ABSTRACT “All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them.” Juvenile delinquency is a serious problem and it is detrimental for the social order of nation. This problem is viewed as a socio-legal category invented in conjunction with the juvenile court; as a label applied to youth at the end of a chain...
Theories of social deviance and concepts about the causes of crime are some of the most important pieces of literature in today's society. Without these explanations for crime commission, there would be no way to try and prevent it. The theories of General Strain and Social Disorganization both seek to understand the reasoning behind deviance and delinquency. These concepts have...
According to the United States Constitution, the sixth amendment provides citizens with the right to a “speedy and public trial” accompanied by “legal counsel”. When being tried by a jury, there are many legal factors being accounted for. But, in “Race, Socioeconomic Status and Sentencing in the Juvenile Justice System”, Terrence B. Thornberry, Ph.D. in criminal justice, claims there are...
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The most significant challenge impacting the juvenile justice system in the United States is substance abuse, specifically the use of hard drugs like cocaine, meth, and similar substances. In this essay I will focus mostly on the Luisa Cutting case from earlier this year. I will then compare it to Brenda Spencer’s case as in both cases the crimes were...
In our textbook, Christopher A. Mallett defines delinquency as “the ongoing committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, normally younger than 18 years of age”. Delinquent behavior can come in all shapes and sizes and can range from minor violations like skipping school all the way up to more serious crimes like burglary and assault. There are...
Abstract In this generation, temptation among youth is higher than ever. It is easy for kids to fall into this trap due to easy access around them. The number of youth involved in juvenile crime in the past years has increased immensely. The purpose of this research paper is to figure out the main causes of why the number has...
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Introduction to Labeling Theory and Its Sociological Significance The labeling theory says that people become classified and alter their behaviors in courses that echo how others seem to label them. The theory is the most commonly categorized with sociology for crime along with deviance. Labeling and considering someone as criminally deviant can promote and support deviant behavior. For example, labeling...
Summary The main aim of the current research is to identify the main factors of juvenile delinquency among the youths in Malta. Statistics show that the Juvenile delinquency rate in Malta is continuously increasing and it is important to know from where it is originating. If the factors will be known, then it will be easier for authorities and professionals...
Introduction Juvenile crime and violence are pressing issues that continue to challenge societies worldwide. The root causes of these problems are multifaceted, involving an interplay of various factors. Among these, socioeconomic conditions have been identified as critical determinants. The economic environment in which a juvenile is raised can significantly impact their likelihood of engaging in criminal activities. Factors such as...
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Juvenile delinquency is a problem we are beginning to face every day. “In 2014, almost 975,000 youths reached juvenile court for delinquency.” Therefore it is a big problem. But to solve a problem, we have to know the cause of it. A few causes are substance abuse, economic problems, and parental involvement. Although they are all serious contributors; the one...
Juvenile delinquency, as we know it today, is a relatively recent concept. This does not mean, however, that young people in the past were more compliant than they are today. The American juvenile justice system has developed over the past century with a number of differences that distinguish it from the adult criminal justice process. Juvenile justice advocates supported the...
In the United States there are about 75 million juveniles and 1 out 9 of them are at risk of becoming delinquents. A juvenile is a young person that is, in the eyes of the law, someone who is under the legal adult age, which is 18 in most states but they go on to vary from state to state....
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Suspending young people from school for bad behaviour, rather than keeping them there, could push them into a life of crime, reports Galilee School staff. Numerous studies confirm that juvenile delinquency is related to academic achievement and other school-related variables (Siegel Welsh & Senna, 2006), and Galilee School staff agree that many of the underlying causes of their students’ delinquent...
Abstract There has always been an increase in cases of crimes among children under the age of 18 years. This trend led to more discussions, which include the causes and impacts it has in society. Psychologists and other scholars were involved in the development of theories that described how children ended up breaking the law. One of them is Robert...
Juvenile Delinquency has evolved overtime, leading to new found crimes and punishments within the system. Delinquency is primarily dominate in young adolescents transitioning into their adult life. It is the act of unlawful behavior that is specifically fulfilled by minors- mostly individuals start under the legally issued age in America. Surprisingly, “A significant proportion of U.S. national crime rate trends...
