Innocence And Growing Up In The Novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’

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A novel in which every scene and detail has its meaning and a single item has symbolism is no other than To Kill A Mockingbird. To Kill A Mockingbird has many themes although one theme, in particular, develops over the course of the novel. In this novel, it focuses on two characters, that being Scout and Jem and their coming of age story. Opening their eyes and seeing the truth behind what they had previously believed, in the small town of Maycomb. In this novel, a theme that is emphasized throughout the novel is the importance of innocence and growing up.

In the very beginning, it seems as though Jem scout and dill were pretty innocent happy children, believing anything that was told or even heard regarding Boo Radley. Due to Dill’s curiosity, Jem informed, “[ Them that] boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that’s why his hands were bloodstained-if you ate an animal raw, you could never wash the blood off. There was a long jagged scar that ran across his face; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten; his eyes popped, and he drooled most of the time” (Lee 14). This shows how innocent they are believing the roomers they would hear even though it is mostly unrealistic.

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As time goes on Jem had hit the age of 12, and is described as being moody and difficult to live with, although he does certain actions that prove he’s maturing. Scout discovers how alike Jem actually was to Atticus, by pointing out, “Jem’s soft brown hair and eyes, his oval face and snug-fitting ears were our mother’s contrasting oddly with Atticus’s gaying black hair and square-cut features, but they were somehow alike. Mutual defiance made them alike”( Lee 173). Jem is becoming like his father with his actions as he defends what's right even though he knows she might not be able to win he still takes the opportunity.

Jem and Scout had been dealing with the situation of Tom Robinson’s trial and his death, affecting the two young ones as they know he was an innocent man. When remembering and passing by the Radley house she demonstrates maturity: “So many things had happened to us, boo Radley was the least of our fears”(Lee 278). Scout began to realize that there were bigger issues than hearing or discussing rumors about Boo Radley. She now begins to understand how the town was never how she imagined instead of people who judge with stereotypes and racist people.

The theme of innocence and growing up plays a huge role in the novel and even makes it move forward. Throughout his novel, you see as Jem and scout view things differently than in the beginning and understanding the reality they live in. Throughout there lives they thought that their town was just like any normal town all ways the same and people minding there own business. In a part of the novel it Atticus reminds Jem that it was a sin to kill a mocking bird, as they were innocent. When thinking about the book To Kill A Mocking Bird the title has a different meaning when it comes to the theme of innocence and growing up, even how it relates to the kids and their reality.

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Innocence And Growing Up In The Novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’. (2022, February 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 18, 2025, from
“Innocence And Growing Up In The Novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’.” Edubirdie, 18 Feb. 2022,
Innocence And Growing Up In The Novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 18 Jan. 2025].
Innocence And Growing Up In The Novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 18 [cited 2025 Jan 18]. Available from:

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