How To Prevent Social Media Bullying

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Social media bullying is a common and growing phenomenon. The actual incidence of cyberbullying is unknown as many cyberbullying victims do not appear for help. Cyberbullying is an act that threatens, embarrasses, or intimidates a person

Cyberbullying is a very common and growing phenomenon. The actual incidence of cyberbullying is unknown as many cyberbullying victims do not appear for help. Cyberbullying is an act that threatens, embarrasses, or intimidates a person through electronic means such as text messages, chatting, email, social website, cell phone, Internet games.

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Cyberbullying is more dangerous than bullying, cyberbullying has its own characteristics. Cyberbullying is difficult to identify because it can conceal their true identity. Cyberbullying is not like another bullying as it happens in a borderless cyber world. This makes it difficult for victims to protect themselves. Cyberbullying is easier to deal with than other types of bullying because of the limited number of individuals involved in the cyber world. Cyberbullying can last forever, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Bullying is rampant. This situation causes the community to become more and more upset. Describe the causes and steps that have been triggered.

According to the study, bullying cases are increasing every year among students and the problem is getting worse. 'If it wasn't for the wind cooking the trees would shake'. Therefore, every problem that has to do with it has its reasons. There are several causes that have been identified as contributors to this bullying case.

Among them is the lack of appreciation of religious values ​​available to students who are willing to engage in bullying cases. They are willing to do so only to gain the attention of others and to show their strength to others. In short, they are losing the value of humanity in themselves.

In addition, parents who are less likely to give love and care to their children are among the reasons for this bullying. Parents who are always busy making money and being materialistic have given up on their children.

In addition, students who are at least one year old and bloody are easily influenced by the actions of their peers. If his or her friends are bullying, the student will also follow the behavior of his or her friends to be accepted by their group members. Loose supervision in schools is also the reason for giving students the opportunity to practice bullying against other students.

The saying goes there is no disease without cure'.There are a number of drastic steps that can be taken to curb and combat this crisis. Among them are the government like the Ministry of Education and the school should emphasize the issue of bullying in school education through specific subjects such as Moral Education, Islamic Education, Civic Education, and so on. As such, students will be aware that bullying is a crime and students will also be exposed to various information about the adverse effects of bullying and ways to prevent it from being involved in bullying cases.

In addition, lectures or campaigns such as anti-bullying campaigns can also be held on a regular basis in each school from time to time to help students stay away from bullying symptoms. Activities such as quizzes on bullying cases can also be implemented as an initiative in addressing these bullying cases.

However, the school must also ensure that surveillance at every corner of the school such as the back of the school building and quiet school corridor is tightened so as not to provide opportunities for those who wish to bully their victims. Schools can also encourage students to actively participate in the Crime Prevention Club at the school. This is because students will gain more knowledge on ways to prevent bullying cases if they become predators in the case and students can also share the information obtained with their peers so that all students know about it.

Another step is that students should also be good at choosing friends because students will also be more likely to be influenced by their peers. For example, if a friend is interested in reading a book, then the student will also be influenced and read together. The same is true if the student's friend is involved in bullying at school. In addition, students should work with the school in order to contain these symptoms. Students who are exposed to bullying or who are victims of bullying should be encouraged to report to the school immediately so that the problem can be resolved as soon as possible for the sake of the school's well-being.

Meanwhile, schools that have received complaints from students should also work hard to resolve the issue rather than cover up the case at will. If this case is still not being discussed, the problem of bullying will only get worse and worse. The school may meet with the student suspected of being involved in bullying cases as well as his or her parents to discuss the problem the student is facing and to find a way out. The school should impose the appropriate punishment on the student so that he will not repeat the act and also serve as an example to the other students.

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How To Prevent Social Media Bullying. (2021, August 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“How To Prevent Social Media Bullying.” Edubirdie, 08 Aug. 2021,
How To Prevent Social Media Bullying. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
How To Prevent Social Media Bullying [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Aug 08 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from:

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