Jesus Christ And Leadership

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Throughout the four Gospels, there is evidence of the different types of leadership styles that Jesus used. The style would change often between each interaction and encounter Jesus had with other people. By looking at each interaction Jesus had, we see his leadership style to be of the servant type. Servant leadership focuses on service to others. Each author of the four Gospels talks about a different type of leadership style that Jesus had. The four Gospels tell the story of Jesus. The story of his life, death, and resurrection. Jesus had the most exclusive style of leadership. The style of leadership that Jesus had paved the way for the Church.

There are four phases that Jesus used for His disciples to bring them into ministry. A study that was conducted by Bill Hull describes the four phrases that Jesus used towards his disciples. These phases correlate to repeating words that are seen throughout the four Gospels. These four groups of words are “Come and See Me.” The second one is “Follow Me.” The third phase id “Be With Me.” The last phase is “Remain in Me”. These are all words that Jesus spoke to his disciples throughout the Gospels. With these phrases, Jesus was trying to start a ministry. Jesus spoke the words “Come and See” throughout the Gospel of John. It is specifically used in John 1:38-39. By this verse, Jesus was showing his disciples what was taking place. He wanted his disciples to mirror his image, the watch was going on around them and to interact with others. This is how Jesus started his ministry.

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Jesus used the phrase “Follow Me” in Matthew 4:19. This phrase is also used in the other Gospels as well. In this phase, Jesus was inviting his disciples to follow him. Through this phase, we discover that Jesus’ strategy was uplifting the disciples to embrace their skills. Through his phase, we are to be setting an example for others. Jesus uses the phrase “Be With Me” throughout the Gospel of Mark. We see it specifically in Mark 3:13-14. This is where we see Jesus go up to the mountain and called those to follow him. Jesus specifically selected twelve men to follow him. This phase is the next step to following Jesus in his footsteps. Jesus was creating a group that can lead others and also rely on one another. There are close connections in this phase.

The last phase is the “Remain in Me” phase. This phrase shows that Jesus was searching for a group of men that would be able to carry on his word and leadership to others after he enters the Kingdom of Heaven. Through this phase, we see why Jesus picked these men specifically. The disciples that he chose were not of high rank or were very sophisticated. They were not the group everyone thought Jesus would pick. These men were the faces of their society. Jesus had trust in them and they followed closely behind him in his style of leadership.

In this Gospel of Matthew, we see many different aspects of Jesus’ leadership. Jesus’ style of leadership was known to be servant-led. We see his servant leadership represented in Matthew 23:11, “The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” This is one of the many verses where this type of leadership is seen throughout the Gospel of Matthew. In his ministry, Jesus was looking for humility and the strive for servanthood. Jesus was a servant as well. He was serving his disciples by helping them. He was serving his followers the word of his Father. Throughout his ministry, Jesus focused on servanthood. Keeping the focus on this certain type of attitude can not only bring those on the outside closer to Christ but also bring growth to your team.

Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, we see many different principles of Jesus’ leadership. Servanthood was the top one as that was what his leadership style was based on. In the Gospel of Matthew, we see Faithfulness, Honesty, and many others. We see Faithfulness in Matthew 25:20. In our life, God places many blessings upon us. Sometimes it can be more than what we can handle. Whatever God brings us in life, we are responsible for its growth and care. For example, we care for the teams that we serve on, our work environment, our home space. We are to be leaders and care for these environments. We see Honesty in Matthew 5:37. As leaders, we are, to be honest with God’s teaching. The Gospel of Matthew teaches us to be honest at all times. We are to be straight on with our answers. We can not jump around trying to find a simple conclusion.

Throughout his life, Jesus had foundational goals. These goals were to start a ministry, have followers, make disciples and entrust them to carry on his word and resemble his leadership. One of his goals was to create a group that could rely on one another. This was so that a certain individual would not have to carry most of the weight of the group with no support. We see all of these goals being carried out throughout the Gospels. There were many different strategies for Jesus’ leadership. Jesus had to train his disciples. Jesus’ methodology was to not train the disciples to become leaders. His methodology starts in the “come and see me” phase in John through the “be with me” phase. This last phase was where the disciples were fully committed to carrying on Jesus’ teachings. Jesus’ goals, motivation, and methodology were to lead many assemblages of people and create a group of disciples. His motivation was the love he had for every single one of his followers. Jesus wanted to change the world with men as the answer. They were the strategy for success for the future of the Church and the world. This was one of his goals, one of his motivations and a part of his methodology. We see this described throughout all four Gospels.

Jesus was a role model for the future of Christian leaders. By following Jesus’ leadership, there are certain points we are to live up to. As Christian leaders, we are committed to helping others and putting others before ourselves. We are to be an example for others. We are to lead strongly and show a true expression of serving. As leaders, we are to show our love for Christ and focus on him while staying focused on the task we are given. Growing with others is also a strong focus on Christian leadership. We are to not only help and encourage others to grow in our faith but also focus on our relationship with God as well. During servant leadership, it can be hard to get caught up in the moment and mainly focus on power. Every so often, we need to have a heart check to see where we are at with our faith from serving as a leader to others.

Jesus set a path for us to follow since from the moment we were conceived. He was designated for every single person on Earth. While Jesus is God, Jesus has done several things for us that tell us that we should follow him. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He surrendered his own life in the Gospel of John. Even though he was the strongest in power during his time, he still had a mission to serve. We see a significant sign of leadership in John 13:1-17. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Jesus had much power that could not compare to any other leader on Earth. He had the power to drive out demons and send them away. He was able to heal the sick and raise people from the sick. For example, he raised Lazarus from the dead and cured the blind man. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He has set so many examples for us. He is a model for leadership. He taught the disciples and helped them grow in their skills. Every day, Jesus is teaching us new things. He is helping us with our skills. By helping us in our skills and teaching us new things, he is leading us down the path he has planned for us.

In conclusion, throughout the four Gospels, Jesus displays servant leadership. Jesus is the Son of God and had a high power standing in his time. He had a purpose to come to serve on Earth. He served his followers and entrusted them to follow in his footsteps. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He died for us to be free of our sins. That is the ultimate leadership. Jesus wants us to follow in his leadership and be an example to others. “Love one another as I have loved you.” That is the greatest commandment of all and we are to use that as a base for our leadership. We are to live our lives as Christ did.

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Jesus Christ And Leadership. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Jesus Christ And Leadership.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
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