How To Handle Online Peer Pressure

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There can be instances when you feel you’re being pressured to do things you’re uncomfortable with. For such instances, you should be stern and know what is right and what is not. Some teens and adults are desperate to fit in the group even if it includes unfair practices, but you should 2/11/2020 reading time: 6minutes

know the difference between fitting in and spoiling yourself and you are smart enough to know what you should do in such cases. There can be strong cases that your friends are making fun of you for not doing the things they are doing but there are things you can do to avoid it. It’s difficult to deal with such situations but there are personal ethics that should be followed. So let’s know more about it below!

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But first, you must WANT to avoid it. In case you are getting encouraged to do such things, you have to stop hanging out with that group immediately. There’s no other option for this, but if you want to handle the peer pressure this post is for you!


Peer pressure could be of many types. You should be ready for everything coming towards you. It’s okay to say NO! Permit yourself to say no, don’t think much whilst doing this. You can have many ways to say no such as “no thanks”, “I think I’ll pass”, “I don’t do this”, “maybe another time”. Understand where the talk is going. These things always have a way out of sight for coming. When you know about this try to change the topic or immediately take a leave saying you have some urgent work.


Ask yourself questions like “is it good for me?”, “is it ethical?”, “How will my parents react?” etc. As you get answers to these you’ll know what to do. It’s the worst if you do things which make you feel uncomfortable and one day will come if you start with this practice you’ll be miserable. And at that time it’ll be difficult for you and your family to get out of this. The regression phase after these things are depressing and for that matter, it’s best to not put yourself in such things.


You will suddenly know when you’re feeling uncomfortable that’s the time to change yourself and your group! Changing your group will surely give you positivity and make you feel secured. Again, I know it might be difficult but you’ll find it difficult for a month or two but then you will be just fine. Find yourself a group having common interests and the ones respecting and accepting your decisions. This will help you to feel better every day.


Changing your group might be stressful so engage yourself in sports such as basketball, cricket, volleyball, baseball, football, badminton, etc. or start writing journals, short stories, day to day activities, etc.


Talk to your most trusted friend or family, maybe even a senior. The suggestion they’ll give will be the best for you. Trust them and don’t hide anything. You will start feeling light instantly and will be energetic again detaining the stress out of your life.


If you’re being forced to do anything just say “my parents won’t allow this” or “they didn’t teach me this”. Your parents are your safeguard in every situation, in this one too! Most people don’t say anything further after this and if they do you automatically know they don’t respect your decision and it’s a wise time to make a move.


It’s okay to make mistakes. Make it very clear in your mind that even if you did something you shouldn’t blame yourself but don’t spoil or depress yourself because of this. Instead, deal with it and pledge not to do it ever.


Not just for you but for each and every person you see is getting bullied because of peer pressure. Supporting in such a situation can be the best you could do for someone because it’s one of the weakest times in someone’s life and people lead to self-harm in such cases. Take a stand as if it were for you, and never be judgemental in any case!

People have different beliefs and it’s not the matter to bully someone.


In the end, I would conclude things are avoidable but you should agree to. Easily you can change your company, be with the supporting ones, let yourself be happy and positive. You’ll have the brightest future ahead.

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How To Handle Online Peer Pressure. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“How To Handle Online Peer Pressure.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
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How To Handle Online Peer Pressure [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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