Language And Ideology

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This paper deals with so many things related to language ideology. The term “ideology” has always been accompanied by its association as it is obvious in its dictionary meaning as ‘a system of ideas, ideals especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy’ Recently, there has been a lot of effort to explore a notorious issue of ideology. This paper aims at exploring the relationship between ideology and language in terms of Contrastive Discourse Analysis (CDA). Chomsky's view and further more will be discussed in this paper.

Ideology is a set of beliefs and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

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Ideology assumes a basic job in forming or shaping the language. Regardless of this, next to no examination has been attempted to intently look at this wonder and the relationship it has on the genuineness, legitimacy and authenticity of language, which conveys an ideological stamp. While enthusiasm for the job of philosophy has been inspected in different subject matters and data exchange, investigate stays insufficient in language. The unpredictability of this wonder, its effect and suggestions for clear correspondence call for further investigation.

As individuals have various perspectives, every individual, however once in a while shares same ideas for all intents and purpose with others, takes a gander at and sees things in an unexpected way. Truth be told, this normal dissimilarity among individuals can every so often be liable to specific impacts which may drive them clear towards one single heading to shape a self-ruling gathering that shares same ideological principles impossible to miss to that gathering. As needs be, the point at which this shows up, a condition of contention or conflict with different gatherings who have disagree thoughts and tendencies might be available. Because of this conflict among those gatherings, the belief systems of everyone can be viewed as false principles and mentalities that are inborn in the brains of the other

As per Williams (1976), advocates of specific social frameworks, for example, the proletarians or the average have their own philosophies and their own frameworks of thoughts suitable to each class. An efficient group of thoughts, sorted out from a specific perspective . As indicated by the meaning of philosophy above, belief system is orderly and intentional which is constrained by excellence of keeps an eye one's watchfulness, mindset, which finds certain tracks that decide what humans look like at things, think about things, judge things, and draw their inner conflict demeanors throughout everyday life. Thus, individuals see and view things distinctively relying upon the thoughts put away in their brains, which decide how they need to treat things.

A nearby take a gander at the above definition may cause one to trust that any individual who has a place with any social gathering may have similar ideas and convictions with others of a similar society. This maintains anybody on the off chance that we consider the similitude's among individuals as far as culture, religion, and the political connection. Along these lines, philosophy is shared convictions and conventions among specific social gatherings and that feeling of correspondence offers capacity to the belief system of those gatherings when they are the prevailing forces in any general public.

From the Islamic perspective, belief system and religion don't reject one another: ideological realities are religious facts and the other way around. Islamic researchers have asserted that there is no distinction between the Islamic and the ideological). For an Islamist an announcement like, 'The thoughts of the decision class are in each age the decision thoughts, i.e., the class which is the decision material power of society, is in the meantime its decision scholarly power' (Marx and Engels, 1974: 64) ought to be good for nothing.

The positive picture of belief system in Islam can be comprehended from the way that the most persuasive Islamic researchers of the twentieth century have contended that Islam isn't a religion, however a philosophy. For instance Islam ought not be known as a religion, yet a belief system. These Islamic researchers originated from the Indian subcontinent. The Egyptian Hasan al Bana's2 plan of Islamic philosophy has roused pretty much every Islamic political development on the planet since the early many years of the twentieth century: 'The Quran is our constitution, the Prophet is our Guide; demise for the brilliance of Allah is our most noteworthy aspiration'

Ideology is a lot of thoughts which emerge from a given arrangement of material interests. In this way, individuals who share similar interests, convictions, and culture may have certain standards of reasoning which serve them to accomplish those interests and build up the bases of their reality sees. This remains constant in the event that one considers that the expression 'belief system' is connected, as it were, to man's thoughts and musings. As individuals have various perspectives, every individual, however some of the time shares same thoughts for all intents and purpose with others, takes a gander at and sees things in an unexpected way). Truth be told, this regular uniqueness among individuals can once in a while be liable to specific impacts, which may drive them clear towards one single bearing to shape a self-sufficient gathering that shares same ideological fundamentals impossible to miss to that gathering. In like manner, when this shows up, a condition of contention or conflict with different gatherings who have contradict thoughts and tendencies might be available. The belief systems of everyone can be viewed as false conventions and frames of mind that are intrinsic in the brains of the other. Defenders of specific social frameworks, for example, the proletarians or the common have their very own philosophies and their very own frameworks of thoughts fitting to each class. As he clarifies, one belief system can be viewed as right and dynamic against another philosophy and that the belief system of others, which speaks to the belief system of the opposite side; in spite of being valid, articulation of their interests, is, for the other party, false. Inability to understand this created philosophy: a topsy turvy adaptation of the real world.' belief system as 'a precise group of thoughts, composed from a specific perspective'.

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Language And Ideology. (2022, February 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
“Language And Ideology.” Edubirdie, 18 Feb. 2022,
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