“Fear defeats hope” is a satirical cartoon composed by a retired Australian political cartoonist, (Sourced from the Saturday paper) Geoff Pryor. This cartoon cleverly broadcasts an in-depth insight of society through its various range of shadings and dialect. This cartoon also cleverly implements the concept of allusion into the overall message. This cartoon is an extremely successful piece of stimulus at getting the main point across to the audience as it conveys an astounding amount of creativity which is anticipated to persuade the audience into seeing through the eyes of the cartoon's opinion on society.
Pryor has endorsed the audience with an image consisting of a boxing ring, A figure bent over rope, another figure with their hands raised, another body holding the raised figures hands up and a few cowered bodies beneath the boxing ring. More explicitly, the mask in which the figure with their hands raised is wearing is a reference to hidden identity and avoiding retribution (Source from broughttolife.sciencemusem.org.uk). This mask could signify the fact that society has this idea of fear defeating hope, yet they don’t fully understand what that fear is as its true form is hidden/sheltered beneath a mask. This technique is a metaphor. Pryor has cleverly composed this metaphor into this cartoon as it off the bat dives into great depth of how society perceives certain topics. On the opposing hand, Hope is seen to be slouched over the boxing ring rope, indicating that fear has defeated hope entirely. This technique is also a form of metaphor. The reason being that in a metaphorical way hope is being eliminated by fear, however, fears identity is unknown meaning hope is being defeated by something that is known to be fear yet can be exactly identified. In a literal sense however, fear has defeated hope in a boxing match. Pyror has used this in reference to society knowing that their hope is slipping away at their fingertips due to the false sense of fear in which they cannot identify.
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Pyror cleverly used stereotyping to try and persuade society of the fact that hope is falsely being taken down and simply that fear shouldn’t be the cause that hope is defeated despite all the lies and depiction created in the human mind. This prods at the feeling of dishonesty and distortion in the audience as their minds are being consumed by false/inaccurate theorization which are influenced by mainstream media and other pupils within their community, offending mainstream media and local communities in the process. The cowered over bodies in the crowd are there to display how society views fear and that even though hope still could have a chance of arising back to the boxing match, it stayed down and has been overruled by fear; indicating that society is hesitant of fear. This portrays how the issue will only worsen if society isnt ready to put their best foot forward and fend off the false idea of fear which is overruling their hope. Furthermore, the figure in which is holding fears hands up display's elements of danger and distrust. The figure displays a set of sharp, deadly looking teeth which is compatible with the idea of fear. This figure may represent the idea of how communities higher up in the socio-economic ladder support this false idea of fear and are forcing it upon the lower socio economical communities. Tis figure could represent beings such as mainstream media, politicians and enormous corporations. This could be the case as when these social groups are thought of, they are usually stereotypical into the categories of distrust and liars. This technique of stereotyping is cleverly used by Pryor as it broadcasts the main idea of how high-end communities support this idea of fear and are trying to instill in into the communities below them. As well as that the figure supporting the fear seems to be evil eying the cowered bodies below, hence adding to the fact that the pair, fear and the other figure, are trying to spread across false theorization into the communities further down on the socioeconomic ladder. This cartoon was cleverly composed because it uses effective stereotyping to symbolize a complex topic and allow the audience to be positioned in agreeance with the artists opinion and beliefs.
In this cartoon Kryor exaggerates certain aspects of the figures in the frame in a rather clever manner. With this being the case, a whole new topic is brought forth. This idea involves the crowd below. This crowd is being used to represent society. Society is cowered from the fact that hope is being destroyed. This technique is known as exaggeration as its widely exaggeration the fact that society is extremely terrified of fear ruining their hope and that they are seen to be tripping over and collapsing on each other. This fact is exaggerated as society may withhold fear of their hope being destroyed however its people don’t collapse of being that fearful from the false idea of fear.
Overall Geoff Pyror created an exceedingly clever cartoon which raises the main idea of society having a falsified idea of fear. Pyror cleverly joins a black and white image along with the captions ‘Hope’ and ‘fear’. These techniques are put together to evoke the audience's mind’s into seeing an in-depth explanation of how fear defeating hope is just a false idea in one’s mind.
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Hope And Fear In The Cartoon Fear Defeats Hope.
(2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/hope-and-fear-in-the-cartoon-fear-defeats-hope/
“Hope And Fear In The Cartoon Fear Defeats Hope.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/hope-and-fear-in-the-cartoon-fear-defeats-hope/
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2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Dec 9].
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