fascinating. They first met at the alpha of the...
2 Pages 763 Words

Applying Florence Nightingale's Theory to Perioperative Nursing

Perioperative nursing applies to patient care before and after surgeries or intervention procedures. These nurses work closely with surgeons and anesthesiologists to assist them during operative procedures. Cleanliness is the main concept for all perioperative nurses as it is reflected on their hygienic image and this is shown by how the nurse is dressed from head to toe. As per our normal routine at every start of our shifts, it is crucial that we spend five minutes of three cycles...
2 Pages 952 Words

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