Liberalism Essay Examples

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“War made the state, and the state made war”, this cyclical representation of war and peace presented by Charles Tilly is a defining feature of international relations (IR). By using theory in this discipline, the recurring theme of war and peace amongst states can again be expanded upon. Realism and liberalism are two core theoretical concepts in IR which attempt to provide a conceptual framework in which themes like this can be examined. Realism focuses on power politics and the...
3 Pages 1486 Words
Governments need to be held accountable to ensure that they don’t overstep their mandate and encroach on civil and individual liberties. A political ideology that best achieves this (holding governments accountable) is liberalism. A political ideology is a combination of ideals, principles, and doctrines that guide a social movement and political activity in a community. The concept of ‘best’ as it is indicated in this paper’s thesis, indicates a political ideology that offers the most optimal benefits to the community...
2 Pages 995 Words
The Great Society was the name for Johnson's domestic agenda (analogous to FDR's New Deal). It demonstrated the height of liberal policymaking in the post-World War II era. Unlike the New Deal, it occurred during a time of prosperity for most Americans. By the end of Johnson's presidency, the liberal Great Society was undergoing criticism from both the Right and the Left. In 1963, President Lyndon Johnson attended a joint meeting of Congress and vowed to ensure economic opportunities and...
1 Page 582 Words
‘Why Liberalism Failed’ provides insight to the beliefs of author Patrick Deneen. Deneen is a political philosophy and constitutional studies professor at Notre Dame, believing that liberalism has failed by succeeding. He believes the contradicting principles have allowed our citizens to take on individualistic beliefs and therefore succeeding in that sense, however this fails to unite the nation and produce an effective, long-term result in American society. Inspired by today’s governmental and societal structure, Deneen wrote this book to call...
2 Pages 992 Words
The terms ‘socialism’ and liberalism’ are used a lot nowadays, and many people often mistake one for the other. In order to differentiate between these two terms, one must keep in mind the clear-cut differences by defining the prevailing ideology of each term. The tenets of socialism assert that the state should wield total economic power by manipulating prices of goods and wages of workers. Furthermore, socialism requires people to submit to the rule of law. In return for their...
1 Page 495 Words
“Modern English Conservatism was mostly birthed out of coalition between classical Liberals and Social Conservatives in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century”. It contains the constellation of governmental ideologies including Fiscal ideology, free exchange or economical Liberalism, party Conservatism, ideology, Bio-Conservatism, and Religious Conservatism, also as help for a strong military, small government, and state rights. Liberalism is frequently contrasted with Conservatism, but these two are non-diametrically opposed. Liberal emphasis on individual liberty contrasts with conventional Conservatives which support...
1 Page 593 Words
International Relations Political events have always been quite complex and just one theoretical approach cannot explain why they occur their impacts or their consequences. The only way to have a better understanding is by putting together all the theories and seeing the wider picture. That is the reason why Liberalism and Constructivism are the theories that better explain contemporary global politics, as they are the ones that take into account more reasons and approaches to why political affairs are the...
4 Pages 1991 Words
International Political Economy The international political economy is the convergence of political and economic powers to produce a particular set of forces and dynamics in the world. The contemporary global system can be explained through three theoretical paradigms of Liberalism, Mercantilism, and Marxism. They are essential in understanding the characteristics of the economic system and the challenges it faces. This essay will explore the fundamental political and economic ideas or assumptions that underpin each of the key theoretical perspectives as...
5 Pages 2398 Words
Globalization is a phenomenon which encompasses the idea and act of dramatic or gradual changes in a certain nation. These changes are meant to affect the actors in the society, for the very reason that it is them who has the capability to permit the said changes. In this hypothetical view of writing, it will focus on one of the effects of globalization, and that is the economic liberalism. Economic liberalism is a practice in a society which focuses on...
4 Pages 1855 Words
If there is no one in a position of power in the world how can that lead to total peace? By its definition, international anarchy refers to the world not having anyone in any position of power or not having any kind of authority or world government. This means that if the world would be in a state of anarchy, then no country and its citizens would have to follow any strict rules or laws and it would not have...
2 Pages 821 Words
In a beer hall in Munich, a mesmerizing public speaker addressed the issues troubling the German people with a furious passion, calling for a new order to replace what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient liberal democratic regime run by an economic elite that was not translating the will of the people into action and had brought humiliation to a proud people. In the new Germany, all citizens would unselfishly serve the state or Volk; democracy would be abolished,...
6 Pages 2956 Words
Research Paper In this essay, I am going to discuss different theories of government such as liberalism and communism. I am going to go into depth on how these theories operate as well as discuss how these theories affect societies. I will also go into depth on how these theories operate and also provide critique on what is wrong with them. I am often going to use examples of past or present governments that practice these theories and how it...
