How Would You Assess Personality Traits During The Interview Process?

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Hiring new workers is the process that starts with the interview, and this is a significant moment for the company because the good decision will add value to the business while the wrong decision made when choosing the right personality trait will cost the company. It will be of the benefit if the best personality trait matches the job requirements and the company’s culture will be picked accurately (, 2018, p.3). When designing the structure of the interview process, evaluation of personality trait becomes a crucial thing.

Every question prepared to be asked to the applicants is designed in such a way that it assesses the personality traits of the applicants through his experience and skills. In the interview process all qualified candidates will be asked the same question, and later on, all answers will be rated using the qualitative scale candidate (Converse et al., 2008, p.159-160). The purpose of qualitative scale is to reduce error also minimize interview bias. Most candidates feel nervous when they are under pressure during the job interview. A recruiter will tell if the candidate is able to deal with the pressure and remain confidence through a number of ways. The first impression and the etiquette before the interview will also help in the assessment of personality traits of the candidates.

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First impressions of a candidate and their interview etiquette must also be noted as integral factors in judging personality. Impression such as timeliness of the candidate, respect when addressing someone such as the use of sir or madam, was their phone switched off during the interview? Focusing on whether the candidate is capable to making direct eye contact (, 2018, p.1). Whether the applicant is talking too much without turn taking or whether the candidate sent a thank you note after the interview.Use of face to face interview techniques with a psychometric assessment to determine which personality trait is fit for a company is a good strategy (, 2018).

This strategy helps the company to attract the best fit trait and also can help in retaining the best talent. It is an important approach in that it supports the recruiters to know what the candidates can do and what they cannot do. Making the right choice at this stage will save the cost of the company. By focusing on the personality traits of the applicants, it will help to find someone fit for the job. During the interview process, I would ask the applicant questions that will reveal whether they are self-motivated, whether they are interested in achieving the goal of the company and their own goal. Questions such as their skills hobby and their interests in social media can help in determining how flexible the candidate is to the changes in technology. When assessing personality traits of the candidate, it is good to focus on skills such as communication skills and interactive skills. It is good to gauge whether the applicants will relate well with other workers.

Another way of assessing personality is giving a problem and requesting the candidates to present the best solution. Focusing on the answers given, I will be able to judge the attitude, skills and their intelligence (Givoni, 1979, p. 26). These answers will help to rate each candidates on the position they fits in the company. This is also a good way to assess their communication skills and values. You can also assess their honesty in the way they argue their points.Assessing how a candidate reacts when under pressure can help to judge their personality traits. For instance, a recruiter can present a problem in two different ways as a mean to confuse the candidate. If the candidate in question gives two different answers for the two twisted question, then the candidate might not be fit for the job. It might also show that be the applicant was absent-minded.

Focusing on the job requirement, there should be primary criteria to be used. For example, if I want to hire sale executive, I would want the candidate to be a team player, marketing aptitude, self-driven and be intelligent. The candidate might have a prior experience by being a team leader. A candidate might also show experience in presenting informing in a transparent way to a large audience and developing a relationship with both internal and external (Slezak, 2018) stakeholders. I would also give the candidate a chance to ask about the company. This will help to judge what the candidate wants and whether they have the right personality traits for the job. The final decisions should not be made based only on resume and CV. The recruiter should focus on knowing the candidate in person. They should have the required traits for the job.

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How Would You Assess Personality Traits During The Interview Process? (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
“How Would You Assess Personality Traits During The Interview Process?” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
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