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The focus on Juvenile Delinquency or Youth Offending behaviour has been a recurrent issue that has dominated public and political discourses around the world (Baligar, 2014 & Farrington-Douglas & Durante, 2009), with its origins being traced back to London’s Report of the Committee for Investigating the Causes of the Alarming Increase in Juvenile Delinquency in the Metropolis in the 1800s...
Juvenile delinquency is defined as “failure to follow the law by a young person or group, the act which labels young people as deviant or delinquent” (Open University, 2020). Since Juvenile Delinquency is multifaceted, this essay will look at two social science approaches, sociological and psychological, to understand juvenile delinquency whilst reviewing the similarities and differences between these approaches. On...
Juvenile delinquency has always been considered as a psychological problem rather than a legal challenge which it particularly is. The question though remains, how can it be solved? Juvenile delinquency also known as “juvenile offending” is the situation where the minors engage in illegal activities. Juveniles are the young people who are below the age of the majority as the...
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Introduction The best way to ensure that there is a decline in juvenile offending is by making effective drug treatment a priority. Drug and substance use are common among the juvenile offenders, and it relates to the likelihood of crime in adulthood. It is possible for individuals to embrace the use of drug treatment to ensure there is a decline...
Abstract Juvenile Delinquency has been an ongoing phenomenon for years and will unfortunately continue in future years to come. Biosocial theory, social structure theory, and Hirschi’s social bond theory are just a few of many theories that help to explain how and why juveniles engage in delinquent behavior. These theories go in depth on factors that can and cannot be...
Introduction Juvenile delinquency remains a critical concern within the United States, characterized by the involvement of minors in criminal activities. This phenomenon not only disrupts societal harmony but also impedes the potential of young individuals to contribute positively to their communities. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, thousands of juveniles are arrested annually, highlighting the urgency...
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Abstract This criminal justice research paper is an analysis of the family dynamics affecting juvenile delinquency. This paper will analyze the most pressing problems facing teenagers today. It will show the correlation of traditional opposite sex parents and non-traditional same-sex parents and what role or influence it has on or in the lives of adolescents. The difference between child abuse...
Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency and Single-Parent Challenges There were nearly 48,000 juveniles in which were incarcerated on any given day in the United States in 2019. In today’s society, delinquency is almost glorified between adolescents and is seen as being socially acceptable. These young people do not think about how it will affect them later in life, therefore it is...
Before we go full speed into this topic, we might need to take a quick look at what juvenile delinquency is. A juvenile is someone who's considered to be young and not fully developed, and delinquency simply means misconduct, when you add these two words together, it should make sense. Juvenile delinquency is when a young person, who's not yet...
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Juvenile Delinquency is a major problem in the United States. Many of our youth are participating in illicit activities to gain something, whether it is money, popularity, etc. Parenting styles have a major effect on a child’s decision to participate in delinquent behaviors. A sense of family is most important for the development of socialization for children, teenagers, and young...
Abstract To combat juvenile delinquency, we must look at the people who are deeply affected by it the worst. The reasons why juvenile delinquency occurs in high-income areas are different from the reasons why juvenile delinquency occurs in low-income areas. The ways family, police and school handle those situations vary as well. So, if the reasons why re different and...
Introduction S.E. Hinton's novel The Outsiders, published in 1967, is an iconic portrayal of adolescent struggles and the socio-economic divides that influence youth behavior. The novel centers on two rival groups, the Greasers and the Socs, exploring themes of identity, belonging, and conflict. Amidst these themes, the novel delves into the lives of juvenile delinquents, particularly through the lens of...
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Introduction The juvenile justice system is a specific component of the judiciary that processes cases of youth aged 18 years and below accused of involvement in delinquency or criminal acts. There exist multiple similarities between the system and the adult justice system, especially the mode of executing the process. The processes involved include arrest, detainment, petitions, hearings, adjudications, dispositions, placement,...
The programs available within my community that I was able to locate are as follows, Jubilee Centre – Safe Bed Crisis Support, Justice Support Services through the Canadian Mental Health Association and then through the local North Eastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services, there’s Youth Justice Committees, Attendance Centers, Community Support Teams, Residential Programs, a Restorative Justice program and bullying...
Introduction The Bible, as a foundational text for many, offers insights into various aspects of human life, including moral and ethical behavior. Given its comprehensive nature, one might ponder whether the Bible addresses modern-day issues such as juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency, defined as the participation in illegal behavior by minors, is a growing concern globally, prompting communities and scholars alike...