7 Pages 2976 Words
1. John Locke: The Father of Liberalism English philosopher John Locke's works are considered the foundation of modern philosophical empiricism, political liberalism, and the early age of enlightenment. Locke’s ideas were used as the basis for the revolution of the English colonies in North America. It is posited that philosophy is often a reflection of personal disposition and life circumstances. Locke was deeply involved in the political affairs of his country which no doubt influenced his philosophical work. John Locke...
5 Pages 2448 Words
Despite the common narrative of a conservative ascendancy in the 1970s, the decade also saw continued radical activism and resistance to bring about great reform in American society. Although the 1970s saw a conservative ascendency in electoral politics, ultimately leading to the consequential election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the decade also saw expanded, intensified, and often successful protest efforts bred by broader action and the continued endeavor for civil rights and liberal objectives. Ultimately, the 1970s was encompassed by...
4 Pages 2009 Words
The comparison between Realism and Liberalism Introduction When considering realism and liberalism in terms of international relations both these theories can be regarded as useful. However, these two theories can be used as tools for exploring and explaining what are the subjects. According to Bayliss and Smith (2005:186) Realism as a theory is the “natural party of government and Liberalism (as) the leader of the opposition”. The purpose of this essay is to distinguish between realism and liberalism and apply...
5 Pages 2365 Words
First, let me introduce and explain to you the meaning of free speech. Free speech means independent thought, free thinking and delivering our opinion or thinking in front of people, parties or government without any fear. Where people have right to worshiping, writing and speaking their own ideas in all fields of life (Machan, 2010). The paper will argue that the liberal parties oppose the free speech right in the Constitution and have provided more rights of freedom for worshiping,...
2 Pages 992 Words
It was a bright day in June, and the clocks were striking thirteen. The Ministry of Truth had spoken, and all things that did not kneel before The Party, or fit with the ‘new truth’, were to be discarded. Statues of historical importance, books, and monuments to The Glorious Dead; nothing was safe if they no longer met the ideals approved by the new Thinkpol, Black Lives Matter (BLM), the militant and thuggish arm of the ‘liberal left’. What had...
3 Pages 1242 Words
Gun control is a divisive issue that has sparked intense debates within the political landscape. The perspectives of liberals and conservatives on this matter diverge significantly, reflecting their fundamental beliefs and values. This essay delves into the differences between liberals and conservatives regarding gun control, highlighting their respective arguments, stances, and underlying ideologies. Thesis Statement The debate over gun control reveals contrasting viewpoints between liberals, who advocate for stricter regulations to enhance public safety, and conservatives, who emphasize the importance...
1 Page 558 Words
The idea of liberalism appeared in 17th century, it was the western philosophy based on political sight of enlightenment and got prominent in the era of enlightenment only. The liberal education stemmed from the idea of liberalism which perpetuated beliefs of having equal rights, freedom, liberty and autonomy by men. The idea is strongly influenced by the notion of governing yourself with very less intervention of government and by Kant’s notion of moral autonomy. Different philosophers have their adaptation, critiques,...
5 Pages 2180 Words
Populism has emerged as a prominent feature of liberal-democratic political landscapes across the world . These populist surges have drawn significant impact on the systems they gained traction against, and many have questioned whether populism threatens or strengthens liberal-democracy. This potentially ambiguous relationship drawn between populism and liberal-democracy has been connected to the duality within the concept of liberal-democracy itself, with its two-strand model outlining both a liberal pillar and a classically democratic pillar. Given this account, liberal-democracy can be...
3 Pages 1473 Words
The main arguments of John Mearsheimer relied on the development, nature and fate of liberal hegemonic order. He is a well-known ‘offensive realist’ and his central argument relied mainly on the long-standing intention of creating the world in the American image through liberal thoughts and institutional arrangements. The concept of liberal democracy started with two fundamental assumptions about human nature, care about the social nature of individuality. It stands with the solution of individual rights, norms of tolerance and having...
2 Pages 927 Words
Neoliberalism is a policy model that tends to bridge politics, economics and social studies. The ideology of Neo-liberalism emphasizes on free market competition and capitalism that moves away from government regulation, spending or public ownership. This ideology was identified in 1980’s during the conservative governments of Ronald Reagan in the US and Margret Thatcher in the UK (Harp 2010). It is commonly associated with seeking a middle ground between the far right and the leftists. It supports free trade, minimal...
3 Pages 1393 Words
Liberal, Marxist, and nationalist perspectives are often described as contrary to one another in their beliefs of the relationship between the individual and society. In this essay, I will show that through these differences, though with slight underlying agreements, liberalism has been the most successful in predicting a relationship between the individual and society. I will first explore each of their basic, normative, understandings of human nature; then how society will, foundationally, organize in line with these basic understandings; and...
4 Pages 1585 Words
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