Joan Of Arc's Legacies for Today's Society

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Joan Of Arc was a very significant person in medieval times as she led the French to victory at a very young age. Her commitment to religion and fighting for women’s rights have changed the future for many all over the world.

Joan of arc was born on the January 6th, 1412 in Lorraine, France. Joan of Arc came from a poor farming family. She was not taught to read or write, but her mother formed a deep love for the Catholic Church and its teachings. It was said since she was born she began to have mystical visions encouraging her to lead a religious life.

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Joan of Arc played an important role in medieval society. She helped to structure women's rights and fighting in a major war. In 1429, at age 18 Joan of Arc led the French army to victory over the English. During the medieval society, women had no rights to fight with an army and there was almost no chance of them leading an army to fight for their country until Joan of Arc came around. She later became A national heroine of France. She had many different personal qualities during battle such as bravery, her bravery can be seen as she quotes,“ I am not afraid... I was born to do this”. This quote is showing her self beliefs that she was acting and guided by God. The English believed she was a witch and captured her and put her on trial for heresy. She was later burnt her on the stake for heresy. Her final achievement came 500 years after she died when she was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint on May 16, 1920.

Joan of Arc has left her mark on many people in several different ways. One of the most important legacies she left behind is the Bible's teachings of 'with God, all things are possible'. Her deep devotion and a strong connection to God guided her in what she went on to achieve. She stood up for her beliefs and this is evident when she stated: “I would rather die than do something which I know to be a sin or to be against God's will”. Another legacy that she left behind was for the equal rights for woman. In medieval times woman fighting in a war was unheard of but Joan of Arc did not let gender stand in the way of what she wanted to achieve. This continues to be relevant in today society as a woman are still fighting for gender equality.

The story of Joan of Arc teaches us the importance of faith and perseverance as she was a very significant person during medieval times. She is remembered for her plight to stay devout to her faith and beliefs.

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Joan Of Arc’s Legacies for Today’s Society. (2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Joan Of Arc’s Legacies for Today’s Society.” Edubirdie, 25 Aug. 2022,
Joan Of Arc’s Legacies for Today’s Society. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Joan Of Arc’s Legacies for Today’s Society [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 25 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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