How Did Charles de Montesquieu Influence American Government

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The Enlightenment:

The Age of Reason, also known as the Enlightenment, was a period that brought profound change to the “century of philosophy,” in Europe, and later on to North America. The Enlightenment was acknowledged as a philosophical and intellectual movement that conquered ideas during the 18th century. Primarily the enlightenment engaged ideas that surrounded God, the natural world, reason, and humankind. There were numerous ideas and several prominent philosophers that encouraged new creations and developments. Every one of the philosophers differed in views on their current government and how individuals acted. Many thoughts that came about during the enlightenment are still persuading individuals in the present day since numerous of their concepts are utilized in modern-day government and are considered principles for individuals and in what manner they should live their life. Throughout my paper, I will discuss how Baron de Montesquieu was an influential component of the Enlightenment.

Baron de Montesquieu played a significant role in constructing what the United States Constitution was made up of, and the concepts they thought of were adopted as ways for individuals to live their lives in the United States. Baron de Montesquieu indicated a government's authorization was bought upon from the citizens of America. Power was given to citizens of America only because the founders of the united states constitution developed the government to be that way. Montesquieu is the main reason why have adapted the three branches of government. He came up with the concept that our government should divide its powers, therefore three branches. The main reasoning behind the three branches was to maintain the government from becoming excessively powerful and to also have different points of view from each branch. This is known as the system of “checks and balances,” where one branch is able to “check” a different branch’s power in various circumstances. From the mistakes that we make, he considered we could enhance ourselves in numerous ways. He thought this because individuals have a chance to control themselves, and keep track of themselves, instead of the government checking on these individuals.

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Work Cited

  1. Baron de Montesquieu, Spirit of Laws, 1748. SHU Blackboard.
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How Did Charles de Montesquieu Influence American Government. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“How Did Charles de Montesquieu Influence American Government.” Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022,
How Did Charles de Montesquieu Influence American Government. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
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